Tigra and Cheetah

In the world of comics two catgirls reign supreme. In Marvel we have Tigra, one Greer Grant Nelson. Once the humble assistant to Dr. Rumulo when the good doctor was kidnapped by Hydra Greer found the Cat suit hidden away in the destroyed lab donned it and became the pinnacle of human perfection, not unlike Captain America, thanks to the augmentation suit. With built in claw grapplers in the tips she proceeded to locate and Rescue Dr. Rumulo eventually join the ranks and even talk shop with the likes of Spider-Man. But eventually Hydra caught up to her and blasting her with a radiation gun all but sealed her doom.

But Dr. Rumulo revealed another secret, for she was not human but a member of the Cat People, a race created by Merlin then banished to a demonic realm. To save Greer she was remade into Tigra: The Were Woman, Champion of the Cat People.

In the DC Universe we have Cheetah, her origin and look reimagined several times over. she started, in her earliest incarnation, as a rich socialite with a perchance for felines, not unlike Marvel's own Felicia Hardy, who made herself a cat suit from the sewn together skin of Cheetah and started a crime spree for thrill and greed, often being countered by one Diana of Thamescara, the Wonder Woman.

Her more recent incarnations has a young and attractive scientist down on her luck testing an experimental formula that was suppose to grant her power and strength and with it fame. Instead it transformed her into hybrid of woman and beast, her self image shattered she turned to petty crime to get the supplies need to attempt a reversal of her fortunes before falling in with the Legion of Doom. (Alternate incarnations of this version have her as an unwitting victim of a separate scientist's mad experiment to create a super being of some sort.)

Both girls spend all their time in the forms of hybrids of feline and female, and suffer the torments of a populace that hates and fears them. However what truly separates them is how they reacted. Greer, with full knowledge and ability to return to human form instead remains as Tigra all the time, reveling in the power and even seductive wiles of The Tigra, a competent hero no doubt she lets the insults by such groups as the Friends of Humanity against her obvious "mutation" (she never bothers to correct them it's magic) and became a ever present member of the Avengers. Meanwhile Cheetah became more and more ruthless and aggressive as the insults cut to the bone, become the predator she so resembles while being more of a wounded deer beneath the fierce exterior.

It was only a matter of time before someone asked. "What if they find themselves in the other's paws?" This story will focus primarily on Tigra in the DCU, as a Hero recovering from a villains reputation is far more interesting then the dead horse of a Villain in the shoes of a hero. None the less if you would like to write a Cheetah and Tigra go ahead.


Part 1: Stranger in a Strange Land

"Farewell Avengers, see you in THE AFTER LIFE!"

Tigra threw up her arms in a defensive motion as the mad wizard's dome of light radiated faster then even Quicksilver could react, and in an instant she found herself swallowed by it, the world spinning out of control to her heightened senses before all went to black.

Tigra awoke with a groan, her body soar, as she got to her feet, a stiff breeze blowing down the alley made her nipples stand erect beneath her thick coat of fur. Popping her back and stretching her limbs she looked around the alley quickly as her eyes drew into slits and adjusted to the light. A moment later the breeze caught her attention once more as her eyes quickly inspected her striped body, all seemed intact except…

"My clothes," she groaned as she rolled her shoulders, her hands reaching up to touch a spot between her free hanging breasts as a small ivory cat head rose to the surface followed quickly by a smile across her feline lips. "Well at least this thing is intact." She mused as her form began to shrink, her fiery hair darkening to a jet black as she took on the features of not a cat but a woman, dressed a far less evocative attire then the scantily clad Tigra was know for.

Taking a moment to pat herself down Greer chuckled. "Tigra is many things but I don't think even I am ready to strut about COMPLETELY naked," she mused to herself before touching the cats head pendent hanging around her neck once more. Her clothes contracting and shrinking into the familiar black thong and top lined with ivory fangs while the cats head settled between the cups and her old familiar fur, tail, fangs, and claws re emerged, transforming her into Tigra: The Were Woman.

However no sooner had she resumed her form and modesty did her sharp pointed ears twitch and her acute hearing detect the familiar sound of an alarm. Without though Tigra burst into a dead bolt from the alleyway, letting out a small laugh as she emerged onto the street. "Not much of a wizard," she chuckled, "Aside from vaporizing my clothes he did little more than teleport me half way across the five boroughs and off the Queens' Bridge. I'm betting Piotroff is already back there handing him a good sock to the jaw with Tony not far behind." She chuckled again as she drew a wry smile, "Though I'm going to regret not having a camera on hand to captures Cap's moment of 'exposure' when he wakes up."

It didn't take long before Tigra arrived on the scene, already tuning out the chorus of voices around her that have long since derailed her as a freak and monster. Opposite her however was a villain she had never seen before, either in person or from the Avenger's Database. Short and squat and dressed in a tuxedo the little man waddled like a penguin and as he saw her he seemed to relax a touch.

"Cheetah what are you doing here, Grod sent me on this mission alone, wak wak wak, shoo kitty." He gloated.

"Cheetah?" Tigra said insulted as he moved closer, "Check the stripes buddy, Tiger, as in Tigra: The Were Woman. You can at least get your catgirls right if you going to start monologue. It makes the ensuring fight more fun." She paused a moment in thought, "Speaking of which Mr. Penguin, you have a name you want me to give the papers when I tuss you up or is Penguin good enough."

The Penguin laughed again, "You've lost you mind." He said as he raised his umbrella in a fencer's stance.

Tigra laughed, "An umbrella? You're going to fight me with an umbrella? Are you trying to insult me?" taking a moment she taped her ear a moment. "Jarvis you got anything on a 'Penguin' or do I got to make a new entry?"

