AN: I was originally going to wait to post this until I had edited Choices (as we all know there were A LOT of things that needed to be fixed) but with work as messed up as it is I have no idea when it will be done (I only have up to 13 done! T^T) and I didn't think it was fair to make you guy/girls/others? Wait any longer. :)
OMG you have NO IDEA how trouble the ending gave me... oh well. OK, I know I stated before that I was going to post the entire chapter and just add in the bits at the end were different, but I decided to simply start it off from when the entered Kira's HQ. If you need to refresh your memory from before that you will have to go back to the original chapter. :)
However if you simply wish to skip to the new stuff it will be right after Matt and Light start fighting for the gun, the last word of the original chapter will be in bold.
~Choices AE~
Matt's hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as he rolled the car into a stop. He glanced in the backseat and saw that L had dropped his feet to the floor, hand on the door handle. Matt took one last drag of his cigarette and stubbed it out in the ash tray and pushed his door open.
As he stood and stretched he thought back to his and L's conversation on the plane.
Watari had only come with them to fly the plane, and stay with it, so it had left the two of them to figure out a plan, or in that case, not figure one out.
Matt had hoped that L would have had something thought out for their confrontation with Kira, but as with everything that pertained to the Kira mess, it wasn't that simple. L had explained that he only had the most general idea, as what they would do would depend on the situation they were about to head into, and since neither of them really knew anything, nothing could be planned until they were inside and had somewhat assessed the situation.
But L had also stated that it was sometimes better to just improvise, as the mind tended to freeze, even for a second, when things did not go according to plan. And every second counted with Kira.
Matt couldn't help but agree completely.
The main thing L had said, was not to endanger themselves or Mello if it could be helped, as Mello couldn't be saved if they were dead. Which Matt had to agree with. And as Mikami had specified that only Matt and L were to go, Matt was in charge of having to drive them over there; he supposed it was a good thing he'd learned to drive years ago, as L had apparently never learned.
Matt looked over at L, who for once had donned a pair shoes, and lit his last cigarette. He wished Watari had brought more than six packs with him, as he had smoked them rather quickly.
It was probably a good thing they had arrived or Matt would have been so anxious after the nicotine ran out that his mind would have been useless. He hated when things affected him so much...
They reached the end of the gravel road and Matt looked up at the warehouse that loomed above them. It was similar to the one that had housed their HQ, or rather his previous HQ. He pulled the rusted steel doors open and sighed heavily at the amount of noise they caused.
He watched as L still appeared slightly surprised to find the entire place empty. Completely barren. Though he had told L that it would be. With his experience, Matt knew that the main complex would be underground.
Matt stepped inside; there was no use in looking for traps as it was too dark to see anyway. If Light had wanted them dead, Matt knew that someone would have waited for them and shot them the moment he'd opened the warehouse door.
He didn't need to tell L what to look for, as it had been covered earlier, so the two of them scanned the dusty floor until L found very faint lines in the concrete. Matt felt around until he found the hidden latch that opened up a small panel where one would type in their alias and ID number.
Matt knew that Light would make it easy for them to get in, so he entered his and was unsurprised as the large panel on the floor began to shift back to show a steep set of stairs.
"Down we go into the rabbit hole..." he muttered and took the steps by twos as L followed at a somewhat slower pace.
It was pitch black by the time they reached the last step and it stayed that way until the panel above them slid back into place, at which point a light went on above them and Matt was able to find the second keypad to retype the previous ID number onto it.
A loud click echoed in the confined space but Matt knew it was just the lock on the door having been undone. He grasped the handle and tilted it to the side and the door swung inward and they were assaulted with a crisp beige colored hallway with a maroon carpet.
There was no sound at all, and both ends of the hallway were empty, and Matt guessed that the rest of them would be too. "He's playing with us like were are rats in a maze. It's all a game to him." he mumbled, though he doubted that L hadn't heard him.
