Make Much of Time

Authoress: Wee-Me

DISCLAIMER: I don't own "Beetlejuice" or any of the associated boys and ghouls, I just play around in the fandom.


"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,

Old Time is still a-flying;"

-excerpt from To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time by Robert Herrick

She doesn't understand. I know she doesn't.

She thinks it was about the legalities. She thinks I just wanted a pass into the living world.

I gave her my time and patience. I gave her a dress and a ring. I even remembered the flowers.

Maybe red wasn't the best choice, but wedding dresses weren't always white and red was my mother's favorite color.

She doesn't know how beautiful I thought she was.

I covered the dowry. I think that custom is out of practice, but I didn't want to leave anything to chance.

I didn't kill her family, such wastes of space and time, even when they got in my way.

She probably thinks she's free of me, they've probably told her as much. (Though Juno has to know better, if she knows me at all.)

She's probably moved on, made friends, and is getting on with her life.

I hope she's having fun. I hope she's made good friends and gets her fill of the normal human life while she can. (I hope those silly human boys keep their hands off her so I don't have to have words with them.)

I hope she makes the most of my time away and gets her wild oats sown.

She doesn't understand, and I know that, but it doesn't really matter.

She thinks I'm not coming back, but I'm closer to her every day.

I'll be back before she knows it and then all bets are off.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Poetry, classin' it up y'all. Part of my "13 Posts of Halloween". Further notes in my bio. Please enjoy.