The lack of response distracted her as she asked once more, "Jarvis, you there?" which gave the Penguin just enough time to lung.

Tigra was back on the defense before the blade even made contact and she quickly spun around until her claws grazed a lamp post. "Alright," she shrugged, "If you want to play like that Pengy poo." She chuckled before sparks flew and her claws sliced into the metal like a hot knife and a moment later the entire pole landed in her arms, which she held easily. The Penguin's eyes grew wide as his jaw hit the floor and in an instant he had hefted his umbrella over his head and began to fly away.

"That's certainly creative." Tigra commented as she propped the lamp pole like a walking stick for a moment.

But before she could react the sound of a bolo cut the air and a moment later a shadowed figure stood over the cuffed and bound form of the Penguins' round form at his feet.

"A tiger does not change his stripes." The figure said as he seemed to glide toward her, half in shadows, half in light, his clock obscuring his feet like the reaper's own cloak should. Two dead white eyes peered out from under a horned cowl that vaguely resembled a demon's crest or the ears of a bat.

"However it seems that rule does not apply to Cheetahs." The dark one's voice echoes as Tigra rose the pole to defend herself.

"Who are you," she said confidently, easily hiding the fear gnawing her stomach.

"Do not play games Cheetah, you know me better than that."

In a flash a black glove emerged from the cloak and the air was cut. Tigra's eyes shot to her breast as she felt the sting of a bee only to look down and see a dart, headed with the crest of a bat sticking out of the fur, and that was the last thing she saw before the world went dark, for the second time.


Part 2: Puss, no boots.

Tigra groaned as she began to wake, her legs ached and it felt like something was pressed firm against her chest and belly. As she opened her eyes the light was almost to blinding and she reflexively hissed in response.

"She's awake," an angel spoke, as a figure loomed over her haloed in the light. His body clad in the purest blues of the sky while a fierce fiery cape fluttered behind him. As her vision adjusted her eyes focused on the strong features of her angel, despite a stern appearance the curly cued midnight hair practically called out to be caressed, and the deep blue eyes of the figure threatened to drown her in the hope's light and joy they reflected back despite the warrior's expression on his face.

"Don't struggle, those bands are strong enough to keep Solomon Grundy secure, you don't stand a chance of escape Cheetah." The demons voice spoke from across the room.

"You sure this is Cheetah?" the angel asked, "Doesn't look or act like her."

Tigra purred, "I don't know who this Cheetah is big boy, but you can at least tell me your name."

"Superman," the figured offered simply as her eyes adjusted and she drank in his form.

"I'll say that tall, dark, and primary colored, rowr." Tigra purred.

The angel, Superman, flushed red as his cape. "Definitely not acting the part."

"Let her up," a third voice said, emerging from the ground like a ghost, Tigra instantly recognizing the green skin of her old friend.

"Vision!" She exclaimed, but as the figure became more solid and his form more distinct she realized her mistake. The powers may be similar but this green hunk was not the Vision, she scrunched her nose a moment, he certainly didn't have the same scent. "Or…not Vision." She chuckled as Superman began undoing the bindings and she quickly leapt to her feet. From the shadows at the far end of the room the Demon eyed the Green Man cautiously while Superman looked to him with an expectant look.

"Her name is Tigra, I have probed her mind to conform these facts, it is not merely her alias or a series of surface memories designed to fool me. She is who she says she is."

"Of course I am," she hissed pointing a finger accusingly at the Green Man and giving her an indignant look. "And you and I need to talk personal space. I don't much like Xavier running about my head and I'll be damned if I'll let you do him one better."

"I apologize for Batman and the John's actions Tigra," Superman offered sincerely. "We had mistaken you for an enemy of ours with a very similar look to you and jumped to conclusions we shouldn't have." He offered his hand in friendship, a genuine smile on his face as 'John' backed away. "I believe you already know Batman," he gestured with his free hand to the demon. "And this is John, AKA the Martian Man Hunter. Welcome to the Justice League."

Tigra took the hand after a moment and shook it firmly, surprised at Superman's firm grip. "Wow you got a hand shake like the Hulk," she commented. "Or the Juggernaut," she whispered afterward.

"The Hulk?" Superman said with a bit of surprise. "You know the Hulk?"

Tigra rolled her shoulders as she took back her hand, "Brucey boy? Oh definitely. Can't say I recognize any of you, and I thought the Avengers had a full dossier on all the hero groups currently operating, you new?"

"Hardly," John commented. "Would you like me to delve a little deeper, if you don't know who the Justice League are there may be some brain damage my first scans missed."

Before Tigra could object Superman put up his hand in a pacifying gesture. "No need," he said quickly before fixing those calm and reassuring eyes on Tigra's own. "Do you know a Captain America or Spider-Man?"

"Cap and Spidy?" Tigra laughed, "I've had lunch with them in the Manor a few times, and how do you know them?"

Superman smiled warmly as he turned to Batman, "She's from another Earth, the one where Captain America, The Hulk, and Spider-Man come from, old friends of mine."

"Now that you mention it I think Cap mentioned once or twice a blue boy scout by the name of Superman. Guess that means my little altercation with wizard boy back on the Queens Bridge did more than toss me into an alleyway and vaporize my uniform." With a deep breath she slid back on h table she was previously strapped to, her tail curling about behind her doing it's own thing. "So guess I'm stuck here a while until somebody figures out a way to send me home."

Superman nodded, followed by John.

"We will get to work on it as quickly as possible," John offered. "And once more, I apologize for invading your privacy."

