Does two updates in one day make it better that the last one was shorter?
Enjoy, review, and demand that I update faster.
And do remember characters, and the Revolutionary War to not belong to us. We're just writing this story, just borrowing things to entertain us all.
Alfred rubbed his cheek against Gilbert as he woke slowly. A hum of contentment vibrated in his chest as he opened his eyes. His arm was pinned under something heavy and his legs were entwined with something. He yawned and opened his eyes, wondering where he was. A familiar coat was leaving an imprint on his cheek. With an apprehensive look on his face, he looked up at the face of his teacher. Hopefully he was still asleep...
Gilbert slept on his mouth open slightly. Unknowingly he had snuggled right back into Alfred as he slept. And if it wasn't for the ground absorbing it, left a small puddle of drool right next to the younger male's temple. Years of sleeping on the ground meant easy sleeping for him, years of training left it light. But the exhaustion from the day kept him from responding to the slight movement of the male he was wrapped with, beside who would dare hurt the awesome Prussia in his sleep?
A relieved sigh ghosted past Alfred lips. A glance at the sky told him just how early in the day it was. Dew had collected on their bodies and he shivered lightly as he realized just how underclothed they were. He groaned and pulled away, carefully reclaiming his pinned arm and disentangling their legs. He sat up next to his teacher, wondering what he should do. They were not too far from the tree-shelter, but they were dirty and so were their clothes. And England was still too close for safety. If he remembered the shelter, then Alfred might get captured again.
He shuddered in revulsion. Never again. England was a bastard who just wanted his body. A man who lusted after his young charge. Alfred felt his stomach churn. Arthur had taught him everything. He could have made Alfred do any of that stuff easily when he was a child. But now that he had rebelled... There was no way Arthur would hold back that desire. Not on someone who had betrayed him...
Gilbert blinked awake at Alfred moving. Grumbling he rolled over to sleep again. Despite being wet from the morning dew, cold from little clothing he was still tired. Prussia doubted anyone could sneak up on him, least of all English soldiers. He sighed starting to drift off again, though he remained aware of Alfred sitting there. Like a complete idiot, then again he was woken up to the true Arthur Kirkland just a few hours ago. Must be a bit shocking to the naive lad. Oh well, not his problem.
Alfred looked over at Gilbert, hearing him grumble. He moved to stand... And whimpered as the pain from last night caught up to him, sinking to the ground as agony lanced through his backside. He swallowed, saliva moistening his mouth, and grimaced. His eyes burned from crying. He balled his hands into fists, pressing one to his forehead and biting the other to keep his desire to scream and cry at bay. England. The man who raised him. England wanted to sleep with him. The child he had taken care of and raised... How long until he had come to Alfred and made him do that? Keeping him in the dark about such actions and never desiring to tell him. Alfred shivered in disgust.
"How long until he made me have sex with him?" he whispered sadly, crawling to a tree and dragging himself upright. He clung to the bark as he waited for his mind to beat back the agony. To the creek nearby to wash. Then back to Prussia. Any sign of England and he would flee.
"Idiot" Prussia said aloud uncaring about his volume. Hey the colony was the idiot who took it up the ass multiple times yesterday, from him. The kid really shouldn't be moving at all, much less crawling about in the brush just begging for something or rather someone to come check it out. Gott, the ground was getting more annoying to sleep on knowing Alfred was up and about. Already. He needed to fuck that kid harder next time and perhaps he'd get to sleep in.
Alfred heard something, jumping slightly with nerves. The jostling made him bite his lip to keep from crying out; instead sinking to the ground. He would get washed and soak in the stream. He would have visited some of the natives and gone to a lodge, but they had sided with the lobster backs. He clung to the tree and dragged himself upright, shivering as he realized his appearance. His dirty shirt was open and he was covered in dried semen. And his legs were bare, his pants lying in the clearing back there.
So caught up in his thoughts, he didn't realize he was already there. He stepped off of the bank and his eyes widened in shock. He whooped at the coldness, cut off by his head submerging in the water, and came up spitting and gasping for air. A bit bigger than a creek. But it felt good. He ducked under to get some mud and began running it over his skin to scrub the worst of the grime off. Then he got out to take off his wet shirt and hang it on a branch. It felt so good to clean off all of this muck.
Gilbert glared up at the sky beyond the trees that he could barely see. "Stop being so cheerful, I've got to actually teach the brat something today," he said before sitting up. Quickly he gathered his discarded clothing and put it on. He didn't care that he was muddy. A hand ran though his hair knocking twigs out of it before he proceeded to scratch his chest bits of dried cum falling off. He could just button his clothes and hide the sight until they got somewhere somewhat civilized.
