Okay, I was soooo bored when I wrote this. Don't judge my other stories by this one. I wasn't going to post this, but, as my friend NinjaJen says, it doesn't hurt. This is totally random, but it was kind of fun to write. This is not serious writing at all. Don't review if you don't like it, but I love reviews.
Battle time!
"I bet I could beat you in a battle any day!" Merlin challenged.
"That's a dangerous was to speak to your master." Arthur, crown prince of Camelot, shot back.
"You're just afraid you'll lose to your servant!" Merlin goaded.
"I am not!" Arthur exclaimed.
"Then prove it!" Merlin said, getting close to Arthur's face. "Battle me."
"Fine, but when I win you're going in the stocks." Arthur grinned.
"And if I win?" Merlin questioned, excited in the heat of a new battle.
"You won't." Arthur pulled a pokemon ball off his belt.
"What makes you so sure?" Merlin frowned at the lack of faith his friend showed in him.
"Because I'm the best pokemon trainer in all of Camelot." Arthur replied. He tossed his pokemon ball into the air. "Go, Wartortle!"
"Go, Pikachu!" Merlin shouted, tossing his pokemon ball into the air as well.
They both battled hard, neither gaining the advantage for a long time. Then finally Merlin's Pikachu was knocked out with a well aimed and powerful surf. From there it all went downhill for Merlin. Pikachu was his best pokemon, and without it he didn't stand a chance against his master. After all, Arthur was the best.
"Take that!" Arthur laughed as his wartortle knocked out Driffloon, Merlin's third and last pokemon. Merlin groaned. He'd really thought he had improved.
"Stocks?" He asked with a long sigh.
"You bet!" Arthur chuckled. "You're such a girl, Merlin." Arthur enjoyed messing with his servant. And Merlin's responses were always fun.
"Well at least I'm not a conceited, bragging, prat!" Merlin replied angrily.
"Oh get over it and take your defeat like a man." Arthur rolled his eyes. Merlin's halfhearted insults didn't even phase him anymore. He grabbed his friend by the arm. "Of you go." He grinned. "Time to be pelted by fruit!" Merlin groaned loudly as Arthur lead him away. Arthur only chuckled.
Review if you like.