Tigra purred hopping down again as she gently caressed the John's face, the Martian remaining stoic and unaffected by her wiles. "Tell you what big boy, get me some milk and some tuna and we'll call it even. Breaking the bonds of reality makes a girl hungry."

"Of course," John said in his normal stoic form as he became transparent and disappeared into the floor again. Tigra laughed before turning her attentions to the Man of Steel, "You sure he's not a robot?"

Superman suppressed a chuckle. "Would you like to meet the rest of the Justice League?"

Tigra purred, "Sounds positively purrrrfect."

"She's as bad as Selina." Batman commented from the shadows.

"Who?" Tigra mused as Superman began to lead her away.

"Catwoman, one of Batman's rogues gallery."

"She sounds like my kind of girl."

"She's a common thief," Batman said in his ever serious tone from behind them, a hit of tension in his voice, Tigra noting the subtle shift from the normal tones told her there was more.

"Oh I'm sure she was more than common," she chuckled.

"Just keep moving." Batman said irritably.

"He must be a barrel of laughs at parties." Tigra said as she gave Superman a playful elbow jab.

Superman chuckled. It wasn't to long before Tigra found herself at a round table, a different crest on the back of each chair. She recognized the red X of John, the shield of Superman, and the Bat almost immediately, the others she did not recognize at the slightest but some of them seemed familiar. A stylized gold W, a lightning bolt, and some strange double Omega pattern among them, as well as a Trident.

"Humm let me give this a shot." She began pointing first to Superman and then his chair. "Superman."

He nodded, she pointed to the X, "John."

Again he nodded and she indicated the bat, "Batman."

Another nod, she was on a roll so she pointed to the W, "Wonder Man."

"Close Wonder Woman," Superman corrected.

"Woman? Oh man I hope she's not a being made of living ions that would be too much."

"That would be Superman a few years ago," Batman chided. "Diana is the Warrior Princess of the Amazons of Thamescera. And Cheetah's number one foe."

Tigra nodded but continued, "A lighting bolt, has to be Quicksilver."

"The Flash." Superman corrected.

"Fastest Man Alive." Tigra and Superman said in unison.

"Ah Ha, got one!" Tigra chuckled before she pointed the modified Omega symbol. "And that's Omega Red? The living weapon?" she asked curiously.

"Close," Superman said with a smile "Green Lantern, his power ring is the most powerful weapon in the universe."

Tigra chuckled, "I'm on a roll, and the Trident belongs to Namor, king of Atlantis, am I right?"

"ArthurCurryAKAAquaman," a new voice blurted out almost too quickly to catch. In the literal blink of eye a figure in crimson wrapped his arm around Tigra's shoulder, a golden lightning bolt in the center of his chest while white wings flaked the sides of his mask, his finger a blur her gently scratched Tigra's chin, his finger vibrating like motorized comb quickly soothed her and drew out a purr. "AndWhoseTheFineFeline?" he added just as quickly.

"Tigra meet The Flash, and yes he's right that seal is for Aquaman, seems our worlds have similar counterparts indeed. But these seats do not represent all of the Justice League, only its founders."

"ThatsRight," the Flash interrupted his finger still vibrating against Tigra's chin releasing waves of endorphins into her system. "TheresAlsoGreenArrow, HawkAndDove, TheAtom, TheStranger, HawkmanAndHawkGirl, BlackCanary, ThoughSheHangsWithTheBirdsOfPreyMoreOftenNow, CaptainMarvel…"

"That's enough Flash," The Batman interrupted, "She knows enough we still don't know anything about her 'Avengers' it's a bout time for a fair exchange."

The Flash's finger stopped, Tigra snapping out of her daze, a hungry look in her eyes as she licked hr lips, "Rowr, you sure know how to please a lady," she purred as she patted his package, "Maybe you can show me what other parts you can make vibrate." She cooed seductively.

"WhyWait?" the Flash exclaimed as he lifted Tigra into his arms and a trail of after images bolted from the room.

Batman seethed, while Superman silently began to count off on his fingers. After twenty seconds had passed his face turned to one of concern. "Either she's really good or Bart passed out."

A few more seconds passed before the duo had returned, a pair of steaks in each hands being hungrily devoured.

"Best 15 seconds of my life," Tigra cooed between bites, positively glowing while the Flash looked ready for another round.

"I'llStopByAgainInAHourKittyKatForAnotherRoll." The Flash spat out before a series of grinning and expressive After images faded away.

The Batman let only a moment pass before he cleared his throat, "Ahem, these 'Avengers' of yours."

Tigra flustered a moment before pulling a small micro disc from behind her ear. Both Superman and Batman were wide eyed in surprise. "Of course, this contains basic profiles on the Avengers, nothing that will compromise them but it should give you a quick run down of their names and abilities."

The Batman took the disc, gliding over to a computer bank, his eyes never leaving Tigra, "We gave you a through scan, where did you hide that?"

Tigra chuckled, "Standard Fantastic Four pocket dimension and Stark Industries Pico Disc never leave the Avengers Manor without it." She said in an almost commercial plug. "The Fantastic Four and Tony Stark, making life…better!"

After a moment a series of pictures came up on one of the oversized monitors and Tigra finished her meal as she gave a quick run down. "Captain America, all American hero, indestructible shield, pinnacle of human perfection. The Vision, robotic wonder with the ability to fly and control his density…"

She continued on for a few minutes as she matched faces to names and powers. When she was done The Batman ejected the disc and slipped it into his utility belt while Superman stroked his chin in thought.

