My newest story!!! I wasn't really sure whether I should do this, considering that I already have 2 stories o_O But whatever.


Disclaimer: Gakuen Alice and its characters belong to Higuchi Tachibaba

Yay! Got that over and done with! You know, I reckon that we shouldn't have to disclaim, it should just be assumed that the author doesn't own it and you only have to disclaim if you do own it :(

The Usurper


Chapter One

Wash Away My World


Merpeople are those who have the ability to transform into a different form when submerged in a certain liquid. There are two species; the water merpeople, who transform when submerged in ocean water, and the lava merpeople, who transform upon contact with molten rock. There was a great deal of enmity between the two species, although it is unknown why.

When civilization was at its early stages, humans revered the merpeople as gods, but later on learned to treat them as equals. It was not uncommon to hear of a marriage between merpeople and humans.

Eventually, kingdoms were created. The two main kingdoms were the fire kingdom and the water kingdom. The fire kingdom was inland, placed on a fault line with many volcanoes. The water kingdom ran along most of the east coast, including nearby islands. The two kingdoms tolerated each other for many years until two lava merpeople were killed by a group of water merpeople. This started a bitter war that lasted for 5 years. Both kingdoms were intent on victory, and in the last month both launched a full frontal attack on the opposing kingdom. In a bizarre twist, both kingdoms managed to take over the opposing kingdom's land, but lost their own.

The following year was chaotic as civilians tried to make their way from their old country to their new one without getting caught by the military. Many merpeople refused to leave their homes and were hunted down. There were few merpeople who did escape, and over time they died out. Although there are a few people with merblood in their veins, they only have weak magic, in the form of bonding with an animal and in rare case, mostly shown in royalty, control over water or fire.

Even now the war still continues, but this time for the right to return to their homeland. Both kingdoms are evenly matched and if the war continues much longer, it will result in the destruction of both kingdoms.

~An extract taken from the introduction of 'A Concise History of the Fire and Water Kingdoms'

The princess raced through the forest of tall trees on a white stallion, her chestnut hair fanning out behind her, her aqua eyes dancing in mirth.

"C'mon, Arrow, you can do better than this! Don't tell me you're slowing down." The girl said with a sly smile. The horse snorted before picking up his pace.


The girl giggled in glee as she felt the wind roaring over her face and felt the beat of a steady pace underneath her. Leaves and vines whipped her arms as she passed, but this only made her feel all the more excited, all the more alive. She twisted her head and grinned when she saw just how fast they were leaving the scenery behind. "Mama would kill me if she sees how fast we're going!"

"I think she's already going to kill you for what you did to that dress."

The princess looked down at her attire. A white embroidered riding dress, covered in dirt and dust, but worse than that, it had been torn to the waist on both sides, revealing a pair of lacy shorts.

"But it was annoying! I couldn't ride bareback with a dress like that! And anyway, it's not like I'm not wearing anything underneath!"

"Try telling that to your mother."

The princess bit her lip and the horse, Arrow, gave an amused whiney before stopping in a grassy clearing. The princess dismounted, ignoring Arrow's snickering as she stumbled upon landing. She lay down, breathing in the earthy forest scent and closing her eyes. She could hear the call of birds coming from above, and could feel the grass making her back itchy. The roar of wind through thousands of leaves sounded like the roaring of waves. It was peace.

"You really should learn how to lie down in a more lady-like manner. You're sprawling all clumsily now."

"Way to ruin the moment, Arrow! What did I ever do to deserve a familiar like you? Nothing!"

"I think that's the point, you never do anything."

Mikan pouted and threw a handful of grass in Arrow's direction. The wind blew it back in her face and Arrow snickered again.

"Out of all the animals out there I could've bonded to, it just had to be you, didn't it? The most rude, insolent, impertinent, discourteous horse out there."

"You know you love me."

The princess giggled. She clumsily stood up and flung her arms around Arrows neck, burying her face in his mane.

"I know I love you, what would I do without you?"

"Well, it would be impossible for you to do any less than you do now."

She leaned back and gave the horse a glare, eventually stopping when she realized that her narrowed eyes had no effect on the nonchalant horse. Sighing, she flung herself back down and proceeded to shred up a blade of glass.

"Look at the sky."

Mikan looked up and saw a gold streaked sky with orange clouds lined in a delicate shade of pink.

"Wow! The sunset's really beautiful!

"In case you've forgotten, your mother told you to be back before dark."

"Oh crap! C'mon, let's go!" She jumped up, brushed the grass from her ruined gown and took a running jump from behind, landing on Arrow's back.

