"You did good, today, Doktor."

The Medic glanced up, looking at the Heavy in one of the beds in the infirmary. He grunted, not at all agreeing with his good friend. They lost the scout—as in literally lost him, no one had any clue where he was dead or alive. They lost their intelligence. And he almost lost Heavy. No, today he had not done good at all. But the Russian man repeated it loudly, as if he was afraid the Medic was deaf. "Bah," he started, looking up from his paperwork at the desk at Heavy before replying insistently, "Nein!"

"Da," the Heavy countered with a grin, "I am alive. You did well!" It was like he was talking to Sasha or his sandvich. The Medic headed over to check on Heavy's status, looking under the gauze that was wound about his torso and arms. Just as he was peeking under the last of the bandages he felt Heavy's hand suddenly landing on top of his head, the weight of it alone made Medic stumble, his head nearly colliding with Heavy's stomach, but he managed to catch himself in time. It was just a friendly touch. They were closer than anyone else on the team after all. "Scout will be fine," he said, tousling the German man's hair before returning his arm to the bed, smiling up at the other optimistically, "He is a quick, itty-bitty man." Medic nodded, pulling the covers back over Heavy. He had had to remove the man's shirt to get to his wounds. Unlike what the Spy said, most of the Heavy's large stature was due to pure muscle. It was quite an exquisite sight, but one that Medic tried not to marvel at. "Thank you, Doktor!" he said as he felt the blanket being pulled back up, "You are great doktor!" Medic smiled, knowing his friend was just trying to cheer him up after such an awful day.

After a moment, Medic replied, "Danke." He patted Heavy's hand, not at all convinced that everything was all right or even secure in his abilities anymore. He let his Heavy get hurt! But it was best to just agree with the man and return to his paper work. "You vill be fine," he told Heavy, which seemed to just give the Russian more reason to rejoice, "You vill need to rest for a few days."

"Doktor.." the Heavy started, "I am hungry." Nodding, the Medic stood from his table and exited the room, only to come back a few minutes later, the item in his hand causing Heavy's eyes to light up with joy. "Sandvich!" he said, delighted as he held his hands out for the sandwich, "I love this doctor!" He looked around, wanting to tell the world how amazing his Medic was, but only he and the Medic were there. So instead he chose to eat his sandwich loudly, quiet happy to have it.

He spent the rest of the day there with Heavy, knowing how stir crazy the Heavy would get having to just lie there. But when night fell, he returned to his room, still not at all happy about the day's events. He'd almost let his Heavy die because he let wasn't paying enough attention. The BLU Pyro got too close, blasted him apart from his Heavy in the midst of their battle in BLU territory. That was around the time that their Scout went missing too.

The RED Medic took a shower, attempting to clear his mind. They had another mission in a few days, he needed to focus on getting the Heavy better and to recollect himself before the next mission. The German was too distracted to notice his room's door opening all by itself before shutting with a small click. He had no knowledge that another was sitting in his room as he returned with a towel around his waist, fumbling around to retrieve his glasses off of his dresser where he had left them. The room was bare, a small bed and a dresser were the only furniture items in it along with an overhead light that the Medic chose to leave off, letting the light from the bathroom illuminate the room as he fumbled about to retrieve his clothing. He didn't hear the soft footsteps approaching him.

It was only when arms wrapped about his body that Medic became aware that someone was there. "Mon ami," he felt the hot breath against his ear, "You are very tense.." That French accent, it was thicker than normal. Medic relaxed against the Spy, shutting his eyes. "You look troubled.." the Frenchman continued, lips pressing against the German man's jaw, nudging the flesh with his masked nose.

These encounters had become commonplace for the Medic and the Spy. It was why the Medic denied himself the pleasure of admiring Heavy. Whether or not the Spy considered him as a lover as well was unknown to the Medic. Perhaps the Spy had just started coming to him for physical comfort. It did get lonely after all, and perhaps that was why the Medic didn't refuse the Spy or question the other man's intentions with this 'relationship.' He turned around, watching as the Spy uncloaked. The man didn't have a cigarette in his mouth, but that was only because of the nature of his visit. He had better things to do, such as pressing his lips against the Medic's, his tongue winding into the other man's mouth. "Perhaps I should 'elp you..relax," he breathed out after ravaging the Medic's mouth. The German man only managed to nod in response. "Mon beau, you 'ave been spending too much time with ze morbidly obese pig today," the Spy murmured, unhappily as he tugged at the towel about his Medic's waist. It only took two fingers to loosen it and the towel fell quickly to the ground, leaving the Medic feeling quite bare in front of his still dressed Spy.

He pushed the Medic down toward the dresser, ignoring, the Medic's cries of disapproval: "But ze bed is right over zhere!"

-Author's Note-

This is my first fanfic in forever. But oh my gosh, even before I started playing TF2 last week I fell in love with its characters and whatnot (thanks to Halolz).

I totally ship Heavy and Medic. Mostly because I don't want to play anything but Medic most of the time haha. Where's my Heavy? But I quite like Spy and Medic too.. mmm. The Spy is a dashing rogue!

Sorry if the accents are a little off, I'm not used to writing them in.

I'd really appreciate reviews! Thanks :D Perhaps I will get back into writing fanfictions depending on how this goes over.. This will not be a oneshot!..unless there's no interest in it haha -_-;;

And gosh, it was hard finding a title for this.
Anyone want to be my beta reader for the future of this story?