"Then we will just have to win his game." L responded quietly, thumb perched by his lips.
"My guess would be that he is watching us, and will send people after us according to where we go. Though I doubt they have been ordered to kill us just yet, probably just detain, as I suspect Light will want to do that himself." Matt told L.
Matt really wished he had a gun or a knife on hand...
"And if this is anything like the other compound, the part we are in should lead you in a circle if you only go right or only left, depending on the way you take; the holding cells should be somewhere along the way. There would be a large gray door marked 'containment'." Matt said while he dragged in the last mouthful of poisonous smoke and crushed the filter under heal.
"If it is the same." L stated. Matt nodded. There was no guarantee that Light had kept things the same or even similar. Hell, 'containment' there could lead to the damn bathroom knowing Light and how he liked to mess with people.
"Meet you at the other end?" he asked the detective. L cocked his head to the side in thought for a moment before he nodded.
"Make sure you are there." L commented as he took off down the left side with his awkward and strange run. Matt smiled slightly. Why was it hard for everyone he knew just to come out and say what they meant normally?
He turned and started down the right side but didn't bother to look into any of the rooms there as the door would have been very easy to spot, and was not kept so close to the exit. Who would honestly keep their prisoners so close to a way out?
Not that they would have been able to find a way out with Light's design. It was made to confuse a person if they were not familiar with it, and even if you had lived there for years wrong turns were a normal occurrence.
It had been like living in a fun house from hell at times.
Matt turned left at the corner and ducked the boot that had been aimed at his head. He caught the leg, in a rather delayed manner, and managed to bring the person to the ground. He backed up slightly as the person flipped upwards and their fist connected with his jaw.
Matt was unsteady on his feet but still managed to elbow the person in the gut and grab a fistful of their hair to drag them close, he snapped their neck at his earliest convenience and was left to lean against the wall, winded.
Well that went well, he thought to himself.
He didn't even recognize the body that lay there, which meant it was not even someone skilled, and his limbs already burned. Couldn't Light have waited until he'd gotten into shape again, or not gone after L at all?
That also meant that agents like Mikami and Takada were guarding Mello. Matt sucked in a heavy breath and forced himself further down the new hallway and hoped that L wasn't in any trouble.
The hallways for the circle, though it was really more of a square, were always long and at least three people wide. He didn't spot L as he rounded the last corner and even as he neared two large and looming red doors, L still hadn't appeared.
Matt hoped it meant he'd found the holding cells.
He knew L would look for him should he not be there in the hallway when he appeared, but Matt recognized the red doors in front of him. It was Light's 'thrown room' as they had taken to having it called. Even though Light had hardly spent anytime in the previous HQ, he had liked his luxuries. He had apparently recreated it in the new HQ as well.
And that room had been where he 'passed judgment' on those who betrayed him or those he had asked to be captured. Just because he employed assassins didn't mean the assassins didn't know how to capture instead of just kill.
He narrowed his eyes as the doors opened on their own. Light had to be in there, as the controls for the door were on the thrown chair, and only Light was allowed to sit there. The last idiot to sit there, who hadn't been Light, had died a gruesome death.
Matt backed up as the doors continued to open outward and once they had finished he peered around the side to see Light seated in the chair, a smug grin etched across his lips.
"I hadn't actually thought you would come here first, in fact I had thought you would have gone to get that boy back." Light called to him and Matt grit his teeth as he walked inside.
Light had one elbow propped on the left arm of the large chair and rested his cheek against it while the other sat in his lap. He looked completely at ease, like a god that looked down at a lesser being brought before him.
Matt had always hated that condescending air about him.
Matt might have also neglected to mention to L that Light might be that close to the holding cells.
"You know Matt, I was actually surprised when Kiyomi raised her suspicions about you as you had been one of my top agents. One that I had plucked straight from the streets by my own good graces." Light sneered.
