Fate: YAY! Beginning of my Rimahiko series! =D
Rima: Since, when is there a "Rimahiko" I mean seriously what is that?
Fate sweat drops
Nagi: I know a rimahiko is!!!
Fate covers Nagi's mouth and laughs nervously "Shut up, Idiot!"
Fate puts Nagi in a closet and locks the door
Rima sweat drops "Time for the disclaimer…Fate owns nothing"
You can hear fate killing nagi in the backround
-at School-
-Rima's POV-
"Ugh! Class went on forever, didn't it, Amu?" I said as walking out of the class room
"Yeah, It was fun though!" Nagihiko replied peeking into MY conversation. I looked at him a sweat dropped
"I wasn't talking to you, You purple-haired weirdo, stalker!" I replied angrily
He was always, always, always wherever amu and I were! Was he really trying to steal amu from me!?
"Rima? Rima? RIMA!?!" Amu screeched, I looked up from my little thoughts…
"What?" I asked
"Nagihiko is gone, Why do you always seem to be so mean to each other yet I feel like theres a spark between you two!" Amu said giggling like a little strawberry muffin talking while drunk.
I thought what!? I hate that purple-haired weirdo! There is no way IN HELL THERE WAS A SPARK BETWEEN US!
"There is definitely no way in mother fucking hell spark between us, I hate him!" I said though it kind of felt like a lie!(A/N hell yeah rima that's a fucking lie get together nagi!)
"Ok…" Amu walked away whistling like an idiot and fell down some stairs luckily Ikuto was there! WAIT!I kuto!?!?!?
I ran over to where amu fell onto ikuto
"Ikuto what the fuck are you doing here?!?!" I yelled
"I Just had to see how my little Amu was doing!" Ikuto replied and he gave amu a look that a 2 year old deserved. Amu looked ready to kill him! I pitied Ikuto…Never mind!
"I'm. Not. Your. Amu!" Amu said sourly
Ikuto bent down and kissed amu
Creepy Nekomimi! Hahaha!
"Ik- Mph!" Amu tried to say something but Ikuto just had to kiss her !
Tadase came out of no where and starting fighting over amu!
"This is going to be a very very long day" I said while walking away hearing them all yell.
Did I mention we're in 7th grade… and we're all still guardians! Because gay ass Tsukasa said there wasn't anymore people with Charas so he made us guardians AGAIN!! I almost killed him that day!
-flash back-
"You're all officially guardians again! Isn't That wonderful?!' Tsukasa said jumping up and down
We all moaned in protest.
The only thing different about the guadians this year is that we had Amu, Tadase, Kukai, Yaya, Nagihiko, Utau, Ikuto, and Me! More people this year hooray…NOT!
"Tadase is king. Rima is Queen, Nagihiko is Jack, Yaya is ace, Amu is Joker, Utau is Princess, Kukai is Prince and Ikuto is Spades" Tsukasa said gaily
"Tsukasa+young boys sometimes equals bad bad things! Hahahahahaha!" I said between laughs
Every laughed their asses off.
-End of Flash Back-
-Nagihiko's POV-
Crap, Crap, Crap!!!! I can't believe I was going to this I didn't want to but…It was Kukai's idea!
-Flash Back-
"How can I get Rima to like me!!!?!???!" I Asked frustrated
"Maybe you should have them all go meet 'Nadeshiko' and talk to rima then tell her you're Nagihiko Simple! just don't bring Yaya ok?" Kukai answered like a genius while Grinning like an idiot
"That might just work, I'll go get Tadase" I said quickly while grinning right back at Kukai.
-End of Flashback-
While walking to the guardians meeting I saw a few X-eggs I started running to the guardians hangout.
I walked in when I got there.
"Hi, Everyone!" I said in my Nadeshiko voice While smiling
" I saw some X eggs outside" I added still using nadeshiko voice
Amu tackled me and said " Nadeshiko…X eggs...Nadeshiko…X eggs...Nadeshiko…X eggs…X EGGS!"
Amu got up.
" Lets go get those X eggs!" Yaya ran outside with everyone following her.
Amu, Rima and I sweat dropped. The ran to join the others.
-Rima's POV-
I ran to catch up, Curse my short legs! I started panting we were there! Finally!
