Summary: Sonny was so sure that there is no such thing as a prince charming and that no girl can get a knight in shining armor. Why? Because her dad left her and her mom when she was 5months old and the simple fact that her mother had said 'All men are pigs looking for one thing. The easy girls, the people who don't have a real life or a heart. Guys aren't like the ones in your fairy tale stories.' Sonny had believed her mom, she was right. But will that change because of a certain jerk-throb?

Just kind of made this up out of thin air. Continue?

Chapter 1

I ran down the halls of So Random! just to get away from him. He's arrogant, self-centered, rude, and he absolutely has to be make-believe. Why? Because he is so flipping perfect! Those types of guys aren't supposed to exist! They're left for story books and pure entertainment! Some person was wishing that perfect guy and decided to describe him as 'Prince Charming.'

Chad Dylan Cooper. He was the head ambassador of Jerklsovalkia! Not a prince, not a knight, but a slimy toad that doesn't turn into my prince. Right?

"Ow!" I fell to the floor. "Sorry." I said quickly while picking up my papers and wiping away the tears. When did I start crying? "It was an accident."

When I looked up blue met brown, water to earth. Doesn't water always hurt land? I don't know. Never mind. (my sister said that and I'm like 'okay?')

"Chad." My voice dripped with poison. He looked around him and behind him, and then his eyes came back to me. Then he did the unexpected. Chad. Dylan. Cooper. Got on his knee and…

Helped me. Gasp! I know crazy, right?!

"Sorry, Monroe." He mumbled. I looked around in shock.

"Where are the cameras? Are you okay?" He frowned at me and then smirked.

"What, I can't help?"

"That's the thing, you can help, but you don't help. You laugh and make fun of me, not help me."

He sighed. "Well, I have to protect my rep. okay?" I looked down.

"Why? It's not that important."

"I know… watch it Monroe!" he stood up quickly and I saw a girl from the Falls' walked by.

"Jerk." He shrugged and stuck his hand out. I was about to take but chose not to.

"What?" he looked confused.

"I would but if someone walked by, I'm afraid that you would push me back down." I snatched my papers from his hand and started towards my set. I heard him coming towards me but I wasn't going to slow my pace for him… even if I wanted to.

"Sonny." He called after me. He eventually caught up and stopped in front of me.

"What? Did I forget to curtsy?" I bowed mockingly. "Your majesty." I said in a sickly sweet voice.

"No, I was going to say that… I'm sorry." My heart nearly stopped. What the?

Okay, I know, he doesn't seem perfect, but his blonde hair is perfect. His blue eyes are perfect. His smile is perfect. The attitude… not so much. I don't know why but I'm drawn to this guy, my mom would say not to fall for him, but my heart is a stubborn… butt.

"What?" I choked out.

He nodded his head. "I'm not saying it again, but I am."

I frowned. "What are you being nice?"

He looked down, "Because Monroe, I know for a fact that Prince Charming isn't real and neither is your knight, so you just have to settle for me or some jerk off of the street."

I looked up to see him smirk. "Wow."


"My mom told me that same thing, mostly because of my dad, but you just almost changed my mind. I think my mom was lying." I walked away but Chad just stood there.

What the? What does that mean? I almost changed her mind? About what?

I stood there with my hands in my pockets and furrowed my brows. I looked back at her fixing her sketches. "What just happened?" I mumbled. I looked down and she dropped a paper.

"Sonny!" when I looked back, she was gone. I looked back at the paper and picked it up.

It was a regular one of their sketches. The lines were lame-ish, well they're actually pretty good but still. I looked over it and smirked. The Hotty MT sketch. I looked over the lines that I knew so well. It was the same as my script, but I knew that something was different. But what?

Ah ha! What the?! Scribbled in the corner was unbelievable. This better be Sonny's script.

I smirked and looked at the name that was highlighted so she would know where to speak. Sonny Monroe.

Knew it. What I saw, it relieved me. I thought I was the only one that felt it. Apparently not. There, in the corner, were these words scribbled in pen:


Little hearts decorated the area around it. I looked up from the paper and ran over to my set. I passed the guard and ran to my dressing room. I had rehearsal in five minutes and I wasn't in uniform. I was wearing a grey jean jacket, over my electric blue T-shirt. I had on some blue jeans, but I needed my khaki pants with my button down shirt, tie, and navy blue jacket.

I took off my jacket and then my T-shirt. I heard a knock at my door and thought about not answering but my feet didn't listen. I walked to the door and grabbed the handle.

Sonny Monroe.

She looked nervous and she smiled shyly. I notice her glimpse at my chest but I shook it off.

Oh. My. Chad.

He opened his door shirtless? What if some gay guy was knocking. (no offense!)

He must've read my mind and smirked. "I had a feeling it was you."

"Uh, y-yeah." I stuttered, stupid abs :(!

