Not only is it viciously cold where I live right now, we have actually had our first snow and ice - which is usually more of a late December or January (possibly February) thing for us; this is ridiculously early for it! I was inspired.


"Pet, are you-" Draco was cut off abruptly by a burst of snow to the side of the head. He spluttered and shook it off, a shiver running down his spine, then looked for the culprit.

Kaus grinned at him, then shrugged - and hurriedly dove behind a snow-covered bench as Draco drew his wand. Draco raised an eyebrow. He snorted, flicking his wand with a muttered incantation.

A yelp came from behind the bench as the snow surged, and Draco laughed as he brushed the snow out of his hair.

"Did you need something, love?" Harry asked, crunching through the snow with Orion cradled on his hip. Both were liberally covered in snow, hair mussed and damp and speckled with unmelted snowflakes. "Or did you just want to come out and terrorise our children?" He was grinning.

Draco sniffed, unable to quite repress a grin of his own, and accepted Orion into his arms with a tight hug. He exchanged a light kiss with his husband. "Well I was looking for you, but I suppose I can spare a little time to terrorise the children." he said playfully, and brandished his wand. "Teach them how proper wizards have a snow battle, at least."

Harry laughed, head tipping back. "I bet we can take you." he countered, winking at Kaus as he crept nearer, then holding out a hand. Kaus hurried to him, standing a little straighter and grinning up at Draco.

"Try me." Draco challenged, spinning his wand around his fingers. "Teaching our children to be barbarians, really now." He tsked in mock disapproval.

"A well-rounded education is best." Harry said seriously, eyes sparkling. "Best of both worlds?"

"We'll see what's best." Draco countered with a laugh, flicking his wand and shaping a wall out of the snow. "Prepare yourselves!"