Author Note: Hmm, I received reviews regarding about Naruto shouldn't surrender. Truth is, if he didn't surrender, he will invite more trouble. Besides, if he just attacked those guards, he wouldn't know the depth of Aizen's evilness! As for why he didn't submit those documents to his own grandfather, he is trying to cover his friend's back. Shinji and the gang cannot return empty-handed. That's fact. By the way, I believed I have stated I am serving army. Sadly, I don't have time to update my stories as frequently as I can. I apologise to my anxious readers, who are most likely very frustrated with me. LOL! Once again, I'm sorry. I will try my best to cope with my tight schedule. ~ Chapter 20: Strawberry Intrudes! The Story Begins! ~
(94 years later)
"Mommy, I don't like school!"
"Why? Is something wrong?"
"N-No… yes! My friends laugh at my hair! They think my purple hair is fake! It is not fake!" The young girl with vibrant violet hair pouted as she played with her bangs. "I hate my hair!"
Yoruichi giggled as she paused in her stride and knelt down, meeting the timid gaze of her precious daughter. She stroked her daughter's hair fondly and smiled. "Oh my baby angel, you should be proud of it. You know what, Nachiko-chan? They are jealous! They are jealous of you. They are lost souls. You shouldn't let them make you feel down. You have your father's eyes and mommy's hair. No matter what, you are the most beautiful child to us."
Yoruichi kissed her daughter's forehead and she whispered soothingly into the child's ear. "I love you, Nachiko-chan. Be proud of who you are, not what you are."
Nachiko's eyes beamed with joy and she nodded fervently; no matter what happened, she knew her mom knows what to say. "Umm! Is daddy coming home for dinner tonight?"
"Yes, my love. Daddy is coming home." Yoruichi stood up and opened her palm, offering for her daughter to hold it. "Come on, we don't want to be late. Mommy still needs to buy some groceries."
"Okay! I want miso ramen for dinner!" Nachiko grabbed her mother's hand and she skipped buoyantly to the market.
Yoruichi shook her head and grinned. "Just like her father."
"Ah choo!" Naruto rubbed his nose indignantly and stared with sheer boredom in his eyes at his fellow doctors in the meeting room. "Sorry about that. So, about the surgery…"
Ryuken Ishida, director of the Karakura Hospital, sat upright and addressed the issue frostily. "The surgery must be conducted. Himiko's parents have given their consent for the surgery. Besides, the girl wishes for it."
The blond rolled his eyes. "Oh please, cut me some slack. You obviously know the risk is high for this one. The chance for her to survive the operation is equal to dropping a rock into a river and hoping for it to float. Himiko must not undergo the operation. It is just too risky and dangerous for a twelve year old girl to undergo such-"
The director glared coldly at the unfazed blond. "But don't forget, you are a professional doctor-"
"That has nothing to do with me being a professional doctor and shit-"
"This is a direct order." Ryuken interrupted. "Himiko will be in the operating ward tomorrow morning. It is either she risks it or she lives the rest of her life without her legs and hands. As a doctor who holds morals and ethics with high regard, what is the best solution for her? Her willing parents have already made payment for her operation. This operation must be performed, and it will be done by you, doctor Uzumaki."
Naruto chuckled. "You really have a stick up your ass, Ryuken."
The other doctors were both amazed and disgruntled by the fact that Naruto was the only doctor who could be rude to the director of the hospital and still get away with it. Naruto drew himself up to his full height and slotted his fists into his coat pockets. "You know what? Fuck you all. I'm done for the day. Don't call me. I won't be answering any calls from the hospital."
Ryuken sighed as Naruto strolled out of the chamber.
The last quincy had known Naruto for nine years. The blond had decided to move in to Karakura town the day his wife was found pregnant. It was a miracle for him; however, he knew that meant they had to forsake their life as escapees. In order to do so, they decided to find a sequestered spot somewhere in the world of the living where his family would be safe. Once the couple had settled down, Naruto decided to work for the local hospital as a promising doctor.
In the past decades, Naruto had studied vigorously in the medical field, earning himself a degree; he had ventured to various places throughout the world with Yoruichi to further broaden his horizons. Initially, Ryuken detested Naruto's presence as the blond was a shinigami. However, when Naruto confronted Ryuken about his crisis, the director empathised his dilemma and accepted him into the workforce.
