Author's Notes: Yes, I know this is ridiculously short. It's supposed to be. I have trouble keeping up to date with one story, so why I'm starting a second is beyond me, but here's hoping!

Where You Find Home


She looked so happy, holding him on the edge of Besaid beach. I was open enough with myself to admit that I was jealous. Not for Tidus, even though I know he is a great guy, but that her story could have such a happy ending. The Fayth had kept their promise. As a reward, the High Summoner Yuna could finally be with the man she loved.

I turned to look at Paine. We both still stood in the shadow of the Celsius, not wanting to interrupt the couple's reunion. Even Paine, the stoic warrior had a smile on her face. I shifted back and forth excitedly on my feet, wanting to shout with joy.

When Yuna and Tidus finally pulled away, Paine and I hurried out to join them. I ran and hugged the returned Blitzball player, laughing and crying at the same time. He was real. He wouldn't leave Yunie again. Paine's greeting was more formal, more dignified. But then again, she hadn't known Tidus like we had. Had never fought beside him, laughed or cried beside him.

Me and Tidus. There had always been a familial kind of love there. We were joined together from our experiences at Baaj Temple, and then by wanting Yuna to survive her Pilgrimage. Our joint refusal to let her die in Zanarkand. Our joint devotion to the young summoner who brought about an Eternal Calm.

"You're not going anywhere this time?" I asked hesitantly, looking up to my friend.

Tidus gave a wavering grin, "Not this time. I'm home now."

I danced back, throwing one arm over Yuna's shoulders, the other over Tidus'.

Yes, he's home now. We're all home.