Okay, without further a due! Chapter 4! Ur gonna enjoy this!

Chapter 4: Torn

After tons of jumping, ducking, and killing, the duo finally made it out of the prison. Daxter roller her eyes as she dusted herself off. "so... is there someone you maybe wanna thank for saving your ass, by any chance?" Just then an old man and a small child came to the two.

"Hello strangers. My name is Kor. May I help..." The old man said in a kind voice.

"You look like a reasonably smart man. I want information! Where the Hell am I?" Jak asked in a harsh tone.

"Sorry!" Daxter interrupted "He's new to the whole conversation thing."

"Well, my angry young friend, you are a 'guest' of his 'majesty' Baron Praxis, the ruler of 'glorious' Haven City." The old man replied.

"I was just a 'guest' in the good Baron's prison." Jak said sounding peeved.

"Inside a cell or inside the city... walls surround us both. We are all his prisoners." Guards began approaching the group. "Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'd move on if I were you." The guards then approached Jak and Daxter.

"By order of his eminence, the Grand Protector of Haven City," The head guard started "Baron Praxis, everyone in this sect'on is hereby under arrest for suspicion of harboring underground fugitives. Surrender and die!"

" Um... excuse me sir, don't you mean surrender, OR die!?" Daxter shouted.

"Not in this city! Protect us from these guards, and I'll introduce you to someone who could help you!" Kor barganed. Jak practically charged for the guards. The fight wasn't very long, and it was unfair. 20 guards v.s Jak, talk about an obvious loosing battle for the guards, especially when Jak transformed into Dark Jak. Soon, all the guards were dead, and Dark Jak stood supreme. He flashed Daxter a suggestive smile and she stepped back a little with a look of discomfort on her face. Jak was about to pounce on her when he transformed back to normal. Daxter hesitated at first, but then walked up to Jak and smacked him across the face.

"If you ever look at me like that again I'll kill you... it's creepy."Daxter shouted. Jak was utterly confused.

"Something's happening to me... Something he did... I can't... control it."

"Very impressive." Kor commented.

"Jak... you okay?" Daxter asked nervously.

"What you just did was very brave." Kor continued. "This child is important."

"This kid?" Daxter looked confused "He looks kinda... scruffy." A guard then flew by in a large, red hover-vehicle.

"You are in a restricted zone. Move along." That's all he said before he flew away.

"Thank you for your help" Kor said. "but I must get this boy to safety."

"Hey! What about us?" Daxter reminded the old man.

"There is an underground group raging war against Baron Praxis. Its leader, the Shadow, could use fighters like you! Go to the slums. Find a dead-end alley near the city wall. Ask for Torn. He can help you." Kor and the young boy departed leaving Jak and Daxter.

"C'mon Jak, I have a double seated zoomer waiting for us, and I'm driving!" Daxter lead Jak to where she parked the zoomer she drove to get here. As she walked, Jak noticed how much she had changed since he last saw her. She used to be very lanky, with an awkward figure, but now she had curves in all the right places. She wore a short sleeved red top over a white long sleeved one that flared at the wrist. Both tops were short so her belly was visible. She also wore brown combat boots and blue denim shorts (very, very short shorts) with suspenders. She still wore goggles on her head, and she still had buck teeth and flame colored hair that seemed to defy all gravity. Her face was a lot less goofy looking... and she has some really nice legs. Jak mentally slapped himself for thinking such things. Daxter quickly got in the driver's seat, knowing Jak would try to steal it. "Don't just stand there, get in!" Jak stopped pouting and got in the passenger's side (much to his dislike). Daxter started the vehicle up, and they were on their way. Jak saw a red bag (purse) on the seat and picked it up.

"Awww! You got a purse!" Jak teased.

"IT'S NOT A PURSE... It's a man-bag." Daxter 'corrected' Jak"

"C'mon, it's totally a purse." Jak started digging through it (which has 'bad idea' written all over it). He was pulling things out, looking at them, and putting them back, occasionally asking questions. Jak pulled out a tube of lip gloss "Oooh, your even using make up now!"

"Lip gloss does NOT count as make up... besides... it tastes good."

"Why are you eating it?" Daxter sighed and rolled her eyes at Jak's stupid comment. Jak then pulled out used tampon wrapped in a tissue. "Ooh! What's this?!"

"Don't touch that Jak!" Daxter shouted.

"Why not?" Jak asked teasingly.

"Put that down Jak, it was up my vagina!" Jak made a grossed out noise and threw it. In the background, he could her someone scream, a zoomer crash, and a cat screetch. Jak looked at Daxter with the most hilarious grossed out face ever.

"Do I even want to know?" Daxter just shook her head and laughed at Jak's expression. Before long, the duo finally made it to their destination. They dismounted the zoomer and headed into the alley. They were then blocked by a pretty blond girl wearing a green top and shorts. "We're looking for a guy named Torn. Kor sent us... um..." Just then a tall slim man with auburn dreadlocks and face tatoos came and got all up in Jaks grill (lol). "Are you... Torn?" Daxter was speechless. Here she was, after two years, staring at the face she swore she'd never forget... the face of her hero. Jak looked worried and Daxter knew she had to say something to reassure him.

"Maybe this guy's a mute, like you used to be..."

"New faces make me nervous." Torn said in a tough, raspy voice. "Word is you're out to join the fight for the city. You know, picking the wrong side could be... unhealthy."

"We want to see the Shadow." Jak said, immediately cutting to the chase. Torn chuckled.

"Not likely. If you want to join something, why don't you and your chick go join the circus? Heh. Unless you got the balls for a really tough task?" Torn said as he took out his dagger. "Steal the Baron's banner from the top of the Ruined Tower and bring it back to me. Then maybe we'll talk." Jak and Daxter leave the alley and head toward the zoomer. Jak ruched to the driver's seat before Daxter could beat him. Daxter got in the passenger's seat without arguing, Jak knew something was up. After a while, Jak decided at ask what was wrong.

"Dax... you okay? You seem... out of it."

"I'm okay, it's just that... I can't believe he didn't recognize me."

"You know him?"

"Well... not exactly. You see, about a week or two after you were arrested, I had a run-in with some thugs and... he saved me."

"Well... I'll have to kick his ass until he does remember you, and then... I'll thank him." Daxter smiled. The two then arrived at Dead Town. They climbed to the top of the tower, crushing some metalheads on their way up. Jak retrieved the banner and the duo started one of their famous victory dances. But it soon came to an end when the tower started shaking. (This is the real world dudes, and in the real world, there's no time for victory dances.) They fall and bounce off a fabric shelter, Jak grinds the rope underneath and Daxter runs across it. (wow, what balance!) They both land safely, showing torn the banner. Wow Jak thought Daxter sure isn't as clumsy as she used to be. Just then Daxter tripped and fell on her face.

"I'm okay!" She shouted as she picked herself up from the ground. Jak chuckled. Not quite I suppose. Then the building behind them crumbled and collapsed. Torn watched in awe.

"Yeah. I guess you guys are in."

I hope you guys enjoyed that. Go to my profile for a link to a pic of female Daxter