AUTHOR'S NOTE: To anyone looking for an escape from fangir-ism, here is a relief. I want to show you the true meaning of a hero.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of these guys.
Who Wants to Be a Hero?
They came from every fandom possible.
They came from the forests of Middle-Earth, from the rooftops of Gotham City, from the cliffs of Forks, from the seas of Narnia.
They came armed and ready, most in their hottest clothes, others fresh from the Battle of Helms Deep (ahem ahem). Swords hung at their waists, bows were slung over their shoulders, guns grasped in their fists. One particular guy came armed with nothing but his teeth (cough cough).There were a couple of the leather-jumpsuit jocks, but they got eliminated pretty early on. Anyways…
They were here for one purpose. Prove your strength. Get the Girl. Rule the land.
So, on that note, I ask you…