Note: Final, final author's note:
I took down the remake some time ago, but I will re-boot it. It will be up either on the 16th or 17th of March 2011. My depression (which I have been struggling with for years now) took a turn for the worst twice this winter and I made the firm resolution to not post when I am in such a state. When I did that last year, this story became a train wreck.
So I will never abandon my work, but updates may be sporadic.
Apologies and here is a preview of the revamp. Emma and Lisey's characters will still have there names changed, Lisey's to Ripley as I previously stated but Emma's to Conners (yes the S is intentional. I just saw Terminator 1-3 and I was in awe!). They will also be more fleshed out in this story.
Some quotes from our girls that will appear in the first few chapters.
Sometimes she wondered if dreaming about gore rather than sex was normal, then realized that for her, normal had gone on an acid trip and never come back years ago.
The guy she saw at the coffee house every day sort of brought out the desire to be carried off into a tree somewhere, but he didn't seem like the Tarzan type.
"You know I hate Starbucks. Every time I drink something from there, I feel like I'm committing some weird form of cannibalism."
"I highly doubt he'll ask me out. I'll run into my long lost brother before that happens."
Conners (Emma)
"Welcome to the Pits of Hell. I mean Costco."
"He looks like a dollar store version of the Ken doll. I wonder if he's anatomically correct."
"How touching. Where's the Pepto?"
Ripley (Lisey)
"Hey, nothing can be a worse day than the one where you're stabbed in the boob, scarred for life by farm animals and have to fish your best friend out of a well when you're in a foreign country. Nothing."
"Oh please, it's called having a grip on your sexual identity. If you don't have one, you end up like Michael Jackson."
"Hey, he looks like Angel. I wonder if he would want to play 'Buffy'?"