"Some familiar faces, some familiar powers, and a nice collection of uniforms and fine people it seems you work with. This Captain Mar'Vell would be interesting to meet considering our own Captain Marvel, and your Ms. Marvel remind me of my cousin Kara. I'd like to meet some of them in the future. Perhaps when we get you home we might find a way for some sort of Hero Exchange Program between our two worlds."

Tigra cooed, "Sounds like fun. So when do I meet the rest of the gang and just when are we going to find that way home."

"The rest of the League," Batman intoned, "Are busy at the moment, The Martian Man Hunter has no doubt gleaned you no longer need food and moved on to seeking that way home of yours. But for now you're going to need a place to stay."

Superman was about to open his mouth when a glare from the Batman shut him up quick. "I have enough wards as is. I'll not take in this…"

"Freak? Monster? Animals?" Tigra said casually, "Go on, I've heard it a million times, doesn't faze me, at the end of the day their all chanting Tigra! Tigra! When I save their ass for Galactus for the umpteenth time."

The Batman's cold stare cut Tigra to the bone, "I was going to say girl, but now that you mention it. Of the Felines operating in the super powers circles there isn't much love on their side. Catwoman is a thief and Cheetah is a psychopath. You're not going to just be able to walk into Metropolis and get an apartment without Project Camdes or some other group descending on you like locusts."

"Oh poo," Tigra pouted, "Your not leaving me with much choice," she mussed as her had reached up to the cat head resting between her breasts and after a moments tease with the boys reverted to plain old Greer Grant Nelson. "There boys, happy now? Think little old Greer Nelson can keep a low key while you find me a way home."

Superman chuckled. "Definitely not Cheetah."

"Definitely not, if Cheetah could do that she'd never turned back into a cat." The Batman said, cracking a rare smirk.


Part 3: Popular Opinion

"P-Perry?" Clark stammered nervously as he knocked on the Editor-In-Chief's door of the Daily Planet. Dressed in his simple-yet-comfortable brown suit Perry issued him in from behind the glass. Entering quickly a young girl followed behind him dressed in a burnt red suit, the colors muted while her black hair was pull back in a tight pony tail. Like Clark she wore large rimed glasses and sported a modest heel on her shoes.

"Mr. White," Clark continued as Perry put down the phone a moment and Greer stepped out front. "This is a old friend of mine, she was…displaced…during one of the Justice Leagues latest battles to save the world and Superman asked me if I could find her a job, any job, to help her get by while they rebuild the homes destroyed."

Perry took a deep breath, "Big Blues request eh?"

Clark and Greer nodded. "Well if big blue and you vouch for her…" he paused a moment to think. "Can she type?"

"Absolutely sir," Greer piped up, "In fact my first job was as an assistant to Dr. Rumulo. I did everything for the good doctor, including helping out in some of the experiments that were conducted."

"Perry smiled, "The Planet's a big place, but its Old Ms…"

"Grant, Greer Grant."

"The planet is a big place Ms. Grant, and as it turns out Jimmy finally convinced me to put all the old Planet archives up in the 'web. We got a scanner and he's be doing his best down in the bellows but he could use a extra pair of hands sorting, scanning, and typing up all those old prints into the mainframe. Think you could handle that Ms. Grant?"

Greer smiled warmly, "Absolutely, my last job, before the building blew up, involved a lot of data entry."

Perry smiled and waved them off, "You're hired, and Clark can show you to the Bellows."

Taking their leave Clark's voice dropped to a whispered as he waved to the other reporters and lead Greer to the elevator, "Dr. Rumulo? What exactly do you do?"

"Just like I said," She whispered back, "Plus when the doc got kidnapped I donned our experimental Cat suit and rescued her, which was of course before Hydra tried to kill me and I was turned into the killer kitten you know as Tigra."

"And the other job?" Clark asked curiously.

"Every Avenger had to spend some time updating the records, I spent more than my fare share keeping the database up to date."

Clark chuckled, as they entered the elevator, Greer's ears twitching a moment as they crossed the threshold, "Now I see why Petey boy likes the paper route so much. I've only been here a few minutes and I've already overheard half dozen things some Cape would charge into."

"It's not like that," Clark chuckled, "But it's a nice bonus." A grin spreading across his face.

As they exited the elevator the exuberant youth Jimmy Olsen appeared from behind a tower of news print as Clark quickly explained things. Jimmy smiled like a mad man as he took Greer's hand and the two vanished into the maze of print.

"Take a deep breath Ms. Grant…" Jimmy started.

"Greer, call me Greer," she smiled.

"Ok Greer, take a deep breath this is going to be a long day."

Greer chuckled, taking in the towers of print around him as she closed her eyes, when she opened them they drew into slits for just a moment as she sat down at the computer. "Tell you what Jimmy, while I get started mind fetching me a drink of water."

Jimmy smiled warmly as he quickly dashed off, "Sure, be right back."

Greer smiled, taking a long breath as her fingers began to fly over the keys. "And here is where all that Avengers downtime pays off." She chuckled to herself.

As jimmy returned with a paper cup his jaw hit the floor and he almost lost his grip, Greer's fingers danced over the keys like the Flash and a small pile of archived papers had already formed on the floor beside her. Quickly he made his way over, careful not to break her rhythm as he set the cup down next to the monitor, watching the data fly into the system.

"You're amazing," he whispered in awe.

Greer chuckled, "When I was a kid I was bitten by a radioactive librarian, it gave me super indexing powers, back home they called me Dewey Decimal Girl."

Jimmy chuckled, a hint of naïveté in his voice, "Really?"