"CharaNari: Amulet Heart!"
"CharaNari: Platinum Royal!"
"CharaNari: Dear Baby!"
"CharaNari: Sky Jack!"
"CharaNari: Clown Drop!"
"CharaNari: Black Lynx!"
"CharaNari: Lunatic Charm!"
"CharaNari: Yamato Maihime!"
"Nadeshiko can CharaNari?!"
"Yes" She smiled
"Juggling Party!" I said as my pins chased them to a dead end where Utau was they turned right around and blasted X energy at us.
"Holy Crown!" Tadase made sure we didn't all get hit by the x energy stupid tada-gay.
Amu started to talk to to them and tell they weren't useless…blah blah blah…
"Useless! Useless! Useless!"
"Go!Go little duckies!" Yaya said I sweat dropped I hated her attack! No offence to Yaya!
"Negative heart!… Lock On!" Amu said as she purified the X-eggs
We all changed back. Then everyone turned to Nadeshiko.
" Nadeshiko How long are you staying!?!" Amu said excitedly
" I'm leaving tonight so I wanted to go shopping with Amu and Rima" She smiled.
Ugh! I didn't even know her and she wanted to go shopping with me!?
WHY!!!!!!! WHY!!!!! I don't even know this crazy sock and she wants to go shopping with ME! If she knows how much I hate her brother…UGH! (A/N if only you knew, you stingy bitch, if only you knew!!)
-Nagihiko's POV-
Rima-chan looked very pissed…
"Hi, Nadeshiko" Rima narrowed her eyes and looked at me with pure hatred.
"Hi Rima-Chan I hope we can be best friends!" I tilted my head a little and smiled my best Nadeshiko smile
She growled! It was kinda cute though! Hehehe! I never want to laugh like that again it makes me sound like a girl!!
"Lets go!!!!!!!!!!!" Amu punched her fist in the air and grabbed our hands running full speed towards the mall.
-The mall-
-Rima's POV-
"Ooh! Rima-chan look at this!!!" Amu exclaimed while holding up a pink bikini Nadeshiko's eyes widened like why did I ask them to come again?
"That looks good on you Amu!" I said looking very bored
"Rimaaaa! Try on this one!!!" Amu whined while holding up a black and orange bikini…Oh. My. God. Its so-o-o-o-o cute!
"Fine" I said dully and went into the changing room. When I came back out Nadeshiko's eyes widened…a lot …Great another person like Tada-gay . Freaking lesbian!
"Oh My Gosh, Rima it looks really good on you!!!" Nadeshiko and Amu exclaimed excitedly.
"Do I have to buy it?" I groaned though I really liked it…
"YESS!" Amu yelled making everyone in the store look at her.
"Ugh, Fine" I moaned pleased with making such a good act.
We all had bought something by the time we were done except Nadeshiko…
I bought a bikini and a couple gaga mangas, Amu bought a bikini and some hair accessories, Nadeshiko bought nothing, absolutely nothing!
-walking home-
Amu Nadeshiko and I walked home Amu left first then it was just me and Nadeshiko.
Nadeshiko made small talk… she was pretty like her brother… WAIT DID I JUST CALL NAGI PRETTY! I just called him Nagi too didn't I!!!!
"Bye, Rima!" Nadeshiko said looking kinda sad and happy
"Bye bye Nadeshiko!" I said Giving her a smile
She smiled back. I was running home, I'm not very sure why I was running though but when I got home I sat on my bed and did something I knew I'd regret a little bit in a way. I wished that I could be a better person I knew what I wanted to do I knew what qualities I was missing. I wanted to sing, act, be smart, be nice, be prettier(Rima! You baka you already are pretty!), be athletic and I still wanted KusuKusu. After that I went to bed.
-Next Morning-
"EH!!!!!!!" I screamed as I looked at the bottom of my bed and saw guardian chara eggs!
To be continued!
Fate: Did you like that chapter? I think it was short =/ sheesheeshee!
Nagi: fate… Why did you laugh like that.
Rima: Yeah, why DID you laugh like that
Fate: Cause a certain blonde and a certain purple-head should be together
Rima: WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fate: Bye Bye!! I think Rima is going to kill me sheesheeshee!