Disclaimer: I own nothing and no one connected in any way to the Harry Potter franchise and I make no money from this fan work of fiction.
Note: If you are starting here . . . I wish you well. These drabbles marked my path of figuring out how to be a writer, and many of the earlier ones show it very clearly - I was still learning how to 'story' when I wrote them. If you want to skip ahead to slightly less messy stuff, I recommend probably jumping forward by one to two hundred. ~Kalira of 2015
Harry turned around and tugged Draco easily - he wasn't fighting - aboard the Hogwarts Express after him, laughing happily as Draco reluctantly followed.
Draco knew Harry was excited about this, but he was dreading meeting Harry's friends again, after all these years, this time as Harry's boyfriend. Whatever Harry thought, Draco knew that his friends were not going to be happy to see him, and particularly not to see him introduced as 'Harry's boyfriend'.
He was still just as powerless as ever against the lure of Harry's smile though, and he followed along just like the love struck fool he was.
A/N: I was skimming generated words for my Severus/Harry series when this one popped up and inspired this. I decided to just start a series of Draco/Harry drabbles as well - rather than trying to make this one be a Severus/Harry as well, when it clearly didn't want to be, or simply throwing it out.
A/N: Added January 3rd, 2010 - DancingWithRoses has written, with my permission, of course, a small fic building off of this drabble. It is called Aboard as well. I am very flattered by her writing it, and it has, unfortunately (given how many I'm already working on) given me a new idea for a ficlet.