Greer chuckled again, never breaking her stride, "No, but in my last job we archive super powered being, and the place had a habit of getting attacked on a weekly basis so you had to learn how to put in data, fast, accurately, and back it up well. Everyone there could do this job. I just got a bit more practice then the others."

"Sounds like a great gig, I'm sure they'll get it rebuilt in no time, and if you were half as good there as you are here I'm sure everything is intact data wise."

Geer paused for a nanosecond in reflection, her mood souring a bit. "I loved that place."

"You got any other talents," Jimmy wonder as he went back to sorting the towers of print. "When I'm not bringing the Planet online I'm a cub photographer, you ever do photography?"

"A little, I knew a freelance shutter bug by the name of Parker back home. He focused on super powered battles and sold the prints to whatever paper would take them to pay his way through school. He taught m a few things here and there."

"Cool, next time they call me for assignment I'll lend you my camera, no reason to have you cooped up in here all day with dusty old newspapers, we'll switch off."

"Sounds like a plan." Greer chuckled as Jimmy sat a small stack of papers by her side for her to work on.

That evening as Clark returns to the Bellows to picks up Greer and take them home for the night the pair get to talking of the days events as Clark drives on.

"I hear you and Jimmy really hit it off, he even convinced Perry to let you do some photographs for the Planet."

Greer chuckled, "Yeah he's a great kid, and I hear Big Blue made three appearances in the big city today." Removing her glasses she took a moment to examine the rims closely, "What I don't get is how no one puts two-and-two together, I mean Glasses? That's you big disguise?"

"Ancient Kryptonian technology in the rims has a mild hypnotic effect. I had the same technology put in yours so if for any reason Tigra got knocked out and you reverted…"

"Never happen, when Tigra sleeps Tigra sleeps, I've spent the last decade as Tigra 24/7."

"In any case it's an added disguise, so no harm done."

Greer chuckled again, "What I don't get is this entire Mild Manner reporter thing you got going on, I mean why aren't you content as the Man of Steel."

Clark rolled his shoulders, "Ma and Pa Kent never raised me to be a show off, Clark Kent is who I am, Superman is someone I pretend to be to help people and protect my loved ones. You embrace being a hero, that's fine but at the heart of things I'm just a Kansas Farm boy, I couldn't pull off being Superman on a daily basis he's…"

"Larger than life?"


Greer smiled as the car cam to a stop at Clark's apartment and he swung around to the other side to let her out, offering his hand.

"Such a gentleman." She teased.

Clark flustered, "I know the Landlord and Superman has saved his life a couple times so I was able to get you a good apartment with deferred rent and a low rate. Also he was more than happy to offer housing to someone who was 'displaced' by a super power brawl."

Stepping out Greer jabbed Clark gently and gave him a knowing look, "Sure is convenient when Superman saves Mr. Kent's landlord and is buddy-buddy with his boss."

Clark threw up his hands defensively, "It's not like that," he began to protest.

Greer chuckled taking him by the arm firmly, "Oh relax, you take everything too literally. You're such a little boy scout. I've figured you out already, you don't need to defend your honor all the time."

Clark let her lead him by the arm as he gave her a quizzical look.

Greer chuckled, "Your one of those down home boys, believe it or not there are a few where I came from, but at least they could take a joke. I mean Steve still acts like a man from the twenties at times but he doesn't get all bent out of shape over little things."

"Steve?" Clark wondered.

"Cap, Steve Rogers is Cap. It's public knowledge back home. He doesn't hide behind glasses like some people." She said jokingly as Clark asserted control and led her down the hall by the arm.

Stopping at one of the apartment doors and slipping a key into her hand. "Ok here's your place, Kara already came by with some clothes for you, and Diana dropped off some suits for work. The rest of the JLA pitched in with furniture so you should be comfortable.

"Why Clark," she teased as she clicked open the door and stepped inside. "One might think you were trying to keep me he..." Greer almost fainted as she took in the décor.

While the furniture was understated and simple, much as she imagined was to help enforce her secret identity's normalcy to visitors their were slight touches here and there that hinted at a wild side to the inhabitant. An abundance of plants gave natural warmth to the room while vibrant reds and oranges served as highlights and trims all around the room. The room itself was little more than a main room with attached nook for the kitchen and a side room for the restrooms. With a simple curtain dividing off the 'living' quarter of the room from the 'bed' quarter but it was a welcoming place none the less. Greer giggled like a school girl for a moment before giving Clark a passionate kiss on the lips.

"You are a super man," she squealed.

Clark just flustered, "When you go home we'll put this in storage for the next time a displaced hero winds up at the JLA and just redress it a little. So don't feel like were trying to keep you here, I'm sure you have friends back home waiting."

Greer giggled, "Ah but it's the thought that counts Mr. Kent. Now off with you Ms. Grant need to get her beauty sleep, and she knows a certain tiger that need to stretch her paws as well."

Clark chuckled as he slipped out the door, "Good night Ms. Grant."


"Snap to it Farm boy, this story isn't going to write itself." Lois Lane snaps as Clack hurried along behind her like an obedient dog just as Greer exited Perry's office, blowing him a kiss. "Glad you liked the pics boss; it almost killed me getting that close of shot of Tigra planting a big wet one on old Metal head."

"Metallo." Perry corrected her, "And don't take so many risks, photographs wont do me any good if they bring you back her in a body bag."

"Awe," Greer cooed, "does yours wife know you feel this way about other women."

Perry's retort was muted as the door closed behind Greer and the bull pen couldn't make out if he was laughing or yelling from his expression. As she passed Lois she dropped into a nearby chair while Clark began typing away at his terminal. Her voice was low as she leaned in close to Lois.

