Reviews for Downward Spiral
Sweetie7smiled chapter 5 . 2/20
This is incredibly well done. A story beginning, and most of the rest, that I can come back to again and again, being more impressed every time at the depth that went into it. Thank you for writing!
Alice's White Rabbit chapter 5 . 3/14/2015
I'm not sure where I saw this recd, but I was totally intrigued by the plot. I have loved the five chapters you wrote. I didn't realize that this wasn't complete until I just hit chapter six and seven. But, I was thrilled to see that content1 was going to continue it. I decided I wanted to at least review one chapter here to applaud your work on this very different storyline. It is an amazing story. I look forward to seeing how content1 completes it.

bumblebee88888 chapter 7 . 11/21/2012
I am sorry to hear that life has been difficult for you and taking so much of your time :(
But i am glad to hear (or rather, be reminded) that someone else has been willing to take over this fic. i will head over to content1's profile now. I can only hope she does your story justice (you are a hard act to follow), but i am sure she will :)

Thank you for all the hard work and genius that has gone in Downward Spiral so far :) I look forward to seeing what content1 has added to your work!

Thanks for sharing your amazing talent with us!
bumblebee88888 chapter 4 . 11/21/2012
I love the detail you provide as Edward slowly but surely recovers. I am glad you have projected Jake as someone who loves and cares for Edward (some fics do not unfortunately), and i loved reading his indignation and hatred of the bloodsuckers. I cannot wait to see what happens next; i have no idea what to expect, though i shudder to think what Nessie would say if she is ever allowed to see her father before he is back to a resemblance of his previous self.

Amazing work as always!
bumblebee88888 chapter 3 . 11/21/2012
I am SO happy Edward has been rescued! I can only hope- pray that they can help him. And i didn't even think of Alice. Oh gosh, all that she must have seen and known without being able to tell anybody! Amazing, amazing, AMAZING! And thank you for the stories you have recommended- if i ever have the time, i would love to read the fic where your idea arose from :)

(and on to the next chapter...)
bumblebee88888 chapter 2 . 11/20/2012
Wow, just WOW. I mean WOW. That is really all i can say actually. I have read a select few fanfictions in my life (as i spend most of my time writing fics or studying). But this is brilliant. Your writing is to die for, and the psychology behind this is just mind blowing. I teared up with Beth's message to her family, the 'good' Bella's voice so full of forgiveness and understanding, Edward's never ending compassion, and then to read his pain in the end? This story has transported me to a ridiculously vivid and enticing place. I don't think i have ever been so engrossed in a fanfic in my life, my heart literally breaks for Edward.
Beth's final thought directed at God nearly had me in tears. Your dialogue is perfect- simply perfect.

I read on your profile page that you have a happy ending planned. All i can say is thank goodness for that. Edward so deserves it. I truly hope he has the opportunity to pass the message on to Beth's family, and that he returns safely to his family. He deserved nothing less.

Thank you for writing this AMAZING story and sharing it with us. I will try to finish your current chapters tonight or tomorrow- if it were a book, i wouldn't put it down. Seriously.

Thank you again for writing :)
bumblebee88888 chapter 1 . 11/20/2012
Wow this chapter was captivating. I very much look forward to reading the rest of your story.

I thought I would let you know that a reader of yours: Sweetie7smiled recommended your fic to me due to my studying psychology (and loving it), and due to Edward being my favourite character is the Twilight Saga. I also enjoyed reading most of your author profile, and was thrilled to hear that you are not only male, but have written a wonderful fic (so i've heard, and am beginning to learn).

I haven't read content1's fic (from which i understand the beginnings of your fic is based). I was wondering to what extent i should read that fic before continuing with yours? So far i understand what is happening, but am not quite clear how Edward was kidnapped (as such)? I understand that Aro etc wish to create half breeds, and that Edward was the key (as he explains) to achieving their goal (not that it's working at the moment)... is this all i need to know do you think?

Anyway, thank you for creating such an intriguing, however sad and tragic story line so far. I definitely look forward to reading more!
AbruptlyChagrined chapter 7 . 10/30/2012
Thank you for actually letting us know what's going on and not just leaving us hanging like so many authors do. This story is so amazing and I hope it is continued.
Best wishes!
PLV chapter 1 . 1/7/2012
AnnaLund chapter 7 . 1/7/2012
thank you for giving your baby up fr adoption. I'm heading over to content1.

Hope you are ok.

Sweetie7smiled chapter 7 . 1/6/2012
Thank you for such a well-done story, and the subsequent adoptive efforts. It was definitely worth it. Thanks for writing!
Sweetie7smiled chapter 4 . 1/5/2012
Amazingly done! Thanks for writing!
Sweetie7smiled chapter 3 . 1/5/2012
Wow. This is heavy, but well done! I am glad they have him back now. Thanks for writing!
ThiglDub chapter 7 . 1/3/2012
Very disappointing. It seems you have fallen victim to #15 in your manifesto. Why not indicate at the beginning, in the first chapter that you can't finish the story, instead of easing out of it in the last updates?

It was a good story, good writing, and plot direction. It is a shame for readers to be left hanging.
Isecretlyliketwilight chapter 7 . 12/26/2011
If anyone can do it, it's April! :)
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