A/N: Oh, man, I am so excited right now! This story was nominated for Best Alternate Universe on the Dokuga awards. Also, my oneshot based after Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" was nominated for Best One Shot. Voting starts Saturday, so if you enjoyed these stories, please go vote! And to those who nominated, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I truly wasn't expecting any nominations this quarter, so you have my gratitude.

Warnings: This is pretty much one big ol' lemon. Under 18? Please leave. Other than that, enjoy!

Dance With the Devil

Part III

It was so hot.

Her blood felt like it was boiling in her veins as she lay on the bed gasping for breath. She vaguely contemplated the irony that it was the head of ice between her legs that was causing the fire. The cool satiny fall of hair brushed her thighs, causing her muscles to jerk. Then Sesshoumaru gave another lick and a low sound of pleasure, and she stopped thinking at all.

It had been a month since that fateful night, the night when Sesshoumaru appeared before her not as a dream, but as a flesh and blood being. The Lord of the demon underworld, and according to him, her soon-to-be mate. Not that she was complaining (especially when his wicked, mobile tongue brushed against her most intimate area exactly like that), oh, no. He was her dream man. And her dream man was real, very, very real, and very much enthusiastically feasting on her as if she was his last meal.

So much had happened since that one night, most importantly the defeat of Naraku. Sesshoumaru had left that night and had taken care of the freakish hanyou once and for all. According to Inuyasha, it hadn't taken very long. Apparently the threat against Kagome had driven Sesshoumaru to take care of the problem as swiftly and deadly as possible. Naraku had barely stood a chance.

The hanyou demon had been furious that his lackey had failed in gaining the Shikon Miko, and that anger had created a sense of arrogance and hurt pride that had caused him to act rashly and in haste when he realized Sesshoumaru would come after him. The battle would have ended in only a matter of minutes if it hadn't been for Naraku's ability to regenerate body parts and organs, which Sesshoumaru found mildly inconvenient. However, he was not given the title of TaiYoukai for nothing, and Naraku had fallen in the end to the acidic poison from his claws, until there was nothing left to regenerate. The entire battle and consequent clean-up had taken only a few hours, but Sesshoumaru was satisfied. The threat to Kagome had been nullified and now they could start the rest of eternity together. In a way (a very distant and abstract way), Sesshoumaru could almost be thankful to Naraku for being idiotic enough to challenge him by trying to take Kagome. Without the bastard's failed attempt, Kagome would still have remained ignorant of his existence and he would have remained alone for another three years. After touching her, kissing her, talking to her, he had known that he could never have gone back to anonymity.

So with a lighter heart, bloodlust satisfied, he returned back to his miko. He found her waiting exactly where he had left her, having fallen asleep waiting for him at the kitchen table with her head on her arms and something in his demonic heart had shifted into something that he knew he had never felt before and would never feel again for anyone but her. Something dangerously close to love. She was his and there was nothing more blocking his way to her.

Except, perhaps, Mrs. Higurashi.

It had been established at Kagome's birth that once Kagome had been made aware of Sesshoumaru's presence, there was to be a courting period of no less than one month before the physical mating ceremony would take place. When Sesshoumaru made to grab Kagome and whisk her away to his home for a more intimate introduction, Mrs. Higurashi had casually reminded him of the promise, and Kagome was lucky she was asleep to miss the scowl that had crossed his normally impassive face.

Granted, he was Sesshoumaru, the greatest TaiYoukai of the demon realm and he could have easily ignored the human, grabbed his miko, and then spend the rest of the night making her scream in pleasure, but one look at the steely-eyed but smiling face of Mrs. Higurashi and he was rethinking starting that battle. That woman could be downright scary sometimes. So while he would have to curb his initial plans, he was still unwilling to leave her for the night, and although he would not admit it, he wanted to feel her beside him, the warmth of her body to keep him company after so many lonely nights.

So that is how Sesshoumaru found himself fully clothed next to his equally fully clothed soon-to-be-mate in her tiny single bed that night after managing to carry her from the table without waking her. He spent that night achingly aroused, but soothed in a way he had not felt before.

The next morning, Kagome had found herself plastered to the very well defined (from the feel of it) and comfortable chest of the demon lord. No questions were asked from her about Naraku, she just simply smiled at him and wrapped herself around him in an embrace he had been waiting for most of his life. They lay there until the sounds of other people in the household were too much to ignore, just intent on each other and forging a connection between them that could last an eternity. It was beautiful in its simplicity.

