Disclaimer: I do NOT own Kyou Kara Maou

Kyou Kara Maou crossed over with Kuroshitsuji ((Black Butler))

Story description; Yuuri is not only the Demon King of Shin Makoku, but also a demon who, isn't required to serve Ciel, but helps out when he becomes bored with his family and wants to avoid Kingly work. Sebastian is the one who offered the chance to do so awhile before he became king and Yuuri still comes around.

This story is mostly Kyou Kara Maou, I love Kuroshitsuji too, therefore, this story is born.

This story *Mainly this Chapter* is inspired by the song Take Me Away by Avril Lavigne

The night air stilled, nature holding its breath out of fear. The fog was thick, no one could see less then an inch away. The night sky was darkened by no moon, the clouds heavy and tainted black concealing the stars, the air was dry, poisoned even, choking anyone who took a breath of it.

A low, dangerous and deadly growl could now be heard, the street lights burst and the streets became darker, no light for miles.

The wind howl was deafening and then glowing bright blood red orbs snapped into sight.

The red blurred as quickly as they had appeared and a high-pitched, ear shattering, blood-drying scream echoed into the night as three thick lines of red sprayed into the air, the sickening sound of flesh being torn rang throughout the empty streets, as the blood fell into the air, it was as if time stopped, the blood hovering in the air, coloring the heavy fog.

A moment passed and now a river of blood coated the gray-brown, run-down cobble stone road of old England. Rain began to fall gently, slowly. The heavens crying…causing rippling of the river of red.

The dark, tangled hair was matted with blood, blood ran down from the eyes like tears, dripping out of the corners of the mouth. The neck had red tinted skin that was rigid, the cut with unclean, causing more pain for the victim.

The body slowly began to topple over, the hard landing knocking more blood from the neck, the limbs were bent in impossible, and painful-looking positions.

Watching in horror as the disembodied head rolled through the thick blood on the ground, the head continuing to roll untill it finally came to a stop, facing him. The eyes on were open, wide in horror, mouth open as the person had screamed.

Yuuri jolted up, fast as a bullet, panting heavily, his body trembling violently. Bringing his hands up to his head, fisting his hands in his dark black hair, closing his eyes tightly.

He shook his head, trying to blur the images of the dream…of the nightmare.

Eyes opened slowly and he saw the image again and heard the scream. Yuuri cried out and clamped his hands over his ears, shaking his head wildly, pulling his legs up to his chest, hiding his face against his knees, feeling warm tears leak from his eyes to his pajama covered knees.

The bed was damp from sweat and tears, the sheets and blankets were twisted and tangled. Yuuri turned, getting up onto his knees near the edge of the bed. He pulled back the curtains that hung around the bed quickly and was blinded by sunlight.

"Morning…?" His voice was weak, almost silent, child-like, re-opening one eye slowly.

A sharp knock shocked and startled Yuuri, causing the young sixteen-year-old to jump, shaking the bed slightly. Black eyes wide and breathing labored.

"Your Majesty?" That was Gunter…his voice was worried, panicked even.

He shook his head and climbed out of bed, his legs shook like jell-o and he fell to his knees, hands reaching to clutch onto the curtain hanging from the bed, ripping it. He gasped as the sound reminded him of the sound of flesh tarring.

He unclenched his fist, letting his body hit the floor with a sharp and equally loud thud.

Gunter must of heard the sound because he called out again, this time knocking on the door harder.

Yuuri took a deep breath and stood, pulling on the curtains to help his heavy body up, ripping the fabric further, he winced and made a whimpering sound.

"Your Majesty!" Conrad… Yuuri looked over to the door and noticed it was locked. Why was it locked?

"Yuuri! Open the door!" The double black teen gave an annoyed look to the door and voice.

That's right. He had fought with Wolfram and locked the blonde out.

Walking slowly to the door, he unlocked it with a shaking hand and pulled it open slowly. "Morning…" He murmured, acting like he had just gotten up, which he had, but had to hide his fear from his nightmare...

"We heard you scream. Is everything alright?" Gunter asked, switching to drama mode.

Yuuri blinked, face going pale, they had heard…, he smiled weakly.

"I'm fine. Nothing to worry about." He lied, forging a sleepy look.

"But--" Gunter and Conrad protested and Yuuri shut the door.