When Nachiko was born, he overflowed with happiness. When the couple sent their photos to Retsu, she was delighted beyond cognition; she even snuck her way to the world of the living just to have a look at Nachiko. Yoruichi and Nachiko were everything to him. Naruto was an orphan, so he cherished his moments with his family as much as possible.
However, Naruto and Yoruichi had never disclosed their true identities to their daughter. It was a precautionary measure. Most importantly, they didn't want their daughter to live their life. Sometimes, it was better to be ordinary.
(4 years ago – Nachiko: Age 5)
"What should we do, Naruto-kun? The temperature of her fever is getting higher and higher!"
As a doctor and a soul reaper, Naruto knew exactly what was going on with her unconscious daughter's body. Nachiko's birth had almost killed Yoruichi, simply because she was born with excessive amounts of spirit energy. Initially, Naruto sealed a portion of his daughter's latent power within her soul. However, as she grew older, the seal became weaker. Her lithe, undeveloped body was unable to contain that much spirit energy.
"Naruto-kun! Do something!" The panting Nachiko was in her mother's embrace; she could only register faintly her parents' conversation.
Naruto sighed. "It isn't an ordinary fever, Yo-chan. The seal is broken. Unlike us, she has no adequate combat training to subdue her powers. And her reiatsu is even stronger than mine. Chiko-chan is not going to make it. She… is going to explode."
Yoruichi bit her lips and growled. "Then do the sealing ritual! Now!"
"You won't like it."
"What do you mean?"
"In order to seal her spirit energy completely, I have to drag out all of her reiatsu within her without killing her. I'm now sure what will happen. I have only read this in books and it works, theoretically. If the procedure-"
"Just shut up and do it!" Yoruichi yelled.
The blond swiftly formed a hand seal. "Bakudo no. 99: Kin!" (Way of Binding: Seal)
Naruto reluctantly summoned ropes, which manifested from nothingness, and he pinned Nachiko firmly on her bed with the binding spell. Yoruichi was in distraught. "What are you doing?"
"Trust me; this is the only way to prevent her from struggling." Naruto sighed heavily. "This will be a long day."
"I'm home!" Naruto exclaimed.
Nachiko, appeared from nowhere and jumped into her father's embrace. "Daddy, you're home! We have ramen tonight! Mommy is cooking her special recipe!"
The blond grinned and ruffled his daughter's hair affectionately. "Awesome! So, how was your day in school?"
Nachiko frowned and stared at the floor. Naruto arched a brow, dropped his suitcase and hoisted her daughter on his back, giving her a piggy-back ride. "What happened? Did anybody bully you? Tell daddy and I'll make sure they understand my youthful fury!"
The purple-haired girl giggled. "It's not that. It's just… people think I'm odd."
"Why would that be?"
"For starters, I have purple hair. That's weird! None of my classmates have this kind of hair colour! They have black, brown, dark blue. And then this boy who has orange hair. That's weird. But we're equally weird! I don't like being weird."
Naruto chuckled. "My darling, you're not weird. If you're weird, I'm hundred times weirder than you. What does that make me? A goof ball?"
"Yup!" Nachiko chirped.
"Aww, you hurt daddy's feeling. Pillow fight tonight!"
"Yay! And I'm gonna win like I always do! You're weak, daddy!"
"Y-Yes!" Naruto posed a dramatic stance. "M-My presence is… shadowed by the everlasting grace… of Nachiko-sama!"
The girl guffawed buoyantly at her father's antics. Yoruichi, dressed in a simple blouse, jeans and an apron, walked out of the kitchen with a pot of steaming ramen in her gloved hands. "Alright, fun times over. Dinner is ready."
"Yay! Ramen! Daddy, go forth! To the kitchen!" Nachiko pointed a finger at the kitchen table.
"To the kitchen!" Naruto repeated.
The sun had fallen, and much to Nachiko's dismay, she disliked the night. She had seen paranormal things ever since she knew how to speak. However, she rarely confronted her parents about it. She could see spirits floating across the streets through her window. Sometimes, on unfortunate occasions, she saw enormous, heinous monstrosities flying around the city. That was enough to frighten her.
"D-Daddy! Daddy!" Nachiko whimpered. "P-Please come to me!"
Naruto rushed to his daughter's bedroom, as usual. As he opened the door silently, the blond saw his daughter sitting on her bed, hugging her teddy bear tightly against her chest. Naruto grinned and strolled to Nachiko's side and sat on her bed. "What's wrong? Still seeing things?"
