Sorry for the gross delay; college is a bitch sometimes. But this semester is finally over. Hello, winter break!

Once again, these are all manifestations of a... rather interesting Pokémon head-canon I've established for myself. If something doesn't make any sense (like Gary dating Todd, wtf), that's all on me, obviously. Double drabble this time, 200 words exactly.

047 - meetings & 084 - jealousy

"How's it going, Shutterbug."

Ash knew his expression probably looked like an especially stupid Magikarp's, but he couldn't help it. Gary and Todd knew each other? That was new. Why hadn't he known that? And why wouldn't Gary look at him? Was he trying not to look at him?

Wait. No. What was wrong with him? Gary used to be a Pokémon trainer. Of course he had to have met people along the way. Todd was all over the place with his photography; Ash had run into him a few times himself. Gary and Todd could have met up with each other just as often. Maybe Gary wasn't much for friends, but they could have easily been on good terms with each other. Almost-friends. Very good acquaintances.

But Shutterbug?

Ash didn't like the sound of that Shutterbug.At all. Nicknames were not something you gave acquaintances, not even the very good ones. And that wasn't Shutterbug like Ashy-boy had been Ashy-boy, before Ashy-boy had started meaning something completely diff—oh.



In the time it took him to have his revelation, Gary and Todd had probably been staring at him for several long, awkward minutes. Naturally, he hadn't noticed.