"There is nothing good with a man like you." Matt snorted in amusement. Though he wouldn't deny that Light could have left him in the crappy gutter that he'd been found in, where he'd only had an outdated computer, the clothes on his back and the bruises on his body.
But he'd had only just lost his things in a street fight, he would have hacked the money back and gotten on his feet again, but Light had offered him an easier way out.
"Oh? I rid the world of some of the most corrupt people there are, and I'm no good?" Light's voice held mockery and Matt wondered how he'd ever dealt civilly with him before.
"You are just as bad as the people you have murdered." Matt saw Light's eyes narrow, and wondered if it was really such a good idea to walk much further into the room, though should Light decide to shut the doors he was already in too far to get out in time.
"You are under the assumption I know nothing about the real reason you want L dead. Or the dealings you do with other criminals. A few somewhat good deeds doesn't make you a saint." Matt told the brunette calmly, though he felt anger boil just beneath the surface. But that was the difference between himself and Mello; he knew when to control it.
"Some sacrifices must be made, I admit. But L had gotten in the way of some very important deals. I need the information those clients possessed."
"And what about the orphanage and the children in it? Surely it wasn't necessary to order an entire sweep?" he noted the way Light's jaw tightened and his posture stiffened. He was angry that Matt was not falling to his logic, that he dared questionLight.
"No one is innocent if they get in my way." Light ground out. Matt smiled and shook his head. And there he had it, straight from the lion's mouth. It amazed him just how deluded Light was, or perhaps it was how messed up he was.
He heard footsteps and turned to see L, who stood in the doorway, though he was alone.
"I took care of the surprise that was left for me in the containment area, as well as freed Mello." L stated calmly as he walked over to Matt. He felt so very relieved that Mello was alright, or at the very least alive.
"Mello is currently letting everyone else in the containment area out, as despite their shady dealings as politicians, they are not criminals and are innocent." L said loudly, and Matt couldn't help the feeling of satisfaction at the look of outrage on Light's face.
"I have no doubt that once Mello is done there that he will indeed find his way here." L told him quietly.
"I should have sent Takada; at least she would have shot you!" Light spat at L. Though Matt knew the reason he hadn't sent Takada was because Mikami had a better record when it came to completed missions.
Though Mikami refused to use a gun, thought it was too messy or some crap like that.
Light stood up from his chair and calmly stepped down the three small steps and before Matt could even blink he and L were at each others throats. Matt backed away as he didn't want to get caught in the middle of it.
He noticed that L had managed to kick off his shoes, as the foot that connected with Light's chin was devoid of any footwear.
Though Matt had never actually seen Light fight he knew from secondhand accounts that he was pretty good. And from what he'd seen before of L, he was verygood. Or overconfident...
It had seemed that they had been evenly matched, despite the amount of hits they landed on one another, but it soon became apparent that Light would loose. Light would lose and L would arrest him.
At least until Light had pulled out a gun.
L flew backwards and hit the ground with a roll and managed to land in a crouch nearly halfway across the large room. Blood stained his white shirt from his left shoulder and spread rapidly downwards. Light had always been a terrible shot. Though Matt's heart had still leapt into his throat.
"You see L, my justice will prevail." Light stated with a grin as he raised the gun again and despite Light having poor aim, there would be no missing L the next time even as L tensed to move.
Matt slammed into Light's side and the gun went off three feet to L's left as they tumbled to the floor. Light had let go of the gun and now scrambled to reach it and almost did until Matt dug his knee into Light's back.
Light growled and twisted until Matt was off balance enough for him to stretch the last few inches and wrap his fingers around the gun. "Fuck!" Matt swore and grabbed Light's arm to keep the aim away from L.
Light backhanded him and though dazed Matt hadn't let go. "Let go damn you!" Light yelled and shoved him the rest of the way to the floor. Matt kicked Light's legs out from under him the second he stood and the newly righted man was sent back to the floor with a curse.
Matt jumped onto Light and pinned one hand above his head though the other hand was already between their bodies. There was a moment of deafening silence and all movements stopped.