"N-No. I'm just scared… I don't want to see that… weird… scary masked monster again."
The blond was unfazed as he kept his smile on his lips. "And you won't! What did daddy tell you?"
Nachiko blinked and smiled brightly. "You're superman in disguise and your duty is to protect me!"
"Shh!" Naruto placed a finger on his mouth and smiled playfully. "Don't let others hear that. This is a secret between you and me. Other people will think I'm selfish for not protecting the world, you know? They will be jealous of you, and that's precisely what your classmates are doing. They're jealous!"
"That's what mom said."
"And is she ever wrong?"
"Yes!" Nachiko smirked. "Remember that time she said driving north to town would be a good idea? We ended up in a desert for five hours."
"Oh, yeah, that." Naruto chuckled. "Well, that's funny but… no matter what daddy will always protect you. Trust me; nothing will dare touch you as long as I'm alive! Daddy is superman, right? And superman is invincible, no?"
The purple-haired girl grinned cheekily. "Yup!"
"How about this, I'll stay here and be on guard. If any stupid monsters dare to come, I'll kick its butt with my awesomeness, believe it."
Nachiko collapsed into her pillow and smiled appreciatively at her loving father. "Thanks, daddy. I love you."
Naruto swiped his daughter's purple bangs away from her eyes and smiled. "I love you too, Chiko-chan."
(A few days later – 17th of June)
Naruto returned home with an impassive façade. Yoruichi was sitting on the couch, sighing heavily. Naruto sat beside his wife and she leaned her cheek on his shoulder; spontaneously, the blond draped a hand over her shoulder and pulled her closer to his broad chest. "So you've heard about it, Yo-chan?"
"Masaki-san is a good person. She shouldn't die tragically like this."
"I have examined her body at the morgue. It is definitely not an accident."
Yoruichi blinked. "Hollow attack?"
Naruto sighed. "Regardless, I can't imagine what Isshin and his family are going through now."
The couple sat there quietly, mourning inwardly.
"S-Should we tell Nachiko-chan about… us?"
"You make it sound like the both of us are having a dirty affair or something." Naruto sighed and stared deeply at the carpet. "I… honestly don't know."
"I don't want our daughter to be hurt… or worse… She should learn how to defend herself."
"Then we will be setting our burden on her."
"We can't protect her forever. There will be times where she is left unguarded. What if we can't reach there in time?" Yoruichi argued.
"So you are proposing," The blond averted his gaze as he said solemnly. "We should teach her how to utilise her spirit energy?"
"I don't know. Perhaps we can teach her how to use kido spells or bakudo spells. That way, she can at the very least protect herself," Yoruichi suggested with a smile.
"Then we have to convince her that kido and bakudo spells are not witchcraft." Naruto chuckled. "That would be a pain in the ass to explain. The fact that we are masters of magical spells should be enough to freak her out."
"Do you think she will look at us differently?"
Naruto smirked. "Nah. You should believe in her. If we want to do it, then we should be positive about it."
"I guess you're right."
A moment of silence intruded before Yoruichi broke it. "Should we tell her about hollows?"
Yoruichi blinked dumbly. "What's wrong honey? Is there something wrong?"
Naruto gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. "Damn it…"
The Shihouin matriarch was taken aback when her husband grimaced. "Naruto-kun?"
"If we tell her about hollows… then she wouldn't believe I'm superman anymore!" Naruto whined childishly, much to Yoruichi's displeasure.
His wife smacked his head, and they burst into chortles.
(6 years later...)
We fear what we can't comprehend. And because we can't comprehend, we fear.
A girl, dressesd in the standard shinigami combat uniform, stood proudly atop a utility pole. Closing her eyes, she focused her senses sharply to her surroundings. "I see. My instincts are correct. I did feel a strong spirit activity here. This is the place."
The shinigami leaped across a few buildings before she made her fateful descent on Karakura town.
"I am Ichigo Kurosaki. Fifteen years old. High school freshman. My father runs the town clinic. Saving lives and watching people die before my very eyes has become something ordinary to me. Life and death, those are things we have to accept. I guess, perhaps, that's the reason why I can see spirits."
