Disclaimer : I don't now own Black Lagoon
Title : Black Lagoon: Pirates Life For Me
Pairing : Rock x Revy
Rating : M
A/N: This fan fic takes place a short while after the end of where the anime series is (end of 2nd barrage). it's a Rock and Revy pairing but may have some others in it as well, most likely be romance in it (black lagoon style of course).
Summary: It all started with what should have been another job, now the gang from Lagoon are neck deep in it, and Rock has a surprise for his friends.
Chapter 1- Just another job?
"fuck, die already" Revy yelled as she fired two shots from behind the table she knocked over for makeshift cover. Then had to duck back quickly as a barrage of bullets from an SMG tore up the metal surface inches from her head.
"Dutch you and Benny still breathing over there" she said into her mic, switching to the channel they used when one jobs. She knew his last position from the sound of his Remington shotgun was about 10 feet away from her, but do to the automatic fire they could not afford to shout to each other and give away there positions. She began to crawl to another up turned table in case they fired again.
She head a deep voice answer her "ya were both alright, couple grazes" Dutch answered.
She then poked her head from behind a chair and saw the enemy's position, there were 5 of them up on the upper walkways that overlooked the gallery. The door they wanted was the one 15 feet to the left from the one they had come out to ambush them. They each wore the standard amount of tactical gear you would see on hired mercenaries. Two had assault rifles and one was packing a SMG and a revolver on his hip. The other two carried regular handguns.
Revy then spotted a red Hawaiian shirt, she grinned "I found ya, hold still I'll be right there" she said into the mic,
"roger" came Dutch's reply.
Soon enough she was crouching next to them, Dutch was next to her. He was African-American, about 6'2" had a big muscular build, he was bald and generally wore his sunglasses all the time. He was a Vietnam veteran. He was a highly intelligent though somewhat eccentric man, he was th owner of the Lagoon company, which he started and going AWOL near the end of the war. He wore his standard outfit, dark green combat boots, with dark green military tactical pants, along with a green tactical vest. He kept various tools in the pockets and slots, ammo, a knife, lighter, miniature flash light, as well as some "patch ups" as he refereed to them. They were nothing more then some gaws and a few bandages to keep a wound from bleeding until they could get real medical attention. He was currently loading shells into his shotgun, his revolver was at his side.
Next to him was Benny, he was their computer guy, an ace hacker, as well as a good mechanic and researcher, he had messy blond hair which he wore in a ponytail, he generally wore red or blue Hawaiian style shirts with khaki pants or jeans, along with sandals generally, today he was wearing basic shoes. He didn't carry a weapon, he wasn't a fighter, and generally he stayed in their torpedo boat. However for this job he had to come on board this ship to work his magic on their computers to get their cargo.
Revy was the main muscle of the group, she was about average height and had purplish-brown hair and brown eyes. She was nicknamed "two hands" for her amazing skill and fighting ambidextrously with two guns. She was wild tempered woman, but trust and did have a caring side for her comrades. While normally foul mouthed and often using brute force, she was a surprisingly insightful and smart person. Her weapon of choice were her cutlass's, they were modified berretta 92fs's. They were made of stainless steel, and the barrels were combat MOD and an inch longer then the normal make, also adapted for silencers. She had also modified the magazines to hold 15 rounds in each (just a guess, don't really know). Her favoured outfit was a black tank top, with jeans cut at the hips, she wore a large combat belt with held her extra magazines at the back, she kept her hair tied back in its usual ponytail.
The only member left of their happy little family was Rock, he had joined them over a year and a half ago, he was odd one, wise, humble, fairly smart, but a bit too naïve at least at first. He was Revy's partner and to the speculation of some her boyfriend, this was something that had to be carefully hinted around Revy otherwise you can end up with a bullet in the ass. The current truth was she and Revy had become close, at least more close then anyone Revy knew as far as Dutch and Benny were concerned. They however knew they would tell them anything they needed to know when it was time.
"well this certainly has become quite the cluster fuck" Dutch said in his normally calm tone.