"You're such a little girl, having to take a run up just to get on my back."

"But we're riding bare back, there're no stirrups!"

Arrow just snorted in response, before bolting out of the clearing, dashing towards the distant palace.

"Princess, Her Royal Highness is waiting. Allow me to help you to dismount."

"No, no, it's fine!" Mikan said, sliding down "But why does my mother want to see me?"

"I was only informed that Her Royal Highness would be waiting for you in the council room."

"Ehh! But that's on the other side of the palace! Come on, Koizumi-san, I have to change!" Mikan walked to the door, beckoning for a girl to follow. The girl, wearing simple clothes with her blond hair tied in a pony tail, lowered her head and trailed after Mikan demurely. Once they were out of the sight of the other servants, the two girls started to run, hand in hand, down the corridor.

"Mikan! What did you do to your dress!"


"Doesn't look like nothing to me."

"Luna, you never miss a thing, do you?"

"How could anyone miss it, it's practically split in half!"

Luna herded Mikan into the bathroom where a tub of steaming water was already waiting. After she had bathed, she stood with a towel wrapped around her shoulders, waiting for Luna to return with a clean dress.

"Here we are, Mikan, put your arms up." Luna slid an amber gown over Mikan's head. The back of the gown went down to her lower back and her waist long hair was twisted up in an elegant bun, revealing a black tattoo. At first glance it looked like a tangle of curved lines, but upon closer examination you could make out the form of a rearing horse. Luna traced the lines with her finger, fascinated.

"Stop, Luna, that tickles!"

"Oh, sorry. Here, your tiara, come on, you're already late!"

The council room smelt like ink and sealing wax. This was the room where the most important decisions were made. 7 people sat around a long table, 6 councillors and the head monarch.

"Mikan, so you have decided to grace us with your presence after all." The woman at the head of the table rested a stern gaze on the princess. She was dressed in a sensible grey gown, her only extravagance a silver crown studded with polished diamonds and blue topaz.

"I apologise for being late, Queen Yuka."

"You are forgiven, but such childish behaviour must stop now. You are already 16 years old. In other words, old enough to marry." Mikan bit her lip; although she had always known that it was her duty, as the younger child, to strengthen and make new alliances through marriage, she was still nervous.

"It has been decided that you are to marry the crown prince of the kingdom of fire. Tomorrow you will leave for the kingdom." Mikan froze, her eyes wide.

"But, if I leave tomorrow I won't be able to say goodbye to Onii-san! Can't I wait until he comes back?"

"The prince will return in a month's time, we don't have that much time! You do realize that the only reason the war has ended is because of this agreement. All of the nobility are pushing to continue the war, they can't forget our past differences with the fire kingdom! We cannot afford to delay, at times like this, nothing is set in stone."

"Yes mother."

"You will leave tomorrow, at dawn. That will give you this evening to say your farewells. You may take one maid with you and will be accompanied by 10 guardsmen. There are no proper trails, so you will have to ride Arrow...and Mikan, I really am sorry, but there's no other way." The queen's eyes softened momentarily.

"Will I see you...when I'm married. It's far away, isn't it?"

"It is likely that we will see each other during royal visits. You'll be fine, you'll have Luna Koizumi and Arrow with you. And apparently Natsume Hyuuga is exceedingly handsome. Just remember, you have the royal blood of the Yukihara's within you, that is why you will always stand tall. You are excused." With that the queen turned back to her councillors and continues a discussion on building roads to promote trade between the two kingdoms. Mikan just stood, frozen, before remembering that she only had a few more hours left to say her goodbyes.

She ran through the corridors recklessly, kicking off her cumbersome shoes to run barefoot. She shouted out her farewells to the servants as she ran past, occasionally slowing down to hug a maid. By the time she reached the stables, she was exhausted.

"Mikan? Is that you?"

"Jii-chan!" She flung herself into the old man's arms.

"What's wrong? You seem upset."

"I have to go to the Kingdom of Fire and marry the prince! I don't wanna leave you!" she was sobbing now, having held back all of her tears so far. "Tomorrow, I have to leave tomorrow!"


"All my friends are here! I grew up here! You're here! Jii-chan, remember, you were the one who first introduced me to Arrow, and you were the one who taught me how to ride, and how to fight, how to swear!"

"Don't remind me of the bad influence I've been on you." The stable master said, crinkling his nose.

"But if it weren't for you I wouldn't be me! I don't wanna leave!" The man sighed.