After trashing a few thugs, helping a young spirit, Ichigo strolled back home. When he opened the door, before he managed to mutter out a polite greeting, he received a kick in the face from his father. "YOU'RE LATE, ICHIGO!"
That was something common in the Kurosaki household. So common, the two younger sisters of Ichigo, Karin and Yuzu, could be dispassionate about the whole ordeal. It was their way of life. Ichigo tried his best. He tried his best in many things, mainly to forget the painful memories of his deceased, beloved mother. The guilt in his heart stung him every time he fell asleep, and his nightmares tormented him by forcing him to watch footage of his mother's death over and over again.
Ichigo, despite his looks, excelled in his school and he was an overprotective, reliable elder brother to his sisters. After he had a friendly spar with his esteemed father, the orange-haired teen decided to skip dinner and retired for the night to his room.
He didn't know that decision would change his life forever.
Yoruichi stared intently at the distant sky though the kitchen window. Her soapy hands were submerged within the water in the sink, her eyes gazing lifelessly at the moon. "Another patrolling shinigami. If this keeps up, they might catch up to us."
"Mom? What's wrong?" Nachiko, wearing her school uniform, opened the refrigerator and rummaged for a bottle of milk. "Is something troubling you?"
Yoruichi smiled dearly at her daughter and responded with a soft tone. "It's nothing. I'm just thinking whether I should employ maids or not. Our new house is just too big. I can't possibly clean every corner of this house, can I?"
"I can help up!" Nachiko beamed and softened her gaze. "I am Nachiko Uzumaki. Fifteen years old. I'm a high school freshman. My father is the best and most respected doctor in Karakura Hospital. My mother is an average housewife, after she quitted her job as chief editor of a fashion magazine. Ever since I was born, I could already see both spirits and hollows. My parents never tell me much about what hollows really are, or where they came from, though I know they do know something. But since they don't wish to tell me, I won't ask too much."
"It's okay, sweetie. Just concentrate on your studies." Yoruichi twisted her attention to her work. "I made some pudding. Do you want some?"
"I'll eat it later. I'm going back to my room to finish my homework. Goodnight mom." Nachiko strolled insouciantly to the stairs and ascended to her bedroom.
"Goodnight." Yoruichi sighed. "Something is going to happen tonight."
Without hesitation, she slid open the window and leaped out into the night.
A fox, with vibrant orange fur, sat on top of a building, staring at the commotion beneath him. It scratched its ears with its leg and resumed its original position. Abruptly, a cat materialised behind it and the feline settled down comfortably beside the fox. The fox spoke with a feminine tone, "You're here, Yo-chan. I thought you wouldn't show up."
The cat replied with a masculine voice, "That shinigami… Naruto-kun, is she-"
"If I'm not wrong, she's Rukia Kuchiki."
"Oh? She must be little Byakuya's adoptive younger sister." Yoruichi frowned. "So the hollow decided to attack Isshin's family."
"Their prey is Isshin's son, Ichigo Kurosaki." The fox watched as a wounded Rukia thrust her blade into Ichigo's stomach. Yoruichi and Naruto marvelled when a disastrous explosion erupted as Ichigo was enveloped with immense power. His spiritual energy skyrocketed, alarming the fox and cat, as well as a dumbfounded Rukia. When the smoke cleared, the orange-haired teen wore the traditional dark robe of death and wielded a humongous blade.
The orange fox grinned. "The boy really is something. The size of one's zanpakuto reflects upon its wielder's strength."
The black cat smirked. "I see you have some plans for him."
"Maybe, maybe not. At any rate, that hollow doesn't stand a chance against Ichigo. The boy lacks skills, but his reiatsu can easily match any fifth seat officers. Scary, scary."
"Yes." Yoruichi scoffed. "Say the man whose reiatsu surpassed any lieutenant when he was merely in the academy."
"That's all in the past now. I'm now just a humble doctor, a loving husband and a fantastic father." The fox boasted.
The cat rolled her eyes. "So, someone should clear the mess, right?"
"I'm sure Rukia-san knows what to do. Don't forget, we're just ordinary civilians, living a very ordinary life."
"They will catch up to us, sooner or later."
"Well, they haven't caught up yet. And it has been a century. We'll be fine." Naruto assured. "We should leave now. The show is over."
Yoruichi nodded. "I might need to go back and check the oven."
"Don't tell me you forgot to turn it off."
The cat giggled. "Heh, maybe."