Then Sesshoumaru began his courting process. Dinners, picnics, and outings were all planned for the pleasure of his miko, and he quickly found an amusing game in seeing how often he could surprise her with his extravagance. It was his wish to clothe her in the finest clothes and jewels that would only enhance her beauty. He kept it the barest minimum he could manage, however, because he would always see the faintest hint of her discomfort with some of the more expensive gifts. When he came to her house a week into the courting process with a new car that was meant for her, she finally had to put her foot down. She didn't understand his need to give her…well, everything. And he didn't understand why she didn't want to accept it. They exchanged words, both stubborn in their own right, about accepting the car. It wasn't until he smelled the faint scent of her tears on the wind that made him stop and really listen to her. She didn't want him to think that he needed to buy her anything to have her love. He quickly set her straight on that point with a rather aggressive kiss and a bit out explanation it was for his pleasure and pride that she have fine things. They reached a tentative understanding that day. She no longer completely balked when he bought her an expensive gift, and he checked his urge to buy her everything he thought she should have. Minimally.

While their courtship was by no means perfect (after all, he was rarely an emotional being while she was the exact opposite, and they were just getting to know each other…not to mention the sexual tension that practically had his skin crawling), they got along rather well.

Kagome herself had been completely swept away by the forceful personality of Sesshoumaru, but considered herself very fortunate to have such an intense being to call her own. And the way he stared at her throughout the courtship process at times, with a burning hunger that called to something within her, it was hardly hard to believe that as soon as the courtship period was up, she was ready to take their relationship to the next level. She actually found it quite funny that according to the promise made when she was born that they had to wait. She was a mischievous creature by heart, and took pleasure in teasing the poor Taiyoukai at every moment she could;

A sly, heavy-lidded glance, an "innocent" touch here and there when no one was looking, and she could ensure she had his full attention on her. And she made sure to touch his hair at every opportunity possible and didn't even try to hide her fascination with it, much to his unsaid amusement. She had to be careful not to push him too far though (even though it was tempting), because no matter where they were, he would reciprocate in kind without any iota of modesty. She would find herself being kissed silly in the most public places until it felt like she would explode with the heat he created, and then he would abruptly stop and give her a little smirk. And if his eyes were dilated with lust and desire at the time, well, no one was going to mention that.

And as soon as the promised month was up, he immediately had all of her things moved to his home and she was finally, finally in his bed. Where she belonged.

And now he was finally able to kiss, touch, lick, and suck all he wanted, and he damn well was going to take advantage of it.

And that was how Kagome found herself flat on her back in Sesshoumaru's bed, cool satin sheets at her back with his cool satin hair on her thighs, but a rough, hot tongue licking over the lips between her legs threatening to take away her sanity. Or cause her to self-combust.

"Sesshoumaru," she gasped out, unable to string together any coherent sentence, and she felt him hum in approval.

"Mmmmm. Again," he purred against her, and bit lightly at her clitoris, causing her legs to spasm and a louder cry of his name to leave her throat. "Perfect."

He moved his way back up her body, now lightly coated in a sheen of sweat and glowing in the soft light of the room, and he felt his cock give a painful jerk in his pants. He had seen to it that she was fully naked first, so he still had on his trousers, dress shirt and tie. In some dark part of his mind, he found this incredibly arousing.

But Kagome was having none of that. She was just as hungry for him as he was for her, and even though her though processes had scattered (because of his very talented tongue and mouth), she could still think enough to know that she wanted him naked. Now.

Wanting only to touch, to taste, to feel naked skin on naked skin, she became more bold. Grabbing his lips in a fierce kiss, catching him by surprise by plunging her tongue deep in his mouth, running over his dangerous canines that excited her so much, and her hands jerked harshly at the bottom of his shirt until she could run her hands greedily over his stomach muscles, which now quivered under her touch as he gave an involuntary groan of pleasure. Gratefully, she realized that his hands were now on the buttons of his shirt, hastily parting the material until he was able to rip it off and throw it on the floor with the rest of her clothes. She made a low sound of approval as the heat of his skin, so hot and burning, seared onto her palms as she immediately found two male nipples and rubbed slowly over them.

His body curiously melted against hers at the feeling as he took control of the kiss, slowly tangling with her tongue in a wet dance. He could never have imagined anything could feel as good as Kagome on his bed, wet for him and wanting him, and he had imagined a lot over the long years. Nothing compared to the reality. He could feel his sanity start to take a backseat as his lust threatened to consume him, and as she began to instinctively rub against him in silent appeal, he was in danger of coming in his pants.

He tore his lips from hers, panting harshly through reddened lips as he looked at the delicious display before him. Slender limbs spread across his bedspread like a decadent feast, pert, high breasts quivering as she tried to catch her breath, deep blue eyes looking dazed and limpid into his own. She was beautiful. And all his. Forever.