"But it's your duty, it always has been, and you know that! I don't want you to leave any more than you want to leave, but it's just something that we have to accept. Don't worry, you'll have Arrow, and plus, I hear the prince is a real looker." He nudged Mikan in the side.

"I've heard." She replied bitterly, "But he's most likely spoilt and stuck up."

"Don't worry so much, I'm sure you'll get along fine! And if you don't, just tell your old Jii-chan and he'll fix everything up." Although his words were confident, he knew that the prince probably was selfish and stuck up and he knew that a mere stable master wouldn't be able to protect a princess. He didn't want to lie, but he knew that if he didn't she would fret.

"Jii-chan, can I sleep in the stable with you and Arrow tonight?"

"That's hardly appropriate for a princess!"

"But I want to."

The old man nodded in assent and watched as she smiled brightly and ran off to bid farewell to other friends. She headed to the kitchens but turned around when she heard someone calling.

"Luna-chan! What is it?"

"Mikan chan, I have an errand to run tonight, you don't mind, do you?"

"No, it's fine. You have to say goodbye to your family too! And anyway, I'll be sleeping in the stables."

"Thanks! Oh, by the way, the queen wants to see you in the throne room."

Mikan sighed and ran off again, giving the kitchen a regretful look; she'd have to come back afterwards. 5 minutes later, an out of breath Mikan was admitted into the throne room. The room, despite being so big, was well lit with rows of flickering torches.

"Mother, you called for me?"

"There's no one here, Mikan, no need to be so formal!" Mikan took a look around and upon realizing that they were, indeed, alone, ran towards the throne and wrapped her arms around her mother's neck.


"I'm really sorry, Mikan, I know you're not ready to marry yet but we need the alliance."

"I know, we don't want the war to break out again."

The queen smiled at her daughter before reaching behind her neck and unclasping the chain that she wore. Hanging off the chain was a beautiful aqua pendant, about the size of a dove's egg. The glittering, semi transparent stone was suspended from the chain in a fine silver net, like a delicate fish pulled out from the seas.

"You know what this is, right Mikan?" Mikan thought awhile before answering.

"Yeah, it's a family heirloom, passed down from mother to daughter through the generations. Apparently it's as old as time itself."

"Yes, and no. This stone was made many years ago by the merpeople, and is passed down from mother to first daughter. Legend tells us that it is made of a fragment of the soul of an ancient merqueen, and that she watches over those who wear her. It is a special stone, she will not suffer being held by any who are not females of direct descent."

"Is it true? It looks more like an aquamarine stone to me. I know that we're descended from merpeople, but is this really the soul of someone?" Mikan asked, sceptical, yet her eyes were fixated on the mysterious jewel.

"Who knows? But, Mikan, I want you to have it. It will protect you, keep you from harm. But don't lose it! Keep watch over it and she might just keep watch over you." Yuka rested the pendant on her daughter's outstretched hand, before letting the chain fall in a pile around it. The pendant was cool against Mikan's warm palm, it solid weight reassuring. She turned towards her smiling mother with a questioning look on her face. Yuka responded to the unspoken query. "Yes, Mikan, it really is yours. You know I can't go with you; the kingdom needs my presence now. I just hope that this stone can watch over you in place of me."

"Thank you," Mikan's eyes started to tear up, "thank you kaa-chan, I- I'll miss you." Mikan's arms were once again wound around Yuka's neck, her face buried in her mother's hair, trying to imprint the scent of her in her mind.

"Go, Mikan. You have to wake up early tomorrow, if I'm not mistaken." Yuka gently pried Mikan's fingers off her dress collar and held her at arms length, looking deep into her daughter's moist eyes. "Don't worry, we'll definitely see each other again."

Mikan nodded dutifully, and, not trusting herself to speak, ran from the room, her tears leaving a glittering trail behind her before dissipating into the air.

Everyone, she had to leave everybody behind. She remembered that once, when she was young, she had a dream about the ocean. She didn't remember anything about it except for the waves against the shore. You could hear the sound of them crashing down on the grainy sand, and then there would be a calm silence as the waterline crept forward. And then the water would be sucked back to sea, all of the ripples suddenly returning, as if pulled by a magnet. She would watch the water retreating, and it would feel as if her entire world could be pulled away with that water, it felt as if the world was moving on and leaving her there, alone with nothing. It was beautiful, in a way that a mournful melody can bring tears to your eyes, echoing in your heart.

Good, Bad? Please review, and tell me if you think I should continue or if you would rather I discontinue so I can update my other stories faster.

Merry Christamas :D :D :D :D :D :D