"As expected." Naruto sighed. "Let's go."
(Next day…)
"Nachiko, have you heard about it?"
The purple-haired girl arched a brow. "Heard about what? Something happened, Tatsuki?"
"It's about Ichigo." Tatsuki stood at the side of the hallway and sighed. "Last night, a truck crashed into his house."
Nachiko blinked. "Really? Now that is news you don't hear every day. Did anybody get hurt?"
"From what I heard, everybody is fine." Tatsuki shrugged. "Geez, sucks to be him."
Orihime had stridden past the girls and heard everything. "I-I hope Kurosaki-kun is fine."
"Oh, good morning, Orihime." Nachiko beamed. "Did you bring lunch for today?"
The orange-haired teen nodded in a bubbly manner. "Yes! Today is fish-shaped sweet bean bread and ramen with wasabi and honey sauce! You want some, Tatsuki-chan, Nachiko-chan? I make extras for the both of you too. Do you want some?"
Nachiko and Tatsuki blanched. "U-Uh… no thanks."
"But it's delicious- kyah!" Just when Orihime spun around, she bumped into her object of affection. "Oww…"
"Oh, it's you, Inoue?"
Tatsuki growled. "Ichigo, you should apologise to Orihime."
Nachiko shook her head disapprovingly at Ichigo's action. "When you bump into someone, 'oh, it's you' isn't going to cut it."
Under the oppressive gazes of both girls, Ichigo staggered. "Oh, uh, my bad. Are you okay, Inoue?"
Orihime stood up abruptly and chuckled nervously. "It's okay! It's really okay! I-I'll be going now!"
Ichigo watched as the girl ran away in fright. "What's wrong with her?"
Nachiko folded her arms under her chest and sighed. "Maybe it's because you have a scary face."
Keigo smirked. "Ichigo, this ain't no secret no more. I heard a truck crashed into your house. You sure have some rotten luck."
"Pretty much." Ichigo sighed.
"Have you cleaned the mess up?" Mizuro asked.
"You do know that a truck just crashed into my house, right? You can't expect everything to be cleaned up in a day. It will at least take a week to fix that shit up."
"Need my help?"
Ichigo switched his attention to the intimidating man standing beside him. Sado Yasutaro, the 'all-muscle' guy in his class was good friends with Ichigo. "Uh, it's okay. Thanks for the offer, Chad."
"Chad, you might probably break more stuff than help." Keigo mocked.
"Oh, you must be Kurosaki-kun."
Ichigo blinked, turn around and was dumbstruck by the presence of Rukia before him. "My name is Kuchiki. I will be sitting beside you from today onwards."
The orange-haired teen screamed aloud before pointing an accusing finger at the girl. "Y-You!"
Rukia grinned inwardly.
Nachiko, who was sitting on the rooftop, enjoying lunch with her friends, was suddenly perturbed. "A hollow?"
Dropping her food, the purple-haired girl stood up and bowed meekly. "Please excuse me, I have to go to the restroom."
"Okay." Tatsuki grinned. "Just don't forget your way back."
Nachiko smiled before she dashed to her designated destination. "Why is there a sudden rise of hollow activity in Karakura town? This town doesn't usually get crowded by hollow invasions often. Now, it seems like they're pulling a festival or something. At any rate, I have to find that hollow before it attacks innocent people."
Channelling spirit energy into her legs, she burst into supersonic and sped through the streets.
"You sure this is the right thing to do, Naruto-kun?" Yoruichi sat on the rooftop in her cat form, spying on her daughter. "You know he is going to see her using her powers."
"Yeah, it's destiny." Naruto grinned as he stood beside the cat in his fox form. "Besides, I have a foreboding feeling about Rukia-san. Something tells me a mastermind is scheming behind everybody's back, trying to steal something very important and rule over the world under his tyrannical hegemony."
"You're thinking too much." The black cat rolled her eyes. "I just hope this turns out good."
A dreadful wind breezed past them and Naruto sighed.
"I have a bad feeling about this though. Yo-chan…" The fox narrowed his eyes. "If we ever have to return to Soul Society… never bring Nachiko-chan with us."
Yoruichi nodded solemnly. "Let's hope that day never comes."
New chapter is done. This chapter will bring you to the start of the canon series.
Yes. Nachiko is OC, but you can imagine she look like Yoruichi, except her hair is as spiky as her father.