Chapter 1: Found Horse

Authors Note: I do not own heartland though I wish I did. Most of the Characters and settings came from Lauren Brooke except a few extras and the plot which is mine. Please forgive my spelling and grammar because English is not my first language therefore there are lots of mistakes but if you read any please comment and tell me about them so I can change them! Thanks I hope you enjoy my story! =)

Amy smiled at the serene picture of the horses grazing in the afternoon sun. It was that sight that made her feel most at peace and remember how lucky she was to be able to call a place like Heartland "home". She sat on the long green grass of the pasture for a while longer until she remembered she still had a history assignment on Ecuador to finish. She got up slowly, her legs had gone numb after having had to support the weight of her body for such a long time, and turned toward the white house, or at least it had been white in its good days, but it had weathered away and now looked gray with some white stripes.

As she reached the door, the phone started to ring, pushing it open she went in and took it, "Heartland, this is Amy Fleming here."

"Yes hello? Is this the horse sanctuary were they take in abused horses?" a girls voice asked from the other side of the phone.

"Yes, yes it is. Who is this?" Amy answered preoccupied.

"Hi my name is Diana Green and I'm calling to see if you can take in an abused horse. I was going to a farm nearby where you live when we passed a field and I saw a lonely horse. He has obviously been abused badly so I asked my parents to stop to see if his owner was somewhere close by, but when I got close when I recognized the horse. I used to ride him in my old riding school. He was obviously sold to someone else when it closed and I think he has been abandoned by his knew owners. We don't have a horse trailer, could you come pick him up please? He really needs your help."

Amy's mind was racing with questions. Why had he been abandoned? Was he ok? How long had he been alone?

"Hello?" the voice asked from the other side of the line.

Amy's mind came back to the phone call, "Yes sorry, where exactly are you?"

"It's somewhere close to the turn for the Fairfield stables owned by Lisa Stillman. Do you know it?" Diana sounded hopeful so she wouldn't have to explain anything.

"Yes of coarse, we'll be there soon. Bye." Amy shut the phone and turned around ready to look for Lou and tell her what had just happened, but it wasn't necessary.

Lou was standing quietly by the table looking at Amy with a confused expression, "Where are we supposed to be going? I didn't know we had plans for tonight."

"It's a horse." Amy said rapidly, "He's been abandoned and is in a really bad shape, we've got to help him Lou, we just have to." Amy pleaded.

That moment, Lou's expression change into her practical business like face, "Let's go! Where is he?" Amy gave Lou the directions of how to get to the turn on the main road to Fairfield as they got on the trailer and bumped out of the Heartland drive. "So what do we know about this horse?" Lou asked in her business tone.

"Only that this girl that found her used to ride him before, but now he has been abandoned and is in a really bad state."

"Right," was Lou's only answer and then they drove in silence for the rest of the way.

"Whoa boy!" Amy said to the horse as she got closer trying to catch him, "I won't hurt you," He was a shabby small horse that had no obvious breed, he was the color of a milk chocolate with a darker brown on his mane and tale which were tangled in a bunch of knots and sticks. As she was about to catch him he freaked out and rushed past her trying to find an escape. "If I keep chasing him around like this he'll try to jump the fence and seeing as weak as he is he definitely won't make it " Amy told Diana, a girl a couple years younger than herself, who was watching closely standing by the fence next to another paddock.

"May I try?" The fifteen year old girl asked Amy in a shy, but sweet voice, "He might remember me and let me catch him."

"Sure, good luck. Just try not to scare him much; he is already so wound up." Amy answered seeing the concern in the girl's eyes.

Amy watched as the girl approached the horse singing a song under her breath, keeping her eyes down, and moving as slowly as possible. When he was in her reach she stretched her hand for him to smell, still keeping her eyes on the ground. He blew on her hand with brisk, short breaths and when he was distracted she took a quick step forward and embraced him in a hug. The small horse lowered his head and rested it on her shoulder. The bond between them was obvious but the horse still looked reserved not showing any real sign of love for her, the only emotion that Amy could read on his face was relief.

Authors Note: Dear Readers I really want to know if you enjoyed my story so please review… This is my first chapter and doesn't have much to do with what the story will lead into later on. It is just so I could introduce the problem horse Amy will be working with during my story… I don't really like the title but after I have written a few chapters please if you have a good idea tell me and I might change it… Thank You!