Title: Calling
Summary: Shawn and Hunter and another phone call.
Notes: Set after Raw when Shawn was off to look after Cheyenne.
Pairing: Shawn/Hunter, Shawn/Rebecca, Hunter/Steph
It seemed like he'd spent most of the night on the phone. To him.
Felt weird here without him already, even though they hadn't been back together that long. He already missed it. Knew it should be back to normal soon, next week... hoped anyway.
But it still wasn't forever.
Tonight, something clicked.
Something reminded him that he never really had him. He just had him for those few hours every week and then he went back to him other life. Not that Hunter didn't do the same. It was different when you were the one left though.
And today Shawn had picked being with his child and his family over being with him.
Rationally, he knew they always came first, knew that if he'd been in the same boat, he'd have done the same thing. Maybe Shawn would be the one left thinking about being deserted then.
The sound of the phone ringing snapped him from his thoughts. Shawn calling.
He hesitated, wasn't sure if he wanted to answer, if he should.
He did before he thought any more.
"Hi. Can't you get enough of me tonight?" He asked, a smirk on his face.
"It's kinda why I called. You know, usually... I can't.. tonight I can't but for a whole other reason."
"It's okay. Family comes first."
"You're my family too. But she's my little girl."
"I know. And she needs her Daddy more than...." he hesitated, checked around. ".. more than I need you."
"Yeah." Shawn agreed. Silence. "I'll make it up to you."
"You don't have to."
"I want to. Let me."
"Okay, but I get to tell you exactly what I want you to do and you have to do it no matter....."
"Hang on, Hunt." Shawn interrupted.
In the background, Hunter heard Rebecca talking to Shawn
"... I just wanted to let my parents know how Chey was." Rebecca said.
"Yeah sure. This can wait, it's nothing important." Shawn replied. After a few moments longer, Shawn spoke again "You still there, Hunt?"
"I gotta go."
"Okay, I should get going too."
"See ya." Hunter ended the call.
Thought for a moment about Shawn. Going back to his family and playing happily families.
He slipped the phone in his pocket.
It was exactly what he was going to do too.