Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, J.K Rowling does
A/N: This story's set when the twins are 21, I actually include a reason for Voldemort not been in my story, so this will be more serious than some of my stories (which isn't hard) but of course this is Fred and George so expect plenty of jokes as well
The main characters will be: Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley and Charlie Weasley
Other characters will be: Lee Jordan, Cho Chang, Oliver Wood, Bill Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Seamus Finnegan, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin (and maybe some teachers)
Fred Weasley was stocking the shelves one summer evening in the joke shop he owned with his twin George. It was harder than he had thought it would be to run a joke shop, but it was a lot of fun
'Fred you wanna come out with us this evening?' George asked poking his head round the door
'I already said, not tonight' Fred said standing up
'But you didn't come out with us last night either' Ron's voice came from form the corner
'I just don't feel like it' Fred tried to explain patiently
'Fred, you're 21 years old, you run a successful business, and as were identical I guess you must be drop dead gorgeous as well. Girls would fight over you' George pointed out
'I know, but I just don't want to make you guys look bad'
'Ha, as if' Ron said
'Just go and George this time try and remember the girl's name in the morning, it always helps' Fred said sniggering
'Hey she looked like a Rachel to me, how was I supposed to know she was called Rebecca, it was an honest mistake' George protested as Ron pulled him out of the door giving Fred a cheery wave
Fred shook his head and finished stocking the shelves. As he apparated home he wondered if maybe she would have written to him today, but she hadn't. The she in question was Angelina Johnson, he missed her like crazy and hadn't seen her for 6 months, he had no idea where she was. They had dated in their 7th year at Hogwarts, but when they left they broke up, because they were both young and wanted to do their own thing. They had remained friends, but Angelina had suddenly stopped visiting and writing one day and he hadn't heard from her since.
About a week later, Fred was smirking while reading a letter George had left him. The letter said that he had taken the day off, to spend time with Alicia, the reason he was smirking was because George and Alicia constantly went out and broke up without ever discussing their actual feelings, but it seemed to suit them both.
So Fred was left to run the shop all alone, business was quite slow because it was a Tuesday and their main customers were the Hogwarts pupils who were in school at the moment. He was thinking about visiting the rival joke shop Zonko's, to see if they had any more customers, but he really couldn't be bothered, so he just worked on some new jokes.
An owl suddenly disrupted him causing him to blow up a new sweet that turned you any colour of the rainbow that he had been working on. He stepped into the main shop where it was lighter to read it
Dear Fred
I hope you're ok. Would it be all right with you if I dropped by sometime?
From Angelina Johnson
Fred thought it was a rather short letter, but it made him grin to just hear from her
'Anytime' Fred muttered out loud
'That's lucky. 'Cos here I am' announced a door from the doorway. Fred shielded his eyes against the bright sun, to see a woman's silhouette
'Angelina' Fred questioned cautiously
'Where you expecting Father Christmas?' Angelina asked stepping into the shop
'Nah, he's coming next week. But the Easter Bunny might pop round today' Fred grinned as he hugged her tightly
'Good to see you haven't lost your appalling sense of humour' Angelina smiled when he let her go
'Some things will never change' Fred reasoned
'And some things will'
'Like what?' Fred asked in interest
'Well last time I was in Hogsmede was just after Voldemort had been defeated and the place was a complete mess'
'You called him Voldemort' Fred pointed out surprised
'Now that he's gone, it seems stupid to still fear his name' Angelina said with a shrug
'Good point, Harry will be pleased. But what else has changed?'
'Last time I was in your shop, it was also owned by an identical twin of yours who doesn't seem to be here now'
'Ah, there's a very interesting story behind that which involves your good friend Alicia' Fred grinned
'Do I get to hear it?' Angelina asked returning the grin
'That depends. Will you come back to my place for some food?' Fred asked
'I will, but don't you have a shop to run' Angelina looked puzzled
'If George can shut up shop for a girl then so can I'
'I'm not just some girl' Angelina said indignantly
'No your not, you're Angelina' Fred said
Fred and Angelina spent the afternoon reminiscing about their school days and eating
'So let me get this straight, your twin and my best friend are skipping work to spend the day together. As in together, together' Angelina still couldn't believe it
'Yes, it's a common occurrence. George and Alicia get together, then decide it would be better to date other people. But after a couple of months and some unsuccessful dates they get back together again' Fred explained
'Ok. Why?' Angelina was still confused
'Because they want to stay young, carefree and single. But at the same time they can't bear not been together, it's really very amusing' Fred said sniggering
'I'll take your word for it. Just wait till I see Alicia again, she never mentioned any of this'
'Mentioned it when?' it was Fred's turn to be confused
'In any of her letters'
'Oh. You kept in touch with her?'
