I know I need to work on my other things, but I'm certain quite a few of you know what it's like to have plot bunnies hopping around. This one I couldn't ignore. Let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: I don't own Alex Rider or any of the official characters. Nor do I own claim to the names of K-unit. I am borrowing amitai's names for Wolf, Snake, and Eagle. However, I do own the plot.

Another explosion shook the area and, unheard in the resulting cacophony, a soft whimper escaped the small girl pressed against the blond's side. Brown eyes glanced down at the eight year old before refocusing on the door just visible over their refuge.

After another tense minute, Alex turned to the girl, setting aside his stolen pistol. As he pulled off the vest he had stolen from the same man as the gun – what use would a dead man have for Kevlar? – he spoke.

"Sherry, I need you to promise me something, okay?" He paused for her answer, smiling when she nodded, and began to fasten the vest around her small form. "I want you to keep this on. No matter what, you have to run away if I tell you or if anything happens, okay?"

A second nod, this one a little hesitant, was the answer.

"There are men coming to help us. They're in the British SAS. There will be a man–" they both flinched at a nearby explosion. Alex glanced at the door then looked at the girl again. "His name is Ben Daniels. You'll have to take him to the discs if you can't take me."

Sherry sniffled. "I'm scared."

Alex smiled weakly, lifting the gun again. "Me too," he whispered, pushing her deeper behind cover before darting across the warehouse to hide in the shadowed area under the only flight of stairs inside.

The door flew open only seconds after Alex had faded back and several men piled in. Though they had no visible means by which to identify faction, their military training was obvious to the teen. He smiled faintly when his though was confirmed by a curt order delivered in the same code he had learned during his brief stint as a part of K-unit.

"What are the chances that the Agent has been terminated?" one of the soldiers (Obviously a new recruit Alex thought) muttered. He recoiled in surprise when of the others rounded on him, not having expected to be overheard.

"I don't give a damn if the mission has gone to hell. It is still covert and as such, you will keep your mouth shut," a familiar voice hissed. "Is that understood?"

"Yes sir."

Alex blinked, not at the realization that Wolf was heading the group, but because of the relief he felt. There was a soft scuff when he started to step out, but it was enough to have seven assault rifles swing his way.

Alex hit the ground – even as Wolf bit out a "Hold fire!" – and he slid the stolen pistol toward the men before they could order him to - Or they decide to open fire on me for being armed Alex thought dryly.

He complied immediately when ordered to place his hands behind his head. Alex mentally cursed at himself as he tried to remember the code phrase for an ally. His thoughts were tossed out the window by a lance of pain when he was pulled to his feet, wrenching an already dislocated shoulder.

Alex smiled weakly at the soldiers when he felt the grip shift from restraining him to holding him up. "Sorry. I couldn't remember the damn code phrase."

"Are you injured?" one asked, removing his night vision goggles to reveal Snake, K-unit's medic.

Alex waved him off with a muttered 'fine', slipping passed them to get Sherry. He had taken only a couple steps when the sound of shattering glass echoed through the room.

Wolf's order to get Alex out of there was ignored by said blond as he sprinted across the building.

"Sherry!" from a single teen drowned out the various chorused cries directed at the young spy.

The warehouse degenerated into a battlefield before Alex had made it three-quarters of the way to where he had left the girl.

Please don't let anything have happened to her was the only thought he was aware of, blocking everything to an extent where he barely even felt the bullet that pierced his left calf.

"Sherry!" This time his cry was rewarded with a soft sob from where Alex had left her. He held her close after the girl scrambled out and threw herself at him.

Their run back to the British soldiers registered only in flashes. Alex couldn't remember what happened at the end of their run either; just the looks of horror on Snake's and Ben's faces (When did he get here? was a clear, if idle, thought), a gunshot that echoed in silence, and a sharp pain in the middle of his back.

The next Alex was aware of was the entirety of K-unit ranged above and around him, worry ill hidden in their eyes.

"–sure if he's aware or not," Snake was saying.

"But his eyes are open," Eagle protested, voice flat.

That's odd drifted across Alex's mind, gone as quickly as it had come. Eagle never sounds like that.

"You know as well as the rest of us that it doesn't mean anything," Wolf pointed out, voice lacking the sarcasm it normally would have held.

Ben moved closer, his frown easing slightly when the teen focused on him. "Alex, where are the discs? Medical help is on the way, but I need to know now."

Alex tried to nod and tell him, but found he didn't have the strength. The most he could do was allow his head to fall to the side so he could look as Sherry.

"Cub?!" met his ears, a little higher from the concern obvious in their voices.

Having the world suddenly shift and tilt was disconcerting, but Alex wasn't sure if it was more so than the fact that Wolf was the one to lift him and turn his head to look at him or not.

"Cub, the discs."

Brown eyes shifted in Sherry's direction before focusing on Ben again.

Realization crossed Ben's face and he nodded. "Alright Cub. Now just hang on."

Eagle laughed weakly. "Yeah. We all need to go out for drinks. Can't do that without the whole team."

If there was a response, Alex didn't hear it. His hearing had faded and his vision gone gray. His world had vanished, everything was gone, except the feeling he had from being surrounded by his old team.

Alex didn't care if he was dying because, for once in too long a time, he felt safe.