I have actually finished this story but will release the chapters every few days, depending on who reads. Also forgive me, my writing skills aren't as good as I'd like them to be, therefore the story is very limited in how style accurate it is. But I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Another note: sorry for the varying length of the chapters, and the shortness of this one.

The events of which I am about to recount I find quite uneasy to write about, but nevertheless I will all the same, beginning with an excerpt of my diary as an introduction.

Watson's Diary

It would seem that day by day I find myself more and more tolerant of Mr Sherlock Holmes, his arrogance, his frankness with others, his disregard of others in general. I don't know how I put up with it. Just the other day he'd ignored me when I'd asked him to come to dinner. Usually such things would not upset me so easily, but after a week of such behaviour I was not in the mood to tolerate it. But nevertheless I waited until I was back in my own room before allowing my agitation to surface.

Lately he'd been working on a rather difficult case after a few weeks with no work, so obviously I should have known better than to interrupt him. But as usual his appetite has been replace with mental intrigue. Even as I write this now he has yet to eat something today and it is almost 9 o'clock in the night. I must say that my concern for him has increased immensely. It has even been affecting my own eating habits.

But that is not the reason for this entry. As of late I've started to notice something about myself. Something that I'm not entirely certain of just yet, but soon enough it will become clear.

I am ashamed to even recount this even in my own diary, knowing that (well, I hope) no one else will be reading this. The issue started to surface at the beginning of the case Holmes is currently working on when he asked me not to participate in this case.

As of late I have begun to question my reason, my motives for being so loyal towards my friend Holmes. It is true that I am indeed loyal in nature, but to put up with such behaviour towards me, I am beginning to question my actions. I am beginning to think that perhaps there is something more in our friendship, or at least what I am wanting out of it. Perhaps I am confusing my loyalty with such feelings. I hope so, yet somehow I don't. Sometimes when I reflect upon these feelings I find that part of me does not mind, even wants it.

If that were the case, if these feelings that I think I have are real, then perhaps that would explain my increasing agitation, yet increased tolerance towards my dear friend.

In any case, though I am unsure, I am hoping that this confusion or my feelings are not being conveyed, as I know Holmes will figure me out faster than I can. Perhaps that would explain his callousness towards me. I do not know.

My only option at this point is to carry on as things are and hope that I can sort this out soon, before it destroys me inside.