Light held a smug grin even as blood pooled out the sides of his lips. He weakly shoved Matt off of him and despite everything still made to grab the gun from Matt's hands. Matt rolled away from the brunette as L approached; his hand was still pressed to the growing stain on his shirt.
Matt sat there numbly as he watched L, who cuffed Light despite the obvious signs that he would be dead in a matter of minutes. He couldn't believe how close he had just come to getting shot, again.
And Matt doubted that he would have lived through it a second time, luck was never on his side. Though perhaps this time, it had been. He only half listened as Light began to weakly spout on about justice and how it was a crime to have shot him; he didn't think the brunette had even accepted the possibility he would die.
Matt pulled his goggles down to rest at his chest and rubbed at his eyes. He had a killer headache and needed a cigarette. He passed the gun gently between his hands and after a moments indecision, simply placed the safety on rather then empty it of bullets.
Just because Kira had been caught didn't mean they were safe yet. They had no way of knowing just how many assassins Light had kept in there. Though Light always had been arrogant so it was possible that L had taken out the only others in the complex.
"Matt!" his head snapped up at the sound of the familiar voice, and despite the drama still going on off to his left, he grinned. "Mel…"
Mello literally stopped in his tracks a few feet away, surprise wide in his eyes. "Mel? Does that mean you remember?" Matt couldn't help but smile at Mello's delighted tone. Of course he would be happy, his friend had finally remembered him.
"Yeah, don't really know how I could have forgotten you." he told the blonde fondly. He watched as Mello's cheeks were tinted pink and he finally, finally, understood the look that had been in Mello's eyes the entire time.
Mello loved him.
His grin stretched wider of its own accord as he accepted the hand offered. He was pulled to his feet and he stuffed the gun into his jeans waistband. He felt Mello's hesitation to let him go, and wondered why he had never noticed it before in the rest of his actions.
But, he supposed, the most obvious things were usually the hardest to figure out.
"I believe it is time we departed before anyone left here discovers what happened to Kira." L stated from his slightly more hunched position that usual. Matt took a glance down and found that Light's eyes were shut and his face lax. He was dead. There was no need to take him with them.
And despite wanting something to finally happen between himself and Mello, Matt had to agree.
"Or before you bleed to death." he muttered to the pale detective. Mello let out a small gasp of horror as L merely smiled. It was strained, but it was a smile.
The hallways were quiet, just as quiet as before, as they sprinted to the doorway. Matt hoped his codes still worked to get out. Light had set them up to let them in, but out was another matter entirely.
His fingers quickly punched at the keypad and he grinned as the door slid open. Once they were inside the darkened room again, he repeated the process to get the hidden door above the stairs to open for them to escape.
Matt went up first, gun before him, and quickly scanned the dark room, though as before it was simply too dark to adequately make anything out. If he was shot he guessed that meant they weren't alone.
He waited, a little anxiously, as Mello helped L up the stairs; though Matt still wasn't certain whether L actually needed the help or not. Though whether it was needed or not L allowed it until they had reached the car where he seated himself in the back with a look that suggested Mello should ride in the front passenger side.
Matt started the car, still a bit apprehensive at the fact that no one seemed to come after them, and barreled down the road. He was about to suggest to L that they get him some form of medical attention, as he doubted it was a good idea to attempt the flight back to England beforehand, when the detective pulled his cell phone free of his pocket.
He figured L wanted him to get back to the plane first, if anything to retrieve some form of fake identification or whatnot, as he had not stated otherwise.
Mello sat quietly in his seat, not so secretly glancing back at L every few moments, and Matt couldn't help but watch him. He really couldn't believe he hadn't noticed it…
"The two of you will watch the plane for us while Watari and I take care of my gunshot wound." L told them a moment later. Matt had to wonder just what sort of strings had to be pulled in order for that to happen, it wasn't like L could simply waltz into a normal hospital despite no one knowing his face.