"Can't believe he walked off," He grumbled grabbing Alfred's pants. It wasn't too hard to follow the direction the kid went. So help the blond if he caught him bent over in some small creek somewhere, Gilbert wanted compensation for being left so unawesomely alone this morning.
Alfred loved water, he loved to swim. Arthur had been so frightened before he learned of his charge's ability to swim. Apparently Europeans weren't so fond of water. Not that he cared, holding his breath as he splashed around in the water. Maybe he would try spearing some fish for breakfast. His stomach chose that moment to rumble, making him laugh as he surfaced. He still needed to clean himself off the rest of the way, but he was content to splash around a little longer. He hummed a soft lullaby as he lay in the shallows, light playing on the water beading on his skin. He was glittering in the light, his eyes closed as a soft smile quirked the corners of his lips. How he loved his land...
Gilbert spotted Alfred...laying there. Really? He left his awesome presence to go lay somewhere naked? Still thoroughly annoyed he walked over dropping Alfred's pants in the water next to him. Childish? Yes. Oh well. Gilbert then proceeded to walk off back the direction he had come. He could find the fucking road on his own. From there he'd make it to a town. Alfred better be praying that he was still dedicated to helping him, because this was so not an awesome morning, and really not how he had planned training his student.
Alfred pouted as he picked up his wet pants. That was mean. And where was Gilbert going? The nearest road wasn't for miles. And the nearest town was even further. He collected his stuff and followed after Gilbert, uncaring that he was walking in the nude. He was clean and that's all that counts. No more nasty white stuff sticking to his face and sticking to his clothes as it slides down his legs. Gilbert was so silly and strange...
Gilbert honestly forgot the last time he had been thoroughly lost. If ever. Not that he was minding at the moment, he knew the kid was following. If anything Alfred would stop him before he had to admit he was just walking a single direction. It...actually felt rather good at the moment. Made him homesick... and whatever you'd want to call the yearning for battle. He could really see why Arthur and Francis had fought over this land, the boy not so much, but the land that made him up. Oh yeah. Alfred had greater potential on his own though, not that Gilbert was ever going to say a thing.
Alfred smiled as he followed Gilbert. He could just ask for directions. That's what Arthur did when he needed to get places. But Gilbert just walked around like he owned the place. Alfred shook his head in amusement. This land wasn't his. It was Alfred's. He would learn that soon enough.
"Where are you going?" Alfred finally asked. He was still carrying his clothes in front of him, but he was almost dry now. His hair was the only moisture, dripping clear beads on his skin to roll down his youthful body. He smiled at Gilbert, completely oblivious to how he looked. Why should he notice? He never looked in mirrors or dressed fancy except for his uniforms, "Aren't you trying to get to town?"
Gilbert stopped, "Nooo, I'm trying get away from town. Of course I'm headed to a town!" he snapped crossing his arms. Gott, this was not awesome. He didn't even bother to look back at Alfred knowing the other was highly amused by this. Hell he was amused when others got lost on his lands, and he was training the kid to be awesome like him. Or close... no one could be awesome like him. "Get your ass up next to mine and point the right direction or you thinking you can depend on me to do everything for you? I am not your babysitter."
"You are heading too far west. Turn north about three clicks and you'll be heading the right direction," Alfred purred, leaning against Gilbert with a grin. How far he had fallen since he had first met the silver-haired man. From a shy virgin to a lascivious addict to the pleasures of sex. He couldn't believe he had never known about such things. Even being forced to submit had been an intense experience. His thoughts ran rampant as he thought about it. He smirked and moved to sand in front of Gilbert, "But I think I'd rather do something else right now~"
Gilbert couldn't suppress the shiver that ran though him as Alfred purred. Fuck, he was an awesome teacher. So he hadn't quite ever gotten around into making the boy's... boys into an army of men. But his man was, and Gott help him if they weren't going to beat the pathetic front Arthur was mounting. He reached up grabbing Alfred's chin pulling their faces even. His lips a mere centimeters from the younger male's. "Ooh~? And what might that be?" Prussia purred in response smirking. They'd work on getting to town once Alfred had a good limp again.
"Some fun~" Alfred chirped, kissing Gilbert on the lips before shaking off the hand and trailing light kisses down his face and neck. His fingers worked quickly, unbuttoning the albino's clothes and letting them fall to the ground. He loved looking at the way light played on the pale skin of his teacher. And he wanted to feel the hard length inside of him again. Wanted to feel the warm and soft earth of his homeland as he was fucked mercilessly. He moaned, pulling at Gilbert's breeches in an attempt to move faster.
Prussia chuckled at the eagerness of the nation to be. He happily helped shed his clothes and was rather thankful at the moment that Alfred had opted not to dress in the wet breeches from before. Those would have been a pain to peel off now. His head tilted slightly to give the blond better access to his neck. Quickly he dropped his pants flicking them off elsewhere in the wood. This time he was going to make sure Alfred got dirt in places he never expected, another thank you for this morning and the embarrassing carrying from yesterday.