"You know you really should cut Clark a little slack he's got a lot more strength going for him then he lets on."

Clark wasn't being nosy but super hearing has its disadvantages, and he tensed up a moment and Greer began to chat up Lois. Lois for the most part ignores Greer as she continued to type in her article offering only a raised eyebrow and a curious, "Oh?"

"He's got a real thing for you, everybody knows it, and you have to look past his first impressions. Remember he took in a displaced girl like me, and I'll bet you I'm not the other one he's helped. He had a big heart and it pines for you but he's too much of a gentleman and kind soul to be the aggressive type."

Lois smirked, "I know, we've worked together for years I know theirs more to Clark then the fumbling farm boy but if I don't bust his chops he's not going to reach that level where he's ready to stand on his own two feet."

Greer chuckled, Clark relaxed, "Oh you little tease you." She jabbed Lois as she made her way to the elevator.

An explosion off to the sides as a wall blew out caught everyone by surprise, before the smoke had cleared a monstrous bat like creature burst through the door. Lois was the first to speak, whispering only "Para demon" before Clark added, "Apokolips is invading again, just great!" with an exasperated sigh.

Greer could feel Clark's eyes darting around the room for an open he could escape to and change while more of the Para demons swarmed into the Bullpen. After a moments hesitation Greer loosened her tie a bit before discarding it to the side and opening the top button of her blouse. "Was bound to happen sooner or later," she cried out with authority, "Everyone get down, I got this handled."

"Ms. Grant," Perry demanded from his office, "Don't play hero, we have enough of them, no need to throw your life away."

Her fingers wrapped around the pendent quickly as she launched herself at the Para demon, "Oh but Perry, I'm not planning to play anything." Clothes contracting as a long sinuous tail snaked out behind her Tigra was on the demon in a heart beat, the Bullpen a gape at the transformation even as Tigra tore into the Para demons with super human fury.

Clark would have preferred his opening to have come with a better opening, none the less he seized it once presented. The Para demons on the other hand were putting up a hell of a fight, one of the creatures even managing to spot the confrontation from the swarms outside and dive for the furred frauline will her back to the wall. A hammering blow of two steel hard fists sent the Para demon careening to the ground while fire erupted from the Kryptonians eyes to scorch the forces circling around Tigra. Amongst the exchanges of blows and heat vision Tigra pressed two fingers to her ear quickly.

"Justice League come in, this is Tigra, the Planet and half of Metropolis is being assaulted by Para demons, 'lil help her."

Her call only took moments to evoke a response as Wonder Woman, the Martian Man Hunter, the Flash, Hawk Man, and a half dozen other Leaguers arrived on the scene to aid the fight. It wasn't long before Tigra stood opposite the Bullpen, her back to the hole in the wall and the invasion ceased. The harrowed reporters looking on to Perry with a wondering glance as he made his way to her side and offered his hand.

"Don't worry Ms. Grant…Tigra, this is one story we won't print."

Tigra took the hand and shook it genuinely a broad smile on her lips. "Don't be silly! Your reporters, print, print! Hell I'll give Lois a one on one interview if she does me one small favor."

Perking up Lois stepped forward a bit in shock, "Anything, you name it."

Tigra smiled devilishly as her finger traced the Bullpen, "You can interview me, if you take…" and settled on Clark, "Mr. Kent out on a date." She chuckled.

"S…Smallville," she flustered as Tigra crossed her arms over her chest.

"Those are my terms." She said confidently as Lois took a moment to process the request.

"Alright, you have a deal."

The expression on Clark's face was priceless. And so shortly Lois, notepad in hand, sat opposite Tigra, who was nursing a carton of milk in a pair of office chairs in Mr. White's office.

"So to review you're a alien from another dimension who was a hero on a team called the Avengers but wound up thrown into our world by a rogue wizard and for the last three months have been running under the assumed identity of Greer Grant here at the planet?" Lois rattled off professionally.

"Well…" Tigra began, "I wouldn't consider myself an alien, my world was…is Earth it's just an alternate version of it. But, yeah, technically you can call me a alien if only in the immigrant-from-Mexico way as opposed to the last-survivor-of-Krypton way."

Lois nodded, "When the Para demons attacked you didn't seem all too hesitant about showing your true colors, and from your story you didn't seem to have much use for a secret identity back home so why the double identity here?"

"Wasn't my idea I assure you," Tigra laughed, "The League felt it was best if I kept a low profile, their aren't exactly many high profile catgirls like myself here, and the two of note, Cat Woman and Cheetah, don't exactly stand as paragons of virtue so they though it was best if laid low and only let the cat out of the bag for League activities until 'Tigra' had established herself as someone different from my predecessors here, someone who could be called a hero."

"I see," Lois nods, "Which brings up an excellent point, our readers will no doubt be curious why one cat girl would buck trend and choose the side of good. Considering your similarities to our own Cheetah why didn't you choose to b an outlaw in your own world, why did Tigra become a hero?"

Tigra laughed, "Well to be fair I didn't start my career with a tail, fur, and fangs. I started off as just a mild mannered high school kid who was interning with Dr. Rumulo as her assistant. The good doctor was working on a power suit, that when complete would grant the wearer power and agility on part with the elitist of Olympians, and maybe a little extra beyond. However the evil organization Hydra got wind of it kidnapped her and brought h lab down around my ears. By luck I survived the attack and found what they did not, one of the Doctor's recently competed cat suits. Slipping into the suit and armed with its claw grappling hooks I went out in search of my mentor, rescued her, and decided to keep up the hero's gig.