They had gotten the Job from Hotel Moscow to intercept this ship, and to retrieve some cargo, she had told them in advance it would need some gun work so they had been paid half the fee in advance for necessary supplies. It was odd the Miss Balalaika had not spoken with them personally, something the normally did with her favourite delivery boys as she referred to them, they just assumed she was busy.
"well are we fucked yet" Benny said as a bullet punched a hole in the metal table about two inches away from his head.
"dunno, Revy any luck reaching Rock" Dutch said
She nodded "nah that dumbass better not have gotten himself kidnapped again, or I'm gonna shoot him through both kneecaps" she said in her standard threat about her partner. Despite her attitude she trusted the former Japanese businessman now turned pirate. They were very opposite at first glance but realised over time that made a good team.
At first things had been going relatively ok, after dealing with a few guards they had gotten the cargo. After that they had been ambushed by some highly skilled merc's. They had a running fire fight before getting flanked and pushed into the gallery, around the time of the ambush they had lost radio contact with Rock in the boat, that was what worried them all, they knew Rock would never desert them but that meant two things, either he had left the boat, or been captured.
"its likely the enemy's first decision was to cut off our escape route, these boys are good, hopefully Rock hasn't been hurt" Dutch said assessing the situation.
Revy nodded "ya, but right now we gotta deal with these fuckers, this isn't ideal cover, once they know where we are they can just tear through these tables, we need to take em out in one shot them make a run for the boat" she said.
"I agree, you think you got a pretty good idea on their position?" Dutch asked.
"ya why"
"cause I happen to have a little present for those guys, something I picked off one of their friends" he said tossing a grenade to Revy.
The gunner smiled evilly as she pulled then pin, then she jumped out of cover to make the throw. However at the last second one of the guys with the assault rifle put a bullet in her leg a few inches above her knee. Revy screamed out in pain an anger as she released the bomb.
It flew high of its intended destination. However when it blew it caused the enemies to cover their faces from shrapnel and other debris. This gave Dutch and Revy their opening, Dutch ran forward between tables to the stairs, as Revy emptied both her guns to keep them from noticing. Blood was beginning to pool around her leg.
Dutch made it up the stairs before the three noticed. He fired two shots with took them all out, "ok lets move it, Revy you alright" he called looking over the railing to see Benny leading her to the stairs. She looked pissed but had to keep cool to she would not black out " ya, my leg is a little numb but Dutch we got a bigger problem I'm out of mag's the rest are in the boat" she said clearly pissed at her error. Dutch nodded, when they reached the top of the stairs they made their way to the door leading to the main deck. After that they had to make a short run down to the end of the ship where their boat was "that's alright Revy, we kinda got blindsided here, lets just get to the boat and get the fuck out of here" he said.
Revy nodded as she Benny and Dutch moved down the hallway when they got to the stairwell they encountered some more of the merc's but Dutch managed to get the drop on them shooting through the thin metal door. Dutch was not down to 3 more shells and his revolver.
After that they made it up the stairs with no more trouble. They were currently on the north end of the boat they had to move north along this narrow deck to the point on the rail where the ladder was.
However as they were mid way down the deck they had to cross an open area where the ship pool was located. "that place would make us deer in a fucking open field" Revy said as she leaned against a stone pillar to peak around looking to her left and the wide open area. They need to cross run past it but it was about 30 feet to the other end, and she could not run with her wound. There was nothing to hide behind except some wooden chairs and tables.
As If to prove her point a bullet bite into the stone near her head. She could see about a eight of them in cover on the of the far end of the pool at the west end. They each had assault rifles or machine gun's. Revy cursed they could not make run down to ladder to boat they would be picked off.
Revy's eyes widened as she caught movement "Dutch watch it we got two moving down under covering fire" she said.
The big man nodded " he stood at the corner then when he head two about a few feet away he fired his remaining three shells, then ducked back before he got hit. Fortunately he took down the two, but that still left about half a dozen of them, and now he was down to his revolver, it only had six shoots so if he wasn't careful they would be in trouble. Well more so then right now.