L simply wouldn't take the chance.
And while Matt doubted the detective would keel over and die anytime soon, he still broke a few laws with his speeding. Watari was waiting for them outside the plane when they arrived and Matt slowed to a stop beside him.
"I am happy to see that things went relatively well considering the odds the two of you faced." the elder man commented as he opened the door for Mello, who stepped out quickly after a backwards glance at L.
"I suppose you'll call if anything goes wrong…" Matt trailed off as Watari nodded. There was really nothing left to say so Matt stepped away from the car and walked over to the plane. He was sure L would be fine, Watari wouldn't let it end any other way.
As Mello walked up the steep flight of stairs, Matt found himself suddenly nervous with nothing else to distract him. The Kira case, for all intents and purposes, was closed. All that was left to do was tell Mello…
He knew it was probably best to wait until they were back at the new Wammys, more appropriate as L was injured, but Matt was sick of waiting now that he knew, for certain that Mello at least felt something for him.
Matt closed the hatch behind him and watched as Mello tore open a chocolate bar that had been left out in the event that he returned. He smiled a little at the satisfied groan the blonde let out as he devoured the confection.
"Hey Mello..." the blonde looked up from the wrapper as he walked over. Matt regarded him for a moment, silently, before he pulled him into his arms for a hug. Mello took a sharp breath but relaxed almost immediately.
"I'm glad you're safe." He murmured to him. Though it hadn't been what he wanted to say.
"I'm happy you are too. It was a stupid thing to do… just the two of you… if you had…" Mello wrapped his arms around him and squeezed him almost harshly, his fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt.
"It may have been stupid but it was the only action we could take. We… no, I wasn't going to leave you there. I would have gone even had L told me not to."
Mello looked up at him, surprise and something Matt would have called longing in his eyes. He had wanted to wait until Kira was gone to confess, and he was. He brushed back a strand of Mello's unruly hair and gave the blonde a tiny smile before he leaned in to brush his lips against his.
Mello gasped softly but the surprise only lasted a second before he was returning the kiss fervidly. Blue eyes fluttered shut and Matt had a hard time believing such a peaceful expression could ever touch Mello's features.
The kiss only lasted for a short while and Mello's face was flushed when they pulled away. The blonde smiled, almost shyly, up at him and Matt couldn't help giving those lips of his another quick peck.
"Love you." he whispered just above Mello's parted lips. Mello breathed in deeply, eyes shutting for a moment, as his hands went behind Matt's head to pull him closer; he didn't stop until their foreheads were touching.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you say that..."
"I can guess…" he commented with a smile as Mello laughed. Mello had been extremely hurt by his memory loss and now that he was free to analyze it without anything looming over his head, and all of his memories back, it seemed like more than that of a simple friend. The hurt had run deeper.
But it didn't matter anymore.
It didn't matter because they had each other now, and Matt would do everything to make sure Mello never felt that hurt ever again.
He brushed his fingers against Mello's jaw and smirked at the shiver he was rewarded with. Mello stayed silent but leaned into his touch; his eyes wide and happy.
It didn't matter to Matt if Mello ever said he loved him out loud because he knew Mello loved him. He could see it in his eyes, in his expression, and in the way he held onto him so tightly. Mello loved him, and Matt wished they had said something sooner.
But, he supposed, it had turned out alright despite everything.
Mello pressed his lips to his and he smiled.
Definitely alright.
It had been months since the Kira incident had ended and Matt honestly couldn't be happier. His time from before Wammys was finally over with.
He may never forget it, unforeseen head injuries excluded, but at least it was over with.
When L had gotten back to the plane some odd hours later, along with Watari, he and Mello had been sitting in their seats half asleep and more than ready to get back to Wammys. L was bandaged up, and had a button up shirt on rather than his customary long-sleeved white one. But he was alright, and that was all Mello had been worried about.