"Sesshoumaru," she murmured softly, bringing a hand up to gently cup his striped cheek. Fascinated, she watched her own hands trace the magenta markings of his heritage. Then, because she was so close and just couldn't resist, her fingers found themselves tangled in his hair, shifting through silk and satin that fell in a cool curtain around their bodies. Her nails scraped lightly against his scalp before moving to the pointed tip of his ear, intrigued. His body was so different than hers and she wanted to spend hours and hours exploring. He was hers now, her protector, dream man, lover…mate. She wanted to know him as well as she knew herself, and she was faintly surprised at the wantonness he inspired in her. She had always been a passionate person by nature, but Sesshoumaru was showing her facets of her own desire she didn't even know existed just by showing his blatant lust for her. It was a heady thing. And she would cherish it and take advantage of it all she could. How often could one say they had a sex god for a mate?

A fingernail scraped around the delicate folds of his ear and he shuddered atop her. The bulge she could feel in his pants jerked against where he was pressed so intimately against her, and a bolt of feminine thrill ran through her. She, lowly, ordinary human that she was (although he would be sure to offer a difference of opinion) could make this great demon lord tremble for her. It only made her fall in love with him more.

Her eyes softened as she gazed upon his beloved face, and she was sure he could see all of the emotion she was feeling. His full mouth, still damp from her kisses, lifted into a small, breathtaking smile, and while she knew he wouldn't say the words often, he loved her. He had waited all this time for her, only her, and she would make sure he never regret it.

Tenderly, he grabbed her hand that was cradling his head, and brought it to his mouth for a kiss and a little nip. Then he brought both of her hands down with his to his belt buckle, and she sucked in a breath as they both worked together to undo the clasp.

The sound of his zipper being pulled down was unnaturally loud in the room, but she paid it no mind as he shifted slightly off of her to take his slack and underwear off, until he was fully and gloriously bare to her eyes. And what a glorious sight it was. She was already aware of his drool-worthy chest and abs, and knew she would spend a great deal of time in the future nibbling and licking over all of the interesting dips and ridges of hard muscle, but his lower half intrigued her just as much. A pair of magenta stripes wrapped around his hips, drawing her gaze to the defined line where hip met thigh, and her eyes were inexorably drawn to the hard spike that jutted from between his well shaped thighs, already dripping in excitement.

She felt a bit more moisture gather at the junction of her own legs as she stared down at his cock, and without her fully realizing it, her hand had already reached out to touch. The heat overwhelmed her, and almost made her draw her hand back, but she didn't want to give up her prize. Smooth skin covered a column of steel with little ridges of veins running up its length, and he gave a slight groan as her hand moved upon him, causing him to flex and jerk in her palm.

She had barely run her fingers across the wet tip when he grabbed her hand in his own steely grip and slammed it with unintentional force onto the bed.

"Enough," he panted out, eyes gazing fiercely at her. A few more moments and he would have come all over her hand like a virgin school boy, and he was fairly astonished at the lack of control she inspired in him. Although, as he looked down into her pouting face, she was proving to be a glorious vixen in bed, willing to touch and tease him until he would go mad, and he knew he was going to love every minute of it. But he did not want things to end before they even got started.

He shifted his lean body over her until he was cradled between her thighs, his heavy length resting on the dripping lips of her woman hood, poised to enter her for the first time. He was the first, and he would be the last…that triumphant thought flashed through his brain for but a moment before he narrowed his eyes on his panting miko.

"Forever, Kagome," he said, moving the tip of him slightly over her entrance, tantalizing her. She nodded frantically, wanting, needing to feel him enter her so they could be joined as one. She didn't care if it hurt, she had no fear anymore of that moment. Not with him. She wanted all of him, just like he said, forever.

"For eternity. Say it!" he gritted out between clenched teeth, the heat of her making his hips jerk lightly, wanting to enter, wanting to claim her and make her choke out his name breathlessly over and over and over again.

"All eternity, Sesshoumaru," she said, squeezing the hands that still held hers near her head on the pillow. She put every ounce of love and devotion she felt for him into her words. "Always."

Dropping his head down until his forehead met hers, he slowly, but relentlessly pushed forward into her body, breaking the barrier of her innocence and finally, finally…Sesshoumaru found his nirvana. An eternity of waiting for her, of watching her grow up without any knowledge of him, all of the lonely nights and days he spent longing for her, her skin, her scent, her touch, her love….all of it faded away as her inner muscles clasped around him lovingly in a snug fist, and his gaze flashed brilliantly white for one moment. She was now his mate.