"this isn't good, if we could just get across we could jump down to the boat and get out of here, but we can't reach Rock that means they may have guys on it" Dutch said as he checked his gun. Bullets still tore the ship around them all, he had passed the shotgun to Benny who was beside him
Revy nodded, the she heard a change in the pattern of fire, it had sounded slightly diminished "shit Dutch the fuckers are at it again, I'm guessing two maybe three are coming down" she said.
"fucking beautiful" Dutch swore in exasperation, it was rare for him to lose his calm attitude. He readied his gun.
Revy could now see the three crouching low moving to make the kill, she was about to further warn Dutch about their movement when suddenly she heard three gunshots from a different direction, the three fell to the deck floor two were dead the third was barely moving.
The three them turned their heads to the north end of the deck where the shots had come from. What they saw however they did not believe.
"hurry up I'll cover you" Rock yelled as he fired more shots from the gun he held in his hand. He was about a few inches taller then Revy with a thinner but muscular build. He wore his usually short sleeve whit collared shirt. They had all finally managed to get him to at least lose the tie and dress pants, at least when he didn't need to wear them for certain jobs involving meetings, he now wore dark blue jeans, he also wore a belt Revy had given to him, it was meant for him to carry any supplies needed on jobs when it was just them, he had some medical supplies as well as a couple of her magazines for her guns , He even wore combat boots now since his old shoes had long been torn to pieces. Now he also wore a shoulder gun holster like the ones Revy wore.
For a moment the three of them were completely shocked, the most of which was the fact Rock was using and gun, and was actually doing alright at it. True his accuracy wasn't at Revy's level but he had certainly gotten the drop on the ones who had them pinned down. Rock then reached to the pouch at the back of his belt he threw it along the deck it slide to where Revy and the other were waiting. Revy tore it opened and grinned, inside were a couple of her mag's. There was also a grenade inside as well, a smoke grenade. "hey Dutch, catch" she said passing him the smoke bomb. She then reloaded her guns, and began to fire. Together with Rocks ambush they only had three enemies shooting at them.
Dutch pulled then pin and tossed the grenade, it landed on the edge of the pool and immediately exploded causing a screen of smoke to block them from the shooters sights.
"alright let's move it" Dutch said. This time he took Revy's arm since he was stronger then Benny he could move faster. Revy kept one of her guns in her hand in case anyone came though the smoke. Benny was running along side them.
They made it across but Rock had already disappeared. They could see him already climbing over the railing to get to the boat. They reached it soon after and could hear the engine turned on, "heh, guess the dumbass sure came in handy here" Revy said approvingly.
Dutch nodded "good thing I taught him how to operate the boat" he said as they descended the ladder as fast as they could. Once they were all on the deck, bullets began to land around them. They each took cover, then the boat began to move away.
Soon enough the bullets stopped since they were out of range. Dutch and Benny then headed for the main cabin, Revy limped along behind them.
When they got to the cabin, they found Rock in the chair driving the boat. They also saw two bodies, both wearing the same clothing as the guys who ambushed them. They guessed these were the guys sent to take over the boat, "Well, well, well Rock you certainly came in handy tonight" Dutch said going over to stand next to him. The war vet noticed he was pale as a sheet, and look about ready to puke his guts out, he's in shock, I'm guessing, once the adrenaline kicked in he just followed his gut, I figured this would happen if he ever had to use a gun, he thought "alright Rock I'll take over the controls" he said.
Rock simply nodded, then got out of the chair "ya, thanks Dutch I'm still not really good at that" he then noticed Revy standing by the door, "Revy!, you bleeding" he said rushing over to her. Normally Revy would have some sarcastic comment but considering what had just happened she let him off the hook "ya but I'll live, just get me a chair Rock" she said.
Rock grabbed a crate in the corner for her to sit on them got some of the better medical supplies. He applied some disinfectant to the wound then applied some gaws and bandages, they knew this could have to do till they got back so they could get the bullet out.
Benny then walked to the to cooler they kept in the small metal closet. He fished out some beers for them all.
Dutch then spoke from his spot "well Rock I think you've got some explaining to do" he said.
A/N: well there's chapter one, I've got a coupe ideas to work with but for now wanna see how the reviews look like before I continue. So hope you liked R&R please. : )