There had really been no talking on the way back, as all of them were exhausted from the last few days events, and upon getting back at Wammys sleep had been all anyone wanted.
Things had become interesting, to say the least.
It was an unspoken thing, but Mello hardly seemed comfortable with letting anyone see them as more than friends, at least not for the moment.
It didn't really bother Matt, as he figured it had more to do with L than anything, as he wasn't much into having other people stare at him anyway. And what he and Mello did wasn't something he wanted to have spotlighted anyway; even if it hadn't gotten all that far yet.
"I'm getting closer. Only a few more points!" Mello told him excitedly as he moved away from the rankings sheet. Matt grinned, having been brought out of his musings. He loved seeing Mello that happy, though he knew that beating Near was only part of it.
"I'm sure you'll get it. You haven't failed in anything that really matters yet." he told him and watched as Mello's smile took on a softer edge. Honestly, how the hell had either of them hidden this from each other?
He wondered if it was one of those things where everyone around them knew and they were the only clueless ones... probably.
"Matt, I love you." Mello told him, smile stretched as far as it would go. Mello then threw his arms around his neck and kissed him despite all of the others around them. If Mello didn't care anymore, then he certainly didn't.
He pulled the blonde close and added tongue to the mix and felt Mello somewhat melt against him. He could hear a few gasps of those who had been near them and couldn't help but feel slightly pleased despite not liking the attention.
That had been the first time Mello had actually told him.
He knew that whatever happened, whether or not Mello was chosen as the next L, they would be together. And for once, Matt could say he actually looked foreword to the future.
Suggested Listening: Learning the Hard Way by Gin Blossoms
~AE: Epilogue~
Mello was seated on his bed while he waited for Matt to get back from smoking. He played with the zipper on his vest for a moment before he let his hands drop to his lap. He looked down and smoothed out the creases on his pants before he removed his fingers with a snarl.
He stood up and began to pace; he was driving himself crazy.
Why the hell was he so nervous...? Granted he had no idea how to get into the subject without just outright asking...
But it wasn't like he'd ever been in that position with anyone before... or like he had ever wanted it before either. And fuck he was a little embarrassed too. He wanted to have sex with Matt... but he had no idea how to ask, or even how that would go about other than the barest hint.
He groaned and ran his fingers through his hair. He was almost eighteen and his first kiss had only been months ago when Matt had told him he loved him on the plane!
Becoming L was everything. It took most of his time with the studying and the constant need to better himself... it had been everything. Then Matt had come along and brushed aside some of his drive and made him fall in love and suddenly, after all that damn dangerous crap was out of the way, he was craving Matt like never before.
It was ridicules.
And he had no idea how approach his boyfriend. He sighed and turned in his pacing as the door creaked open, startling him. Matt walked in slowly, hands in his pockets, unlit cigarette dangling from his lips, hair wind mused, smelling of smoke, and looking absolutely and utterly sexy.
Mello swallowed slightly and knew that he wouldn't be able to form the words needed to explain at the moment. He had never been good at words. Matt closed the door slowly, seemingly oblivious to his inner turmoil.
Mello didn't know how far it would go this time, but he would at least, somehow, make Matt understand what he wanted. He closed the distance between them, pulled the unlit cigarette from Matt's mouth, and crushed his lips against the redheads.
He could tell Matt was surprised, though he obviously didn't mind as he pulled him close and wrapped his stripe clad arms around him. They'd had heated sessions before, more than once, that had contained heavy kissing and light groping; but nothing beyond that.
It already seemed different that time though, as though he was projecting his want through the kisses, as Matt's hands had wandered far quicker than they usually did and he couldn't help the slight gasp as Matt squeezed him.
And Mello couldn't help but think that maybe Matt had known all along and had just been waiting for him to finally decide when he wanted it to happen. And damn if it didn't make him feel just the slightest bit awed.
Matt's tongue slid against his bottom lip and the second he opened his mouth, ever so slightly, the kiss was deepened. Matt's hands were fisted in his hair, were sliding down his chest and Mello couldn't help the way his heart began to race inside his chest.
