Disclaimer: Still don't own Death Note....

AN: I was supposed to have this out yesterday, but I kept getting sidetracked. Whops?

And for those of you who have read but not reviewed JNRR, you may want to if you ever want to see a sequel to it. ^_^

Suggested Listening: Extreme Ways (Bourne's Ultimatum) by Moby

Prologue: Accept

He walked slowly down the hallway despite being over ten minutes late to the meeting. A very 'important' one, or so the text on his phone had said. That had been five minutes before he rolled out of bed, and another five before he had even left his room.

It wasn't like he had all that far to go as he lived in the same building as where the meeting was taking place. He just preferred not to be rushed. He had a laid back attitude. Others called him lazy.

He just didn't care.

He pulled his cell phone free of his pocket and glanced at the time. Thirty minutes late; right on time, for him at any rate.

He knocked halfheartedly on the door before opening it despite not having been given the ok. He was only mildly surprised at the two people seated and waiting for him.

"One would think that when you receive a summons you would be on time for it." an elegant and business like woman stated sharply. She had short brown hair and brown eyes. Her name was Kiyomi Takada.

He sat down across the table from her and slouched.

"One would think that due to my chronic lateness you would send the message earlier so that I might be inclined to arrive on time." He told her. The male seated next to her smirked though he didn't comment, opting to stay silent for the moment.

Although her expression suggested that she was irritated Takada remained polite, for her, and continued on. "Here, this is the reason you were called here over twenty minutes ago." withholding a smirk, he accepted the papers held out to him.

He merely had to glance at them to in order to get the gist of what was wanted. It sounded very interesting, and there was so little in this life that he found interesting anymore, even if he hadn't been expected to take it he probably would have.

He placed the papers on the table and grabbed a pen from the jar in front of him and signed his code name, it wasn't as though anyone went by their actual names other then the higher ups. And despite him being one of the best, he wasn't in that position.

"You have read everything over already?" Takada asked skeptically; he nodded and pulled a box out of his pocket.

"Will you accept or decline this mission?" she asked. He rolled his eyes and stuck a cigarette in his mouth though he didn't light it.

"It's not like I really have a choice in the matter, but I'll accept." he pushed the papers back towards her as she glared at him and sighed heavily while getting out more forms for him.

"I just need you to sign here-" she began; he cut her off, more because he could than him actually being annoyed.

"Look, just give me the paperwork. Believe it or not, this isn't my first assignment." Takada narrowed her eyes but her expression turned to dismay at the soft chuckle from her right.

"Haven't I told you to be nice to people?" the man asked. This is a man that he has had a lot of experience working for, how could he not after all?

"I'll be nicer when they'll be smarter. Or something like that." he mumbled while beginning to fill out the item requests form for the mission; which was in less than ten hours, or so the quick glance at the papers had said.

"You shouldn't talk to him like that, you-" Takada began only to be cut off once more.

"Miss Takada, it is not ladylike to get riled so easily. Matt is a good agent. Leave it at that." properly chastised, she set her head high and avoided looking at either of them.

Matt nearly laughed at that, though refrained from doing so as he knew his boss wouldn't appreciate it. It was rare that his boss, the man before him, was even in the building never mind sitting in on an actual meeting with one of the agents.

That just meant that the mission was rather high on his list of importance, and should not be fucked up under any circumstances.

It also meant that everyone was just a little more high strung or in some cases fawning over him. Or in Takada's case, trying to do both.

Matt supposed he was in a class all his own since he did neither things to the man in front of him. Though he did know to be respectful. Well, as much as a sixteen year old genius hacker and spy could be.

His boss didn't mind his attitude so much as long as he got his jobs done and done well. Light Yagami was not a man to cross, and there was no getting away once he had you in his sights.

He quickly finished his items list, mostly filled with nice high tech microphones, video cameras and other little gadgets. Though there were a few personal requests in there. From what he had read, he was expected to be odd at that place, to have quirks, so he was going to indulge.

"Done." Matt said simply before he pushed away from his seat. He didn't need Light or Takada to tell him the meeting was over. It was always the same.

But before leaving he couldn't help himself. He turned and looked directly at Takada, his unlit cigarette dangling precariously from his lips. "So where am I going?" Takada puffed up like a fish and glared at him so hard he couldn't help the smirk that filled his lips.

"Your requested things will be left in your room if I approve them. Get ready, Wammys won't be like anything you could ever imagine." Light told him with a raised eyebrow, seemingly having ignored his previous 'question'.

Matt let his smirk grow as he walked from the room and back into the dull and unappealing hallway.

No, he thought to himself, this was going to be much better than anything he could ever imagine. Especially the part about having to keep his mission secret from an entire orphanage full of genii just like himself.

"This should be fun." he mumbled as he calmly headed back to his room to pack. Or not. It depended on what level he left his game on.

-End Accept-

AN: So how did everyone like the prologue so far? This one I am very excited to be finally writing. You honestly have no idea, unless you know and talk to my beta Lady Hiroko (because I pester her about it like twice a day).

I already have over 25,000 words of this written, however none of my chapters are edited, so it will be slow going in the update department. (mostly because it seems that with this fic I am incapable of writing a short chapter)

See you in chapter 1. REVIEW!!!!