-Chapter 1-

"Hey! Andrew!!! Do you mind getting me a… milkshake?" Serena asked, happily in her own little world.

"Chocolate?" Andrew replied in his cheerful attitude.

"What else would she have?" Darien walked in the arcade just moments after she'd ordered.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Means you're gonna turn into a giant blimp one of these days."

"You jerk!"

"Meatball head."

"I DON'T HAVE MEATBALLS ON MY HEAD!!! If I did, they would've been eaten already!"

"Yeah, by you."

"AAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!" Serena stormed out of the arcade, her good mood suddenly vanishing. 'Just who does he think he is?! Calling me a meatball head like that... HE HAS NO RIGHT!!! NO RIGHT I THINK!!! I should just wait for his apology. But, then again, when has he ever cared enough to apologize?' she thought. She hobbled down about three blocks before it hit her. 'Oh my gosh!!! I WILL BE A BLIMP IF I KEEP THIS UP!!! LOOK AT ME I'M FAT!!!' She poked her stomach only to find that it was squishy. "Ohhhh... He was right!" She continued to poke. "I'm gonna be HUGE!!!! GAH!!! I''m just being paranoid, that's all. I hope."

"Hey, meatball head! Why're you talking to yourself? Don't have anything better to do?" Darien shouted from the arcade.

Serena, not too far down heard his comment and shouted back, "Oh, yeah?! I've plenty of things better to do than sitting around wasting my life TALKING TO YOU!!!"

"The only thing you were right about is the part where you said your life was wasting away!"

Tears stung her eyes.

Darien shut the door right before he heard his name being screamed to the heavens. "DDDDAAAARRRIIIEEEEENNNNN!!!!!!!!!"

'Yep! Nobody does that better than her!' he thought, satisfied with himself.

Serena ran down the street furious. Suddenly, though, she felt the ground shake and a nearby car was thrown into the air. She dodged it right before it could hit her. A monster that looked like a tooth fairy on steroids sprung up from the ground below. "Well, hello! I'm with the Negaverse. I'll be with you shortly, dear!" it said to Serena. Various objects were thrown at her. She dodged most of them. But when a window was thrown at her, it hit her head on, shattering from the force of the impact. Serena's arms were cut up in several different places, making it impossible for her to transform into Sailor Moon. Her arms otherwise useless, she could only run from the Negaverse monster, which she called: the "Tooth Fairy".

Darien felt the ground shake and went outside to look around, but Serena had already run off, leaving behind a mess. While Darien was busy investigating the mess, Serena got trapped at an intersection and turned back the other way. She ran right past Darien without even noticing him. He saw her and shout for her to get back (as though she wasn't already trying to do so), but her focus was elsewhere. The "Tooth Fairy" spotted Darien and lunged for him, obviously knowing he was Tuxedo Mask.

Darien was suddenly shielded, though, by a girl with long blonde hair and what looked like two meatballs sitting atop her head. Darien was too shocked to speak.

"I-I refuse to let you get innocent people involved in this!" she struggled to speak, but managed those words.

The Tooth Fairy tossed her across the street and turned its attention back to Darien.


"You dare?!?!?!"


Darien's life was saved by these two comments. The tooth fairy charged at Serena and she ran once again, but found herself getting beaten in this little race. Perhaps she went too far this time... She had to turn around and run back towards Darien. She was currently trying to tire out the creature.


She ran past Darien, who couldn't do a thing because everyone was watching him and Serena. Many sharp objects were being thrown at her again. This time, a knife was jammed into her side, making it excruciating to even lift a leg, much less move, much less run... She stumbled, but hastened to get back up and run some more. She took out the knife. Big mistake... Blood was gushing from her wound (as it was a butcher knife that was thrown). She was unknowingly starting to run in slightly zigzag lines.

"I-I refuse to let you get innocent people involved in this!" These words echoed in Darien's mind. It all happened so fast it confused him. 'How does she know this thing?!' he kept thinking. He watched her run with a slight limp to her step. Had something happened to her?

Serena ran but tripped in front of Darien. "D-Darien! Get out of here! You h-have to get to safety!" She got up and literally dragged him to what she thought would make a safe place.

"Serena, what's happening?"

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't involve you and that's all you need to know."

Before she could dash back out, a crate came flying towards the pair. Serena stood up and sheilded Darien from the indirect attack. She dropped to her knees, but didn't drop to the ground entirely.


"I'm fine." she said, struggling to get back on her feet.

"No you aren't!"

"It doesn't matter, anyways. Stay here. That's an order from meatball head." she called herself "meatball head" so he would think she was okay.

"Serena..." he said, awe-struck.