"Be out soon!" Yuuri called from the other side of the oak door.

Yuuri stood in front of the dresser as he unbuttoned his pajama shirt. Everything had changed that night, nothing had ever been the same since that night and nothing would make him forget it.

Pulling his uniform straight and smoothing the wrinkles from the black fabric, Yuuri felt tears well up. He had been thirteen when that had happened, he had never told anyone about it, he had prayed that it had been just a bad dream...

Turning to the door, Yuuri took a step forward only to find that darkness had overtaken the room, as if the room had never been. Turning around heavy fog settled in, eyes widening as a scream, the same scream that haunted him, turning again he gasped, backing up, losing his footing he fell onto the floor, eyes wide as he lived the nightmare.

Hands clasped to his ears tightly, eyes shut, head shaking, trying to rid himself of the memory. Stop… he felt tears sting behind his eyes, opening his eyes the head's expression changed, blinking, from horror to anger, Yuuri shook his head. Stop… beside the head, the body twitched, arms moving to lift the heavy weight off the floor. Stop…

As the body lunged forwards, nails like claws extended, the image and room spun at blurring speed. Yuuri shut his eyes as he felt air wrap around him, he felt like a tornado had gotten him.

Opening his eyes as he felt the wind slow, the room was back, the door was slightly open, blinking as Wolfram walked in. Yuuri knew his eyes were wet but, thankfully, no tears had spilled over.

"Why are you on the floor?" Wolfram was looking at Yuuri, eyes wide, hands on his hips, his head tilted to one side, his expression innocent.

Yuuri smiled the best he could, trying to focus on Wolfram and how cute his expression was.

"I - ah - tripped." He lied, rubbing the back of his head as Wolfram looked around the room.

"You tripped?"

Yuuri nodded, smiling his goofy grin.

"Tripped on what?" Yuuri blinked. "There's nothing on the floor Yuuri." The young king blushed in embarrassment and shame, looking away off to the side.

Staring at the other boy on the floor with worry in his emerald eyes, Wolfram said nothing.

Sitting at his desk, Yuuri couldn't focus on Gunter's lesson. He looked up at Gunter, who was by the table reading from a book, black eyes wondering to the bookcase were Conrad stood, looking over a book for Gunter.

Gwendal was sitting at the table working on who-knows-what. Yuuri turned to look at Wolfram who was sitting beside the desk, beside him, eyes glued to a book that only Wolfram would read.

He turned back to a book just like the one Gunter was reading from but he wasn't reading the words, his mind wasn't there.

He didn't know how to describe the feelings he was feeling, it was just there, deep inside. Yuuri closed his eyes, all he did was hide from it, wishing for it to vanish, to never come back and for the memory of it to just disappear.

Yuuri looked up to stare at the others in the room…How would they react? How would they feel? What would they do if they knew? Knew what he really was, what he could really do, what his real, true power was.

Ever since that first time…that one time. It had haunted him ever since it happened, he wasn't the type that could live with doing something like that.

It was eating him from the inside out and it was becoming to hard for him to handle alone.

But I am alone…I'm on my own with this.

"Your Majesty? Is something wrong?" Yuuri blinked and looked up to look at Gunter. Yuuri didn't answer, how could he? What would he say? He's a demon? Well, they were too, well, sort of, they wouldn't understand.

"What's wrong?"

Yuuri looked at the other three in the room small office. They really wouldn't. No one would or could understand… The young teen shook his head and stood. "No…nothing."

"But your Majesty…?"

"You wouldn't understand…no one does." He mumbled, unknowing that they heard his words, and walked out of the room.

It's all your fault. All my confusion, my pain, all of it. It's all your fault…


"You haven't been bothered by that for years…" Sebastian said, eyeing the young demon beside him.

Yuuri shook his head and closed his eyes. "I don't I'm so much as bothered by the memory and fact of what I am than I am of what I fear if and when Wolfram and the others should find out."

"You want them to find out?" The red-eyed demon asked.

The wind blew, Yuuri looked out to the evening sky, watching the orange sun set slowly, giving the older demon no answer.

A/N::: ***Sry 4 any mistakes of grammar or misspelling***

This is the prologue, not that long but it's a start.

Sry for it being so late in updating and getting the re-written, better chapters up. I have no idea how long this story will be so, don't ask.

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