'Yeah' Angelina said shortly
'And not me' you could hear the hurt in Fred's voice
'No Fred, it's not like that. I've just been very busy and I didn't want to be a burden on you' Angelina said hurriedly in an attempt to explain
'You'll never be a burden, not ever' Fred said sincerely
'That's very sweet. But I'm back now'
'Back for good?'
'You bet. I'm like a boomerang, I might be gone for a while but I'll always come back to you' Angelina said smiling
'What's a boomerang' Fred asked with a very puzzled look on his face
'Sorry, muggle toy, it's hard to explain' Angelina said with a small laugh
'Oh right. How do you know about muggle toys?'
'That's where I've been. My muggle grandmother's been sick, so I've been looking after her till she got better' Angelina explained
'Oh' Fred said thoughtfully as he realised she hadn't just abandoned him
'I sort of assumed you knew where I was. Sorry. Anyway, what's been happening in your life' Angelina asked wondering how much she had missed
'Everything has, it's been hectic. You know how Harry was the heir of Gryffindor and he defeated Voldemort. Of course you do, well it turns out loads of high-powered ministry officials were deatheaters' Fred enjoyed telling people dramatic stories
'Yeah, I knew that'
'Well Dad and Percy have both been promoted. So now Percy is right on course to be the youngest ever minister of magic, in fact me and George made him a badge saying 'Beware, Minister of Magic in training' but he wouldn't wear it'
'What a surprise. So how's the rest of your family?' Angelina asked
'Mum and Dad are fine, Bill is now dating that French girl Fleur, Charlie's still obsessed with dragons and Ginny is dating Seamus Finnegan'
'Wow she grew up fast. You didn't mention Ron or George'
'Why would you want to know about them, when you can talk about me. But when George isn't spending quality time with Alicia, he and Ron go clubbing to try and pull girls' Fred said grinning
'Ron and George? Why don't you go?' Angelina asked
'I do go sometimes but it's not really my thing. Ron however suddenly developed a taste for clubbing. I personally think it was the bang on the head that did it' Fred said seriously
'What bang on the head?' Angelina asked, she seemed to be asking a lot of questions today
'Oh didn't you know. Harry and Ron were flying together, when Harry decided to tell Ron that he was going out with Hermione, poor Ron was so shocked that he flew into a tree and fell off his broom' Fred said through spurts of laughter, at the memory of it
'That sounds like a school romance that could actually last' Angelina said thoughtfully
'Unlike ours' Fred said softly, but Angelina still heard and looked up sharply
'You don't regret it do you?' Angelina asked after a few minutes of silence
'I could never regret those days, they were really important to me' Fred said grinning slightly
'In that case why did we break up' Angelina wondered out loud
'I think we have commitment issues, that and the fact my teddy bear got jealous easily' Fred said getting a snort of laughter from Angelina in response
'You wanna come meet George and Alicia with me?' Fred asked, extending his hand to pull Angelina up from the couch
'Sure. Do you want any help getting those the right colour?' Angelina asked pointing to the pile of joke sweets that stood in the corner
'How could you help me? I'm Fred Weasley, prankster extraordinar' Fred puffed his chest out proudly, in a very Percy like movement
'Whatever you say' Angelina said with a shrug
'Hey, are you scoffing my immense talent' Fred looked wounded
'Nope I just think I can do better'
'Better than me? No way' Fred boasted as he pushed through the doorway
'Wait and see' Angelina grinned as she followed him down the street
A/N: So chapter 1, what did you think? Please review and tell me. Ok I cannot write a serious fic, so from now on expect the usual jokes that my stories bring, but still review, please, pretty please with a cherry on top
A/N: This story's set when the twins are 21, I actually include a reason for Voldemort not been in my story, so this will be more serious than some of my stories (which isn't hard) but of course this is Fred and George so expect plenty of jokes as well
The main characters will be: Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley and Charlie Weasley
Other characters will be: Lee Jordan, Cho Chang, Oliver Wood, Bill Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Seamus Finnegan, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin (and maybe some teachers)
Fred Weasley was stocking the shelves one summer evening in the joke shop he owned with his twin George. It was harder than he had thought it would be to run a joke shop, but it was a lot of fun
'Fred you wanna come out with us this evening?' George asked poking his head round the door