Alfred whined as he shuddered in excitement. He dropped to his knees and grabbed Gilbert's hips, taking that thick length into his mouth without a second's hesitation. If there was anything he wanted, by god he would get it. And right now, he wanted Gilbert in him. And it if took doing this, then that's what he would do. He was already excited and he didn't want to waste time on this. The sooner Gilbert was excited, the sooner they could have sex. Right?
Gilbert gasped eyes flying open then immediately closing again. Yeah, the kid was a whole lot bolder. A hand rested on Alfred's shoulder the other grabbing at the golden locks twisting violently. Gilbert jerked his hips forward feeling himself quickly coming to a rise. This was a good way to apologize.
Alfred yelped at the sudden pain flaring in his scalp, and the obstruction stifling his cry. His teeth closed before he could control himself, biting down painfully for a moment. He was able to keep from drawing blood or doing worse, but he pulled back to glare up at Prussia.
"Do that again and I won't hold back," he growled. His hackles were raised, but he wasn't about to move in either direction until he saw Prussia's reaction. He may be the younger, but he wasn't going to just be some toy to fuck and toss away. Not until he got what he wanted. And he didn't care if he had to give them both a case of sexual frustration to get it.
Gilbert cursed shoving Alfred away as he bit down. He stepped back checking himself continuing to curse. That had not been what he expected at all. "What the hell kid? You're the one that went down like that!" he yelled rubbing the sore spot, "So you only allow fucking England in your mouth!" Soon as the words were out of his mouth Prussia knew he wasn't getting any now. But hey he was still ticked that Alfred started this than decided to try to take his awesome five meters off. He went to grab back his pants glaring daggers at the blond.
"What the hell does that ass have to do with anything?" Alfred snarled back, "You yanked on my hair damnit! Do you have any idea how much that hurts? It's like having your head smashed through a fucking wall!"
He swore a few more times before turning his back on Prussia and stalking off. The ass could find his own way to town. He would just have to do his best without the stuck up asshole. Russia had shown interest in his little rebellion. He would go to that guy and his queen. She seemed really nice. And she liked his eyes. He smiled lightly. She was really very pretty, even if she was kind of old...
Gilbert gaped for a second, he was not about to let that little prick walk off with the last word. Snarling he grabbed his shirt and coat taking off after Alfred. Without a word he jumped on him, one arm wrapping around the brat's throat, the other arm flying to where he knew the sensitive hairs to be. "You didn't bite him, didn't even try to fight back against him fucking your mouth," he growled in the blond's ear. The kid didn't understand pain if he thought a simple tug of the hair while in pleasure was painful. Hell he'd seen him throwing up from it because of the war on his land, and he still couldn't fucking take it?
"L-l-let g-go!" Alfred's knees went weak as the hairs were assaulted. He tried to struggle, but the actions were enough to stimulate him. He panted weakly, trying to resist as he sank to the ground on his hands and knees. It wasn't his fault. He couldn't fight the strange helplessness that those hairs induced. He didn't know how. His scalp was sensitive. And around Nantucket was doubly so. He was just lucky Prussia hadn't realised just how weak and helpless he was rendered. Though the weak little whines escaping his mouth should be enough of a clue. If only he could get Prussia to let go of them...
Prussia's rage simmered down as the future nation sank to his hands and knees. Slowly it changed into a lazy smirk. "Give me one reason. You've been disrespecting your awesome teacher," he whispered against Alfred's ear. He then nipped at the affronted ear. Why didn't more nations have this spot? ...or maybe they did and just the awesome him was the exception. Gilbert shifted so he was kneeling behind the blond shifting his hold so that it was pulling less, "You'll be in trouble if an enemy finds out about such a weakness heroic one," he teased licking around the shell of the ear.
"I-I-I..." he stuttered, trying to control himself. He couldn't let himself succumb to the desire to submit and let Prussia have his wicked way with the poor teen. He gasped as his ear was molested, keening in distress. He struggled frantically, but still mindful of his strength. He didn't want to shatter anything. He needed a healthy teacher. he paused. That's it, "I-I'll h-hit you f-f-full s-s-str-rength... B-break b-b-bone..."
Gilbert held on twisting the poor hairs as Alfred struggled. A slim arm wrapped and squeezed around his middle determined to keep his position. Immediately it clicked in his mind, this was another test for his student. Yeah! That's what it was. The sensitive hairs weren't going to go away anytime. "You will? You prepared to back that threat up?" he asked wrapping a leg around Alfred's pressing himself closer. He had little doubt that the kid would, but he wanted him to know he had to back up his threats, and promises. "Hurt your ally over an enemy?"
