Reviews for Hero to be and the Embodiement of Awesome
sinflower.exe chapter 13 . 12/22/2018
Fuck... this is really good. Like the smut is amazing, characters are amazing, I love it.
The Great Imaginer Zuzume chapter 12 . 11/9/2012
Oh please! Continue this awesomness!
joyei chapter 12 . 8/1/2012
uh uh so good!
when i first read this i thought it was just Prussia and America,
I did not expect there would be France,Spain,and England too! :))
great story! full of surprises i did not expect ! :)
keep on writing
ShadowsofSerenity chapter 12 . 5/8/2012
I absolutely love this story! I don't really know whatcelse to say then that, because I really do love it, but either way please update with another chapter real soon!
amanojakku chapter 1 . 11/29/2011
(sorry, computer fail) Your story had a plot. And a damn good one at that. Most yaoi stories I've read are all like plot? What plot? Ya wanna plot? This is yaoi, to hell with plots. But I like my yaoi with a good story, and you sir, get an A from me for good story. Your flow was nice and even though the time lapse may have been a bit confusing at first, it wAs easy to get back into it.

\w/ -my best computer thumbs up.
amanojakku chapter 5 . 11/29/2011
Okay, I'll start by saying that I really do like this fic. Especially since Thpain talkth in an authentic Thpanish accthent. But- me, being a sucker for accurate history details, must point out that in chapter 5 Alfred said George Washington was a well educated man, but in reallity Washington had almost no education at all, which was one of his biggest insecurities, as he feared that more educated officers would take his spot. Also Spain didn't exacty support the American Revolution. The Spanish govener of Louisiana loaned the Colonists funds for the war secretly (and I stress the word loan- after the revolution was over the Spanish were close to declaring war because they were infuriated when the newly established American Congress couldn't pay them back). But hey, that's just me. Your story had a
Halan Lore chapter 12 . 3/1/2011
In Alfred's defense, getting your hair pulled hurts like hell.

It's a just is thing, but America's snitty personality is interesting.
Mizuni-no-neko chapter 9 . 1/14/2011
THis would be a much better and easier read if you would rearrange the timeline so that it was all hapenning in order and not according to character. Like when Gilbert says something to Alfred, Alfred Responds before Gilbert says the next thing he's going to say. As it is it's rather difficult to puzzle out which things are happening at the same time and which things come after the other.
Mizuni-no-neko chapter 4 . 1/14/2011
Omg it is so adorable that Spain speaks in a Barcelonian accent 333 Nghhh I love it!
Cannibalistic Brat chapter 12 . 12/3/2010
I've been reading this for a while, like back before I even made an account and I was like, 'omg. so. much. win. is here.' but then I layed off the site for a while and forgot about this awesometastic story and when I did make an account and remember it, I couldn't find it. Then I was sad. But I just found it again today so I just had to read like the last five chapters.

You are made of so much win it isn't even funny. Alfred and Gilbrt are made of so. much. win. I think this was the story that pulled them in as my all time favorite pairing xD

You must conitnue! Do you know how many people will die if this is never countined? So many people!
sakerat chapter 12 . 12/1/2010
It's been awhile since I've told you how awesome you are so you're awesome and so is this fic!
LupinandHarry chapter 12 . 12/1/2010
Wow Alfred and Gilbert are just doing it right and left. Lol
sakerat chapter 11 . 12/1/2010
Prussia is an awesome body pillow indeed~
LupinandHarry chapter 10 . 11/30/2010
Yay! It's nice having Prussia and America back on the same side, but I'm starting to feel just a wee bit sorry for Arthur..sadness.

I look forward to reading more
SalanTrong chapter 10 . 11/29/2010
I love you. 3 Please update!~

((I always thought authors were kidding about getting reviews like this, and now I'm writing one... xD I hope you don't mind!))
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