Note: I do NOT own Galactik Football!!!


I was snuggling into Rocket's arms, trying to calm my nerves. Everything had come around so fast. This time tomorrow, I would be a married woman to the man of my dreams.

'Cold feet?' Rocket joked but I could hear the worried tone in his voice.

'No. You?' I questioned but didn't even bother trying to hide the worried tone in my voice.

'No,' he said confidently and kissed me. Right now we were waiting on Mei and the other girls to come so they could kick Rocket out because I couldn't. The girls were bringing whatever stuff over for tomorrow for me and Rocket was spending the night in his parents' house which meant that the next time we saw each other, I would be walking down the aisle and even though that thought made me happy, I still didn't want him to go. Finally, we broke away when we heard the doorbell form downstairs.

'I know I won't get a chance to say this to you later so I'm saying it now…I love you,' I informed him.

'I love you too,' he replied and leaned in to kiss me again but a barking Hannah jumped in between us before he could as she was trying to tell us someone was at the door. 'See you down the aisle?' he asked as we got out of the bed and began to walk, hand-in-hand to answer the door.

'Oh yeah,' I said confidently before he grabbed his stuff and kissed me goodbye. Two minutes later, the girls ran up the stairs and we all began to chatter about what tomorrow would be like…

I was pacing around the room, a nervous-wreck and I was beginning to get on Mei's nerves.

'Tia, he's out there. I saw him just two minutes ago so please calm down!' she begged, aggravated.

'Calm down?! I'm getting married in less than ten minutes to Rocket! The most amazing person to have ever entered my life and I'm marrying him! And you expect me to calm down?!' I exclaimed, starting to panic. I had tried to control my breathing but I hadn't gotten very far and I was beginning to feel faint so I sat down. I honestly didn't know why I was panicking. Rocket and I were so good together; we were destined to spend our lives together. Boy, I was so nervous I was beginning to sound like D'Jok. I was forced to release me nerves when my Dad walked in.

'You look stunning sweetheart. He is very lucky,' he commented. 'It's time,' he said excitedly and I took a deep breath before linking on to his arm and stepping into the next step in my life with Rocket; the one person I love more than anything…

Rocket POV

I was nervous. I was really nervous. I was already standing at the altar, well, when I say standing, I mean pacing like hell around the altar which was beginning to really piss D'Jok off. However, I didn't really care.

'Rocket, I was just talking to Mei there. Tia's fine, no cold feet. In fact, she's worried in case you have cold feet,' he informed but that didn't ease off my nerves. I took a look around the church and saw a load of people that had arrived for our big day. My parents and her parents were there, Stella, the team and their parents, Aarch and Adium, Clamp and Dame Simbai, the Pirates, a few players from other teams, Artegor Nexus and a few other people that we knew from growing up and whatever. However, out of all those people, the one that I wanted to see the most was not there. I really wanted to see her. I knew I'd be seeing her soon but I still felt nervous without her there. I discovered I'd be seeing her sooner than I thought when the music started to play and everyone stood up with me turning to the back of the church waiting to see her. Even though I wasn't supposed to move, that didn't stop me from tapping my foot out of nervousness. That all changed however when I saw her.

My nerves were replaced by awe when I saw her. She looked stunning and once again, I felt like I had to slap myself to realise she was mine. The black had gone out of her hair so she was now back to blond and she had curled her hair for the occasion and she looked better than ever. The dress was phenomenal. It was simple yet sophisticated and it looked stunning on her. It went in at the top and showed off her figure nicely and went out at the bottom and the top part had loads of gems making a stunning pattern. She didn't bother with a veil but she was wearing a tiara which went well with her blond hair. I thought she would never get to me but finally, she did. Her Dad gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before I held my arm out and her Dad handed her over to me.

Our eyes were locked firmly throughout the entire ceremony and there were many tears as we said our vows, promising to love each other always. I had never been so happy in my entire life. I realised now that I was worrying earlier over nothing, the ceremony had gone down perfectly without a hitch. Finally, the ceremony was near-over, we had finished saying our vows and most of the tears had dried up (well, with us anyway. Our parents were still in tears!).

'You may now kiss the bride,' the priest said happily and I leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss which neither of us wanted to end but the screams and cheers from the crowd forced us to break apart but we kept each other's grip as we walked back down the aisle as a married couple.

The reception party after was great. Like every other newlyweds; we took turns in shoving cake into each other's faces and I happily removed the garter from a giggling Tia's leg. Uncle Aarch, my Dad and Tia's Dad, D'Jok and even Micro-Ice made a speech and then there were a few more tears but surprisingly not by us.

After the reception, we went down to the club for the dancing part of the day. Our first dance was magical. The song was Tia's favourite song of all time and it is now mine to. It was 'I Don't Want to Miss A Thing' by Aerosmith. Despite everyone around us and us not liking being the centre of attention, we didn't really care and kissed a fair few times with so much passion, it overwhelmed me. After that song was over, we moved around to as many other people and eventually met up again and despite it being a fast song, we were slow dancing.

'Did you have a good day?' I questioned but I knew what her answer was judging by her expression.

'It was perfect. Everything I ever dreamed it would be and more. Thank you,' she thanked me which had me curious. What was she thanking me for?

'For what?' I asked curiously.

'For everything. For everything you've got me. For everything you've done for me. Everything. I love you,' she told me firmly which so much love in her eyes.

'Thank you. I love you to,' I told her firmly and we kiss for about the zillionth time that day. However, our little moment was interrupted by someone coming up beside us.

'Mind if I cut in?' he asked and we broke apart to see who it was, only to be met with eyes that haunted us since he nearly destroyed our lives.


The End…for now…

Ok guys…that's it!!! UDOL is finished…for now anyways!!! Had ideas for a sequel/spinoff so please let me know if you guys want a sequel/spinoff.

First off I want to thank everyone who reviewed. They are:





Angel of Shadow and Snow



Thanks y'all for reviewing and for helping me to keep this story up!!!

I also want to thank everyone who maybe read the story but didn't review.

Finally, a special thanks to Hannah who forced me to continue writing and also inspired Hannah the dog!!! ;)

Thanks again everyone, means a lot!!! And since it's the last chapter… Please review it!!!

Lauren xxx