Course Hydra wasn't to happy with that so one day I found myself at the business end of a radiation gun, dieing in he hands of the good doctor. Turned out the good doctor had a secret of her own, she wasn't even human, but in truth a member of a race of well…cat people who had long ago been banished to a demonic realm, not because they were evil mind you, but because people were afraid of their appearances. Anyway the good doctor used one of their ancient rituals to save my life and incidentally transform me into Tigra: the Were Woman! After that, I figured 'hey not only am I alive, but I'm stronger than ever, somebody must want me to keep up the good fight.' So I did."

Lois nodded again, "But surly you must have found it hard to live as a cat in a man's world, did your world just accept you at face value or did you face persecution."

Tigra burst into laughter, "You know theirs a group back home, the 'Friends of Humanity' who will stand behind someone like Captain America or Spider-Man but will crucify you if you're a X-Man all because they believe that people who get powers through genetic mutation are somehow 'degrading the purity of the human gene' or some such clap. And believe me they turned their eyes on this pretty pussy cat. And I never really felt the need to correct them that my powers were magical not mutation, some of my best friends are mutants after all, I consider it a honor to be consider the equal of Nightcrawler, Cyclops, and Iceman. But you know what? At the end of the day, after I've kicked the Skrull back into space, or given that swarm of Para demons the beat down of the century those same detractors start chanting Tigra! Tigra! Tigra! With the rest of them."

Lois continued the laugh, "You certainly have an upbeat attitude on things."

Tigra shrugged, "Why shouldn't it? I'm a hot little kitten, super strong, and lithe as er…fox. Really what's not to love. And if some nobody can't love me too, they can go jump in a lake."


Part 4: Clash of the Kittens

Skidding to a halt Tigra's eyes scanned the horizon, the her perch atop a eagles head jutting from one of the skyscrapers, crouched ready to pounce her tail sway gently behind her as she stared out at the expanse that was Metropolis. Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes enjoying the moment before opening them again to the sight of the city from high up.

"You're no New York but Metropolis I do so love you."

The whistle of wind and an unfamiliar scent in the air quickly broke Tigra out of her revelry as she roll onto the edge, the sharp claws of her surprise attacker missing her neck by inches.

"I won't let you mock me you trussed up little slut!" a voice growled, one she was all to familiar, the soft tones of a woman mixed with the fierce roar of a animal, a voice she heard every time she spoke, it could only mean one thing.

"Cheetah," Tigra hisses as her attacker rolled out from the lower ledge to land deftly on legs more fit on a beast than a human, all too feline ears twitching in the breeze as she growled and hissed before making another lung. Tigra was quick to react, her steel tough claws digging into the stone in an instant as she launched herself vertically up the side, her attacker mimicking the maneuver and following with a supernatural grace. "What's you problem girl, we should be toasting marshmallows and taking about how the other keeps her fur so shinny and knot free not trying to eviscerate one another."

Cheetah lunged, her toe claws digging into the cement as she vaulted herself upward to catch Tigra. "Just shut up, you have no right to judge me, you can change back at will!" she spat bilious.

Sensing the attack Tigra kicks away from the face of the building, letting gravity drag her down while Cheetah sailed right past her. Quickly digging her own claws in the wall she stopped her decent and scurried upward, now on Cheetah's tail.

"Is that what this is about?" Tigra said cavalierly, as she took a swipe at Cheetah's leg, dissociating her hold on the wall and forcing her rival to scramble to secure her position as Tigra kicked off and launched herself above cheetah, planting a few feet above her, toes digging into the wall and she leaned down giving Cheetah a lick on her feline like muzzle. "Look at yourself; you have the body of a young sexy woman mix with the wild quality of a cat. You're every hormonally charged teenaged boy's wet dream."

Cheetah hissed, taking a swipe with one of her hands, "You don't know anything, I'm treated like a monster!"

"Some people treat you like a monster, stupid people.' Tigra chides and she rolled to the side to avoid the swipe and drop down below Cheetah again, "I prefer to stay in this form, and if there was a way to switch up to give you that humanity you so sorely desire I would but my pendent was made for me, and just me. But if you'll calm down and stop trying to maul anyone who wants to help you we can find you your cure."

Cheetah spun around kicking off suddenly, gravity dragging her down as she caught Tigra by surprise, her claws tearing gashes in Tigra's back as the plummeted to the street below.

"Are you insane, this will kill us both!" Tigra growled as she broke the hold, spun around and pinned Cheetah to the wall, concrete chips raining around them as Cheetah's face scraped against the cement before they stopped, Tigra holding both her arms behind her while her breasts and head were pinned to the wall, Tigra's legs and free arm dug deep into the building material.

Defeated and defenseless tears began to stream down Cheetahs face, "Don't you think I've tried, and there is no cure for me."

Tigra kept her opponent pinned, "You've tried but has Project Camdes? Has Batman? How many geneticists and super geniuses do you have in this world, one of them might have found your cure if you were willing to share your research and just trust someone else. Hell half of them have saved the world more times then you can count, I think you can trust at least those ones."

"No one is going to h-help a savage monster, they would sooner lock me up in a cage than look at me," Cheetah 's tear were flowing freely now as Tigra rolled off her, one arm still holding Cheetah's two firmly, in part to restrain her, in part to prevent her from falling.

"I wouldn't." Tigra offered as she let Cheetah get her footing and released her grip offering her hand out in a gesture of good will now. "And were Kitty Kin, if you can't trust a fellow half-human, half-feline babe who can you trust."

Cheetah hesitated a moment, sniffing the hand cautiously before extending her own shaking paw. "I just want to be normal again," she sobbed gently as she took the hand.