'I already said, not tonight' Fred said standing up
'But you didn't come out with us last night either' Ron's voice came from form the corner
'I just don't feel like it' Fred tried to explain patiently
'Fred, you're 21 years old, you run a successful business, and as were identical I guess you must be drop dead gorgeous as well. Girls would fight over you' George pointed out
'I know, but I just don't want to make you guys look bad'
'Ha, as if' Ron said
'Just go and George this time try and remember the girl's name in the morning, it always helps' Fred said sniggering
'Hey she looked like a Rachel to me, how was I supposed to know she was called Rebecca, it was an honest mistake' George protested as Ron pulled him out of the door giving Fred a cheery wave
Fred shook his head and finished stocking the shelves. As he apparated home he wondered if maybe she would have written to him today, but she hadn't. The she in question was Angelina Johnson, he missed her like crazy and hadn't seen her for 6 months, he had no idea where she was. They had dated in their 7th year at Hogwarts, but when they left they broke up, because they were both young and wanted to do their own thing. They had remained friends, but Angelina had suddenly stopped visiting and writing one day and he hadn't heard from her since.
About a week later, Fred was smirking while reading a letter George had left him. The letter said that he had taken the day off, to spend time with Alicia, the reason he was smirking was because George and Alicia constantly went out and broke up without ever discussing their actual feelings, but it seemed to suit them both.
So Fred was left to run the shop all alone, business was quite slow because it was a Tuesday and their main customers were the Hogwarts pupils who were in school at the moment. He was thinking about visiting the rival joke shop Zonko's, to see if they had any more customers, but he really couldn't be bothered, so he just worked on some new jokes.
An owl suddenly disrupted him causing him to blow up a new sweet that turned you any colour of the rainbow that he had been working on. He stepped into the main shop where it was lighter to read it
Dear Fred
I hope you're ok. Would it be all right with you if I dropped by sometime?
From Angelina Johnson
Fred thought it was a rather short letter, but it made him grin to just hear from her
'Anytime' Fred muttered out loud
'That's lucky. 'Cos here I am' announced a door from the doorway. Fred shielded his eyes against the bright sun, to see a woman's silhouette
'Angelina' Fred questioned cautiously
'Where you expecting Father Christmas?' Angelina asked stepping into the shop
'Nah, he's coming next week. But the Easter Bunny might pop round today' Fred grinned as he hugged her tightly
'Good to see you haven't lost your appalling sense of humour' Angelina smiled when he let her go
'Some things will never change' Fred reasoned
'And some things will'
'Like what?' Fred asked in interest
'Well last time I was in Hogsmede was just after Voldemort had been defeated and the place was a complete mess'
'You called him Voldemort' Fred pointed out surprised
'Now that he's gone, it seems stupid to still fear his name' Angelina said with a shrug
'Good point, Harry will be pleased. But what else has changed?'
'Last time I was in your shop, it was also owned by an identical twin of yours who doesn't seem to be here now'
'Ah, there's a very interesting story behind that which involves your good friend Alicia' Fred grinned
'Do I get to hear it?' Angelina asked returning the grin
'That depends. Will you come back to my place for some food?' Fred asked
'I will, but don't you have a shop to run' Angelina looked puzzled
'If George can shut up shop for a girl then so can I'
'I'm not just some girl' Angelina said indignantly
'No your not, you're Angelina' Fred said
Fred and Angelina spent the afternoon reminiscing about their school days and eating
'So let me get this straight, your twin and my best friend are skipping work to spend the day together. As in together, together' Angelina still couldn't believe it
'Yes, it's a common occurrence. George and Alicia get together, then decide it would be better to date other people. But after a couple of months and some unsuccessful dates they get back together again' Fred explained
'Ok. Why?' Angelina was still confused
'Because they want to stay young, carefree and single. But at the same time they can't bear not been together, it's really very amusing' Fred said sniggering
'I'll take your word for it. Just wait till I see Alicia again, she never mentioned any of this'
'Mentioned it when?' it was Fred's turn to be confused
'In any of her letters'
'Oh. You kept in touch with her?'
