Ok, so I lied. I do actually have to abandon this story. But fear not, for someone else has agreed to take up the reins. I have been so busy lately with life and my new job that I simply no longer have the time or the internet access to be able to give Downward Spiral the attention it deserves. My long-time cohort in Twilight stories, the amazing content1, has agreed to adopt Downward Spiral. She is going to wait until one of her current projects is complete, only a few chapters from now, and then she will pick up DS from where I left off. I have agreed to continue as a pre-reader, so my input in the story will remain; I just won't be the one at the helm. You may find content1's profile here: http:/www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net/u/2022542/content1

Put her on your author alerts, and FFn will e-mail you when she starts posting DS. She's going to copy over the current chapters and post them under a new story on her own profile.

Thank you all so much for your interest and your wonderful reviews. They really have meant a lot to me, and are the main reason I went looking for someone to adopt Downward Spiral instead of abandoning it completely.