Tigra smiled, and with a slow nod the two girls leapt down to ground level, "I'll do everything I can Cheetah, you can count on it."

Cheetah's eyes trembled as she lurched forward, wrapping her arms around Tigra in a loving embrace as she continued to sob into Tigra breasts. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."


"If she had come to me a few years ago," Oliver Queen commented, "We might have been able reverse things, but her DNA is so mutated now their nothing I can do." Cheetah looked to Oliver as she hopped down from the examining table like she had been shot, Tigra sitting beside her as she helped keep her standing.

"I…I understand Mr. Queen, I'm sorry to bother you," Cheetah said meekly as Tigra helped lead her out of the Queen Industries lab and out on to the street.

Oliver's face betrayed loss and sadness as he watched them go, "I'm sorry, really, I wish there was something I could do."

Cheetah looked to Tigra as she walked on solemnly, "That's the 5th rejection in three weeks, it's hopeless."

Tigra smiled, "We have one last stop tonight, so don't get your fur in a knot." She said with a slight pat of Cheetah's behind.

Cheetah forced a smile as they continued their travels, though her heart wasn't in it.


"So you have exhausted all other options?" Dr. Fate's voice resonated as the catgirl stood in the center of his chambers.

Tigra nodded, "Short of taking Cheetah back to my world we've exhausted everything here, and if I did take her home with me their no guarantee we could get her back home so I brought her here."

"As I told you," Dr. Fate began, his golden helm glistening in the light, "The solution I offer comes at a price, are you ready to pay that price to save an enemy and stranger?"

"Everyone deserves a second chance Cap taught me that so lay it on me Doc. What's the solution?" Tigra said cavalierly as Cheetah just watched the exchange.

"While I can not change Cheetah back directly I can swap the conditions of your two forms. Using your pendent she would gain the ability to change at will between her current state and a human form. However…"

Tigra nodded in understanding even as she removed the cat's head from its resting place between her breasts and handed it without hesitation to Dr. Fate. "Yeah I get you; I won't be able to power down."

Cheetah's jaw dropped, was Tigra really giving up her humanity for her? "Tigra are you serious about…"

Tigra smiled and cut her off, "As I've said before I prefer being Tigra to plan old Greer, truth be known in all the years I've been Tigra and before I did the entire undercover thing in this world I have only powered down twice. Once to prove to a fellow avenger I could and the other time to go undercover with some crooked cops. Way I see it that ability is going to waste with me anyway and it's that very same ability that you have desired since you became Cheetah. It's win-win."

"Tigra, I…" Cheetah searched for the words but they never came.

Tigra just smiled as Dr. Fate began to chant, a warm orange glow slowly enveloping Cheetah, after a few moments he handed the pendent to Cheetah while Tigra continued smiling, not even her scent betrayed lost or sadness. Cautiously she rolled the pendent around in her hands before looking to Tigra for guidance.

"Just think about being human, the pendent will do the rest."

Cheetah nodded, and before she knew it her fur began to recede and her footing dropped, her legs filling out as she dropped a few inches as digigrade legs became the limbs of a woman. When it was over Cheetah exhaled a new breath in her new body, and then shivered. A chill air blowing across her naked human flesh. Tigra chuckled, "Yeah you might want to invest in some clothes before you make another down shift."

Cheetah laughed as well as Dr. Fate wrapped a simple cloak around her. "Yeah, I should, shouldn't I?"


Epilogue: The Road Home

The Boom Tube pulsed on the outskirts of Gotham, just at the entrance of Arkam Asylum for the Criminally Insane. White dressed orderlies stood at opposite sides of Cheetah, who stood tall in an orange jumpsuit in her feral form. Cautiously she approached Tigra and the felines shared a tender hug.

"You sure you're doing ok in this place, from my reading they tend to create more wackoes then they cure." Tigra offered worriedly.

"You can only be cured if you want to be cured, Joker, Two-Face, Scarecrow, they didn't want to. And until you came along neither did I. But their helping me cope with my two sides. Get over my persecution issues, and Superman has already offered me your seat in the JLA for when I get out. I even got an application from STAR Labs as a lab assistant. All thanks to you."

Tigra smiled, "Hey they'd take away my hero license if I didn't try and help out a fellow kitty. As Spidy always says, 'With Great Power comes Great Responsibility.'"

Superman, the Flash, and Hawkman waited for the exchange to end before they two gave Tigra a quick hug and wished her well. Superman handing over the small tube for the Boom Box controls to Tigra as the Flash vanishes off, returning a moment later with a can of Tuna he presented to her on bended knee.

"ForMyKinkyKitty, HopeYouHaveASmoothTrip, AndComeBackAndVisitSomeTime."

Tigra laughed taking the can, "Sure, next time theirs a lull in intergalactic threats to Earth I'll pop over."

The Flash chucked, "EmailFirst, Don'tWantYouComingToTown DuringOneOfOurCrisis."

With one final laugh Tigra turned toward the Boom Tube, waved her good byes and vanished. A thunderclap and light tunnel appearing moments later at the steps of Avenger Mansion as Tigra stepped through, the faces of the Assembled Avengers was a welcome sight but their was a tension in the air as well.

"I'm home!" she cheered before her gaze traced Captain America's eye line.

"Great to have you back Greer," Cap said warmly, "You'll have to explain what the heck happened to you but first…"

Tigra eyes went wide before she let out a righteous laugh, hovering over the city was the war fleets of the Skrull, with a smile on her face she got ready to fight. "Things never change, but I like it that way."