'Yeah' Angelina said shortly
'And not me' you could hear the hurt in Fred's voice
'No Fred, it's not like that. I've just been very busy and I didn't want to be a burden on you' Angelina said hurriedly in an attempt to explain
'You'll never be a burden, not ever' Fred said sincerely
'That's very sweet. But I'm back now'
'Back for good?'
'You bet. I'm like a boomerang, I might be gone for a while but I'll always come back to you' Angelina said smiling
'What's a boomerang' Fred asked with a very puzzled look on his face
'Sorry, muggle toy, it's hard to explain' Angelina said with a small laugh
'Oh right. How do you know about muggle toys?'
'That's where I've been. My muggle grandmother's been sick, so I've been looking after her till she got better' Angelina explained
'Oh' Fred said thoughtfully as he realised she hadn't just abandoned him
'I sort of assumed you knew where I was. Sorry. Anyway, what's been happening in your life' Angelina asked wondering how much she had missed
'Everything has, it's been hectic. You know how Harry was the heir of Gryffindor and he defeated Voldemort. Of course you do, well it turns out loads of high-powered ministry officials were deatheaters' Fred enjoyed telling people dramatic stories
'Yeah, I knew that'
'Well Dad and Percy have both been promoted. So now Percy is right on course to be the youngest ever minister of magic, in fact me and George made him a badge saying 'Beware, Minister of Magic in training' but he wouldn't wear it'
'What a surprise. So how's the rest of your family?' Angelina asked
'Mum and Dad are fine, Bill is now dating that French girl Fleur, Charlie's still obsessed with dragons and Ginny is dating Seamus Finnegan'
'Wow she grew up fast. You didn't mention Ron or George'
'Why would you want to know about them, when you can talk about me. But when George isn't spending quality time with Alicia, he and Ron go clubbing to try and pull girls' Fred said grinning
'Ron and George? Why don't you go?' Angelina asked
'I do go sometimes but it's not really my thing. Ron however suddenly developed a taste for clubbing. I personally think it was the bang on the head that did it' Fred said seriously
'What bang on the head?' Angelina asked, she seemed to be asking a lot of questions today
'Oh didn't you know. Harry and Ron were flying together, when Harry decided to tell Ron that he was going out with Hermione, poor Ron was so shocked that he flew into a tree and fell off his broom' Fred said through spurts of laughter, at the memory of it
'That sounds like a school romance that could actually last' Angelina said thoughtfully
'Unlike ours' Fred said softly, but Angelina still heard and looked up sharply
'You don't regret it do you?' Angelina asked after a few minutes of silence
'I could never regret those days, they were really important to me' Fred said grinning slightly
'In that case why did we break up' Angelina wondered out loud
'I think we have commitment issues, that and the fact my teddy bear got jealous easily' Fred said getting a snort of laughter from Angelina in response
'You wanna come meet George and Alicia with me?' Fred asked, extending his hand to pull Angelina up from the couch
'Sure. Do you want any help getting those the right colour?' Angelina asked pointing to the pile of joke sweets that stood in the corner
'How could you help me? I'm Fred Weasley, prankster extraordinar' Fred puffed his chest out proudly, in a very Percy like movement
'Whatever you say' Angelina said with a shrug
'Hey, are you scoffing my immense talent' Fred looked wounded
'Nope I just think I can do better'
'Better than me? No way' Fred boasted as he pushed through the doorway
'Wait and see' Angelina grinned as she followed him down the street
A/N: So chapter 1, what did you think? Please review and tell me. Ok I cannot write a serious fic, so from now on expect the usual jokes that my stories bring, but still review, please, pretty please with a cherry on top