Kagome had lost the ability to breathe as she felt his thick length enter her, not stopping until it felt like he had reached the end of her and could go no more. The sensation of him pushing into her had been both a delight and a torment. She could not stop the involuntary tears that sprang into her eyes as her flesh had been torn, but at the same time, he had filled a void in her that had been burning for him. She felt utterly filled, and as his hands let go of hers to cradle her head and give her a scorching, wet kiss, utterly loved.

Oh, and then he began moving, a slow silken slide in the beginning that had her moaning in equal parts discomfort and ecstasy. She could feel every inch of him most acutely, dragging along her inner walls as he moved back, only to thrust forwards again in a wet glide that she knew she could become addicted to. Slowly, slowly, he built up the tempo of his hips, stroking over her nub again and again until she couldn't keep her hips still and was meeting him thrust for thrust. All the while, his mouth never left hers, tongue entering and retreating her mouth, licking and sucking, matching the movements of his lower half until he broke away with a sharp groan, and his hips jerked once harshly out of rhythm before finding their smooth glide once more.

She gazed at his face, his mouth slightly open above hers, allowing her to see his deadly fangs and pink tongue, a slight flush on his pale, perfect skin, and his eyes…his eyes dilated so much that she only saw a thin ring of gold. He was looking down on her with such hunger that her body automatically tightened its hold around his cock, squeezing mercilessly, and he gasped as his hips jerked hard again.

"God," he grunted. "So…tight!" His hips began to move faster, harder, until the slap slap slap of skin on skin echoed in the room in a gloriously vicious cacophony.

She gasped out his name, the heat and throbbing building inside her until she knew she was going to break and fly away into a million pieces. "More."

He obliged, his hips no longer smooth and rhythmic, but pounding and helpless, wanting more more more more…

And in the next beautiful moment, Kagome shattered.

The burning that had consumed her ignited into an inferno that filled every inch of her body, and she shuddered helplessly through her climax, overwhelmed and screaming at the beauty of it all.

Impossibly, she felt his speed increase until she couldn't keep up anymore, and as the convulsions of her body reached the synapses of his mind, he snapped.

With an almost bestial roar, Sesshoumaru exploded inside his miko, his scalding seed fanning the flames of her body in long staccato bursts as he drove himself harder and harder into her, moving them up the bed through his climax. Finally, the torrent ended, but his hips couldn't stop moving, now gliding languidly in and out of her as he tried to recover from the single most intense and wonderful moment of his life. He felt completely drained, but completely satisfied. He had his mate.

Realizing that all of his weight was now resting on her, Sesshoumaru grabbed Kagome around the waist and flipped them gracefully over until she was resting completely on top of him, still joined intimately. He wasn't about to let her go so soon, and as she snuggled into his chest, he knew she was in perfect agreement.

"Forever," she murmured sleepily, completely exhausted.

"Forever," he replied, his voice deep with tenderness as one clawed slipped through the strands of her hair gently while his other arm tightened around her waist, molding her to him. They were bound together now for eternity, the demon lord and the Shikon Miko. They would strive to bring peace between their peoples to fulfill the prophecy, but what was more important to him was the peace she inspired in his heart. She would be a strong mate for him to confide in, feisty enough to argue with, but gentle enough to lay together, much as they were then, in intimate moments. A truly perfect mate for him.

The scents of their lovemaking still hung in the air, causing his shaft to give another twitch inside of her, causing her to make a soft sound in the sleep she had succumbed to, and he tried to will himself under control. The hunger she provoked in him would take a long time to appease. He grinned slightly to himself as he realized he had all of eternity to take her as many times as he wanted. With her on top of him, riding him until he burst, or hard against the floor because their urgency couldn't let them make it to the bed. Every room…damn, every surface of the house would have to be christened, and he found himself slowly hardening again at the thought. She was his anytime, anywhere.

As he came to full mast, she groaned again and opened those beautiful blue eyes to meet his in awakening hunger. He moved his hips up against her experimentally, and she gasped sharply, wide awake again. It was his turn to gasp as she gave him a wicked smile and sat up, legs hugging his hips as she began to move astride him. Oh, yes, definitely the perfect mate.

He couldn't wait to start on the rest of their lives.

A/N: And that's the end of it, lovelies. For those of you who were disappointed in the fight with Naraku that lasted, like, a paragraph, I'm sorry. i wasn't in an action type of mood.

If you support this story, please go vote on Dokuga. Voting starts Saturday, Feb. 6, 2010, if my sources are correct.

Until next time,
