Title: Seduction Moves
Summary: John Hart is back in Cardiff. And with him, chaos and madness, although this time it may not be his fault... The question is... who is seducing who?
Characters: Jack Harknerss, Ianto Jones, John Hart, Gwen Cooper
Rating: NC-17 (I think... I'm bad with ratings)
Spoilers: Season 2 and a brief mention of "The Dead Line"
Warnings: That I consider I should warn for, mainly just the fact that I write the characters as I see them. Which means Ianto is a strong-willed person that knows how to handle whatever life, Torchwood, Jack or any other Time Agent throw his way (and would have worn a gas mask when walking in to see the 456), Jack cares for those he loves and will do anything to keep them happy and safe (including thinking ahead... well, most of the time), John may be a heartless bastard when he wants but behind that he does care about others (at least a few others), and Gwen does mean well, but doesn't always see the whole picture (but then again, neither do most of us in our day to day lives, do we?). That other people may want to know some character(s) will be mistreated just a bit (so will Ianto's suit), Jack will at some point or another die, somebody will at some point or another voice what could be considered an unfair opinion on Gwen, there will be an awful lot of teasing and sex (although no drugs that I know of and no rock'n'roll either) in various combinations of the main three characters (sorry about Gwen, but there is no playtime for her), some characters will get to watch some pretty interesting things, and there will be cuffs and showers (although it may not always be what you are thinking, and I am in no way to be held responsible for what your imagination you thought this meant).
Disclaimer: Torchwood and all the characters belong to Russell T. Davies and the BBC. No copyright infringement intended, although a custody battle seems appropriate after July 2009. No money is being made. I'm not even getting my usual dose of sanity out of this.
Special thanks: Other than my betas, there's a bunch of people who deserve a mention. First and foremost, a dear friend of mine who finally was forced to get an LJ username made it into LJ, and discussed aliens with me and came up with about 90% of the Very Nasty Aliens you will meet in this story; I told him what I needed the aliens to cause, he gave me a whole species! You are amazing and you know it, pal! Also, to everybody who had a look at the (very, very, very) early drafts and convinced me it was a story worth telling.
Welcome ladies, gentlemen and aliens, to the "Seduction Moves"'verse. This fits in canon between "Exit Wounds" and "The Dead Line". After that, it goes back into canon as we know it (namely, Children of Earth), and from there to Aftermath.
This does not mean that I accept Children of Earth, for reasons I have discussed at lenght in other posts and places. But, me being me, I can't just ignore canon, I have to work around it until I like the result. So, there already is a second part to this story on the works. It will fit after Aftermath, and will be my epic fix-it, which will finish establishing my own 'verse to write in.
I will be posting a chapter a day, starting today, and I will update the links below. I'll try to make it appear at a regular time, but I'm not making any promises. We all know how much of a *"%£$ RL can be sometimes!
My short stories "Blind" and "Ties that Bind" fit somewhere between Ch. 13 and Ch. 16.