ONE SHOT!!! Sorry, I hate doing these but I was super bored and thought, 'why not?' so here it goes, no Idea what It will be about!

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"Sonny!" he stood behind me smirking. I wacked him in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"For lying!" I screamed in his face. He looked so clueless… and cute.

NO! He is not cute! Oh yes he is! NO NO NO!

"For lying about what?" he asked, rubbing his arm.

"Channy!" I said pointing to the cover of tween weekly.

"What the heck is Channy?" he asked, grabbing the magazine.

"Chad and Sonny dating!?" he screeched. Right on the front cover was a picture of me and Chad from our FAKE date.

"This was fake!" he yelled at me, "Why are you spreading this to the press? This will totally ruin my image!" he said while straightening his jacket.

"Me!? You're the one who started these lies on your stupid blog!" I defended myself.

"Neither of you spread it." I heard Zora from the vents.

"Well, then who did?" I wanted an answer.

"Tawni." She said simply.

"I'm getting her fired!" Chad was about to storm off when I grabbed his wrist.

"Now, I am sure there is a good reason that she did this." I kept calm; he looked infuriated. "What, is it really that bad?" he shrugged, calming down a little.

"Come on." I started to drag him to my dressing room that I shared with Tawni.

"Why do you constantly look for good in people?" he asked out of nowhere.

"Well, because I know it's there, somewhere. Deep, deep, way deep down." I nodded and smiled.

"You could dig a hole to China before you've dug enough to find the good in Tawni." He snorted.

I frowned at him. "Well, I would like to meet the Chinese, so if that's what It takes…" he stopped in front of me.

"Okay, well then how long has it taken you to find good in me?" he asked quite serious.

"Well, not as long as Tawni." I was staring deep into his blue eyes. I could kiss him right there but I stopped myself. He was a little closer than before, well actually a lot closer. I could feel his warm breath on my cheek.

"W-well, come on." I stuttered. I saw hurt and disappointment flash threw his eyes. I felt the heat rise to my face and I almost tripped over a camera cord.

Chad Dylan Cooper likes me? Do I like him? Of course I do!

"Tawni!" I yelled when I entered my dressing room. She sat at her mirror applying Cocoa Mocoa Cocoa lip gloss.

"Yes?" but it sounded more like 'yethh?'

"What is this?!" Chad demanded stepping in front of me. I could smell his cologne. It was a wonderful smell, I felt like a bee drawn to honey.

He held the magazine in front of him. "A magzwin" she said meaning, 'A magazine.'

"Yes I know that, but what is this?!" he pointed to a picture of us at Arcadia.

"Ov! Da oo an tunny ah arcadia!" she smiled. (oh! That's you and sonny at Arcadia!)

"Yes, but why is it here on the front cover of Tween Weekly?" Tawni put down her lip gloss and turned in her chair.

"They decided to put it there after I posted the picture on my blog. It had the whole story of getting back at James but they made it more interesting." She smiled and turned back around.

I heard her humming 'I'm a little teapot' but I was focused on Chad the whole time.

"Chad, it's not a big deal." The words slipped.

He turned around and smirked. Great!

"Is the Sonny Monroe actually okay with dating the Chad Dylan Cooper?"

"What If I am?" OOPS! Tawni was now turned around with her mouth open. She was smiling and listening intently.

"Well then, it's not a big deal." He shrugged and started to walk away.

"Wait. Is the Chad Dylan Cooper okay-" he interrupted me.

"Of course I'm okay with it. Oops." I smirked, Chad cracked!

He likes me He likes me nah nah nah nah boo boo!

"So…" Tawni waited.

"What?" Chad and I answered at the same time.

"Kiss already!" she smiled. I looked away, feeling heat rise into my cheeks.

I was about to respond when Chad crushed his lips into mine.

Electricity shot through me and I heard the fireworks and bells.

"So, you want to go out sometime?" he asked when we finally pulled away. All I could do was nod.

"Of course she does!" yelled an excited Tawni.

I kissed him again. Our fingers intertwined. So, Tawni's pretty smart. Chad and I, well, we're oblivious now aren't we?

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Told you I'm bored. Well it wasn't that bad. I might continue, maybe not. Well review!