"Well?" he walked over to his coffee table and grabbed his shirt. He did pull it on, but he must have forgotten to button it. Or he's trying to torture you.

"Oh, y-yeah." I said still staring at him. Button your stupid shirt! Please! "I dropped a, uh, a paper and I was, uh, wondering if you, uh, saw it." I noticed him glance down but I ignored it.

"Uh, no." he smirked. Oh no! He saw it!

"Oh, okay." I started to turn away but his voice stopped me.

"Is it important?" I turned to face him and he motioned for me to come in.

"Well," I started to walk over and stopped about one foot away, "I'm scrap booking all of our old scripts for Marshal. He's going away, on vacation." Duh, Sonny, pull it together!

He nodded and began to button his shirt. Thank God!

"So, uh, I should go…" he stopped me again.

"Wait, can you help me," I looked at him and he frowned. "Please?"

I smiled and nodded. "What do you need help with?"

"My tie." He picked it up and tossed it to me.

"O-okay." I managed out. I walked over to him and threw the tie around his neck and started to tie it. He finished buttoning his shirt. I was about 8 centimeters from his face. I tightened it and somehow got closer. (Like Pirates of the Caribbean. Elizabeth fixes his 'effects'.)

I looked into his eyes and he looked just as lost as me. I still held onto his tie and didn't plan on letting go.

"Hi." I whispered.

"Hey." He smiled a genuine smile! Wow, I haven't seen one of those before.

I could feel him leaning in and I did the same. I could feel his breath and we were so close, but Portlyn had to ruin the moment. "Chad we… need… you…"

I turn my head her way and she smiles. "I'll just, uh, go." She started backing out with her hand up as an apology.

"Right, well." I cleared my throat and started towards the door. "I'll just make like a banana and split. Haha." I rolled my arms shyly and tripped on a chair. "Oops, haha." I ran out of his dressing room as fast as I could.

I put my hand to my head and thought about what almost happened. This is a dream, reality is not that good. Right?

What just happened? This girl is so confusing!

I walked out to my set, pulling on my blazer. Portlyn started giggling and I would have hit her if she were a guy. CDC always has control.

"And action!" my director, Jeff, yelled. I stared into Portlyn's eyes and couldn't help but feel like they were plain and, I don't know, just kind of plain. They aren't Sonny's! That annoying voice echoed in my mind.

"Look Portlyn, I can't lie anymore. I don't feel anything. I think… I think we should break up." She gasped. Lame! God, Sonny's right, we do overact!

"Mackenzie, why?" she sobbed. I sighed, I just wasn't feeling it today.

"Cut! What- what was that Chad?!" my director yelled. He doesn't normally finish his sentences, but this time he did. That meant that he was really mad. My cast gasped, again, overdramatically.

"I'm not feeling it today." I mumbled.

"You're an actor! You don't need to 'feel it'. Understand?" I nodded and felt anger boil up. I just noticed that Jeff kind of had a British accent. I smirked to myself.

"'Ello Govner." he looked at me and I walked away.

Portlyn came over to me and smirked. "Just pretend I'm Sonny."

"What?" I continued walking past her.

"Yeah, I'm Sonny Monroe, I'm gonna grab your tie and leave you." She smirked.

"What are you talking about?"

She sighed, "Pickles, I'm talking about pickles!" she sighed frustrated and stomped away.

I shrugged it off. Weird girl.

I came to the snack table and grabbed a strawberry with chocolate coating. When I was biting into it Sonny came onto the set, and she was mad.

"CHAD DYLAN POOPER!" I turned around with the strawberry in my mouth. Uh oh.

I was planning on hiding but she saw me. My cast started laughing as she stomped over to me. I thought she was going to slap me but she was too nice for that.

"You… you… you… Liar! You egotistical, self centered, pigheaded, good-for-nothing, JERK!"

"Oh hey Sonny." I smiled but my words came out like 'oh haph susny."

"Chad spit that out." The strawberry dropped from my mouth and I smiled shyly. "Come on." She pulled me to my dressing room and my cast continued to laugh at me.

"Sonny, I know you can't resist me but please try."

"Stop Chad, I can't believe you lied to me. Can't you just be a normal person and not so bipolar?" she calmed down a little bit.

"Look, Sonny, I can't be real around other people, just you. I don't know why, so don't ask." She smiled a little but she forced it away.

"Give me the script." I looked at her. "Please?" I smiled and walked over to my dresser.

He pulled my script out of a drawer and smirked as he handed it to me. I smiled and thanked him.

"Sonny, I promise I'll try to be normal around you. 'Kay?" I smiled.

"That's all I ask." I walked out to the hallway and stopped.

I peered down at my paper and smiled.


But underneath it, Chad added something that shocked me.


"What?" I couldn't hold the smile in.

So, should I continue? R&R! I have some ideas, but I won't update if you don't want to read it.