"Y-yes!" He panted. He was perfectly willing to back up his threat. But something was bugging him. Why did Gilbert keep talking about Arthur? It was getting annoying. He arched and twisted and thrashed about, trying to ignore the pleasure and desire coursing through him, "S-stop talking a-about that ass. I am not r-returning t-to him a-and I am not s-s-siding with him. I d-don't like m-my hair being y-yanked on okay?"
Gilbert quickly let go of Alfred's hairs wrapping both arms around his shoulders keeping himself pressed close. "It's another way to tick you off," he chuckled smirking against Alfred's shoulder blade, "I wasn't referring to just him, but if you want to think of it that way, I'm hungry," Prussia said changing topic mid thought. He figured he ticked off the younger male enough at this point and felt much better. Even if the lesson wasn't quite taught at this point.
"It's not that it makes me mad," he grunted, stutter dissolving as his hairs were released. He leveled a mild glare at Gilbert, "I have an extremely sensitive scalp. Yanking on it causes a lot of pain." It was how he would get punished sometimes. Rather than a switch or having his ears pulled, he would have a lock of hair yanked on. It was embarrassing and not something he'd admit. But true.
Gilbert shrugged not moving to get off the younger male. Instead he rubbed his vital regions against his backside, "Then you deserved the punishment. Being a jerk to your awesome teacher. Just because my hips jerked forward," Prussia rolled his eyes hoping the idiot realized the reason for his ire was over a miss understanding. So what if he had gripped the hair in pleasure? It was the kid's fault for going down like that. And damnit if he wasn't horny now. "You know, playing with it gives me another pleasant response," he teased flicking Nantucket.
"It wasn't that," Alfred growled, "You yanked on my hair. I don't like my hair being yanked on. It's like someone's trying to rip the skin off your head." He wanted to get up, but he was still aroused, and Prussia's sudden shift from angry to horny was a low trick. He whined as Nantucket was triggered, shuddering in response. He glared at Prussia halfheartedly, wishing he had thought to put his clothes on while he was throwing his fit. No use crying over spilled milk now... He sighed and relaxed. Might as well enjoy himself. At least until Prussia remembered that they had to get to town.
"Fine, no hair pulling on my part," Gilbert replied twirling the sensitive hair between his fingers. "But you have to finish what you started doing to make up for this morning got it?" the silver haired male teased realizing Alfred was calming down. Prussia shifted to get off the other fully believing the other would agree to the simple demand. He had been rather liking of the blow job.
"Got it..." Alfred sighed. He figured he might as well finish what he started. He looked up at Prussia warningly though. He really didn't want to have to deal with that kind of thing all of the time. He would give Prussia a blowjob and hopefully get something in return. Probably not, but at least he wouldn't get his hair pulled again.
Gilbert stood grinning. Sure his student was rather unwilling right about now, but he was listening. That and was going to finish what he started, which was an important lesson. Again he leaned over tracing the younger male's jaw. "That's good, I'll reward you. A blow job for a blow job" he breathed before kissing him.
Alfred hummed thankfully as he was kissed. Equal exchange... He let his eyes lower submissively and pulled away slowly. He kneeled down so that his head was at Prussia's waist and lifted his so-called five meters. He rolled his eyes, it wasn't that long. It didn't matter. He licked the tip once before taking it into his mouth slowly. He wanted to get this over with...
Gilbert moaned petting Alfred's head careful not to pull. He didn't want to stop this again. Gritting his teeth he tried to hold himself still and let Alfred explore on his own. "Ever tried this before kid?" he asked sucking the air in between his teeth. Damn for a big mouth he still felt good.
Alfred hummed a negative rather than speaking or shaking his head. Of course he hadn't. He hadn't even known what sex was before meeting Gilbert. He tried not to grimace at the weird taste and began to run his tongue along it, exploring it curiously.
Gilbert moaned gripping tighter on the kid's shoulders. Well then... this was going to be a surprise for the kid. "Suck," he ordered his voice dropping to just above a whisper, "D-don't be afraid to take all of it. Relax your throat" Gilbert half instructed half ordered. It was taking most of his focus not to thrust into that pretty mouth. It was no wonder England had enjoyed this so much.
He blinked, bottom lips quivering in desire to speak, but obeyed. He began to suck lightly, swallowing with a little nervousness too. He steeled himself. He could do this; he just had to take it slow and get himself used to it. He took a deep breath and began to ease down more until it started to hurt. Once it became too much he pulled back, repeating the process -and continuing to suck like he had been told- until he was able to swallow the whole thing with only minor difficulty.
Remember- reviews make writers happy and give them more inspiration to write (or in this case update)