The room began to heat up and he decided to take it a step further and undo Matt's belt. When the redhead didn't protest he knew had been waiting for him to make the first move. He kicked off his boots, loosing another inch on the redhead in doing so, and tugged Matt foreword by the waistband of his jeans.
Matt made a soft groaning noise and Mello found himself being pushed more quickly in the direction of the bed; but he didn't mind in the least. His vest was lost, as well as Matt's shirt and boots, by the time the back of his knees hit the bed and they tumbled backwards. He gasped as Matt fell onto him, their bodies pressing deliriously close.
Matt trailed his lips away from his mouth, down past his neck and throat and latched onto a nipple and Mello couldn't contain a gasp. Matt's mouth was warm and wet and Mello shivered as he brushed his teeth against him.
He barely had time to breathe before Matt's lips trailed even lower and he swallowed harshly as the redhead used his teeth to undo the laces of his leather pants. Where the hell had Matt even learned that? Or had it simply been something spur of the moment?
Mello found that he simply didn't care as Matt's breath ghosted across his erection; though Matt didn't take him into his mouth.
He scooted further up onto the bed as Matt crawled above him after retrieving something from his pocket, though Mello hadn't remembered him loosing his jeans or boxers. Mello took in the creamy flesh and shivered at the look in Matt's eyes.
Matt dropped a small tube by his side and before Mello could even glance at it Matt lips were on his again as his hands ran along his side. He arched into Matt as his fingers caressed the sensitive skin by his hips and he moaned loudly into the kiss as they dipped lower to brush against his inner thigh.
He wrapped his arms around Matt to tug him closer and let the redhead slip between his parted legs but couldn't hold back the sharp gasp as their bodies touched. He ground against Matt and was surprised when Matt's teeth tugged at his bottom lip and he heard the cap being popped open off the tube.
Even if it didn't go any further this time Mello knew he would be satisfied.
(Content removed. available on my Adult fan fiction account, and soon my Ao3)
They lay, panting, gasping, side by side for a long moment before the air finally began to cool and their heart rates slowly returned to normal.
Matt kissed him again, softly, and he didn't protest when Matt shifted him into his arms, or when they wrapped around him. He looked up sleepily at the redhead, who wore a lazy smile, and grinned. "Love you." he murmured to Matt.
"Are we going to have to have sex every time I want to hear that from you?" Matt asked him jokingly with a smile. He rolled his eyes and pinched Matt's side and grinned at the yelp he received.
"No, but if it gets me more of this then I might have to think it over."
Matt laughed and kissed him.
Mello didn't really care if he became L... because he had Matt and that was way better.
-End AE-
AN: You didn't think I'd actually let Mello top did you? Pfft. And my new yaoi scene song is 'w.a.m.s' by fallout boy. It was also hard to write this with 'take it off, right now! Take it off, right now!' coming through my headphones. ('Take it off' by Ke$ha) Ha. (not to mention they just didn't want Ask my beta... they weren't writing for me... I blame Matt...even though it was from Mello's perspective.. oh well)
So how was this for the alternate ending? Not sure how I did since I don't do 'happy' endings. As I told my beta I do bitter sweet with more bitter.
And in the creation of the nice yaoi at the end I accidently spelt 'penish' instead of 'penis' and had a mad laughing fit over it, ask Lady Hiroko who I was texting... it was hilarious... (say it out loud. Its just so...funny. Maybe it's just me... I guess cuz I was all in a yaoi writing mode and all serious and stuff and than WAM penish! *giggles*)
So some feedback would be appreciated. :)
Thank you to all my reviewers and those who voted yes on the poll!
ALSO: I wish to state that my new fic will probably be longer than Choices.. and possibly far more epic. My beta likes it... And I think I like it more than Choices… heh. It will be titled whatever wins the poll that is up on my profile. :)