A lot different from previous chapters. Look for the sequel For all you know

And you may get a sneak peak in this chapter…"unless I'm lying, probably not, unless I am. See you later. Especially one of you!" –CDC!


Dear diary,

It's me again. I got a small break this week from the twins. They're so cute. But it hurts to see them. Every time I see them I think of Chad. Stupid Cooper! Kidding.

I miss my friends and Tawni! She's my friend but I can't say friend in my diary. I promised that I wouldn't. Stupid bet!

So the twins are premature and they were in the hospital for a little bit but they're here for this week! The only bad part is that it's Thursday! I only have two days with them… unless I keep them! Should I?

I haven't talked to Chad since he left. I hope he didn't move on. I'd kill him if he did. Tween Weekly seems to seriously believe that story about me going to Philadelphia! Oh, I forgot the date, today is August 4, 2009. The twins were born on July 23, 2009.

Lord, please don't forget to remember me. I need some serious help down here. Haha. Oh, my new edition of Tween Weekly is here! So Random!'s ratings went down a little. Sorry guys!

I think I'm staying in Wisconsin for a little bit. Just to set myself straight and to think about pursuing this career. He laughed Awww! Just like Chad.

That's it, I'm staring at the twins and they're torturing me! His blue eyes are like Chad's :( and she looks like Bambi, it's so cute! I can't believe I'm saying this diary but… I don't think I can handle adoption.

I had names picked out and I think it would be safe to name them now. Okay so I was thinking Allison Mackenzie Cooper Monroe and Alex Dylan Cooper Monroe. Cute, huh?

Okay so that makes it official. I'm keeping Allison and Alex because if you had eyes diary, you would to… but they might eat you. ;p

What about Chad?

Forever confused,

Sonny Monroe

So Sonny's keeping them and it was harder thinking of a boy's name. Okay, here is a peak at the sequel For all you know!

"Allison Monroe!" my four year old looked at me. "What is this?" I held up my new T-shirt with rips in it.

"Alex say it look good for Halloween." She looked back at her toys on the carpet and her brown hair covered her face.

"Did not!" Alex held onto the railing on the bottom step.

"Did too!" she glared at him.

"Nuh uh!"

"Guys! It doesn't matter whose idea it was, but what do I wear to work? This is my uniform." I started working at an ice cream shop and my boss was really stupid. "Do you want mommy to get fired." They shook their heads 'no'.

"Momma, who dis?" Allison held up a picture of the Mackenzie Falls cast.

"Which one Alli?" I looked over every face except one. Him.

"Dis one." She pointed to the main man himself.

"Mackenzie." I smiled.

"Nuh uh! That's Alli's name so he can't be Mackenzie." Alex huffed. I swear he's a mini Einstein. What four year old talks with somewhat proper grammar?

"Momma, his weal name. I want to know his weal name." Allison smiled.

"I, uh, I don't know." I looked at my beeping watch. "I'm late, again." I pulled a dirty shirt out of the hamper and sprayed it with Febreeze. (Don't own that either.)

"Come on." I walked to the car as the twins fought over who would get what seat. I noticed Alex tugging on Allison's brown locks.

"Alex, let go of her hair." He released her hair and smiled innocently.

"Sorry momma."

I buckled them in their seats and hopped in the driver's seat. My phone started ringing and I tossed the phone to Alex. He read the name slowly.

"Coo- Cooprer… Cooper? Who's that?" he looked at me and I took the phone from his hand.

"No one." He frowned.

"Momma, you should answer it. It'd be rude if you didn't."

Sorry, but that's the end of The only thing. I'm sad; I wanted to make it longer. I was going to write about the week with the twins but I decided on a diary entry.

R&R and look for the sequel or else… Okay bye! Haha!

Chad: Hair check, teeth check, fashionably late check!

Sonny: stupid, check!

Chad: Hey! A green button!

Sonny: ADD also check.

Chad: it's so distracting…

Sonny: So is your big head.

Chad: What?

Sonny: Nothing.

Me: what, no banter?

Chad: Oh! Fine!

Sonny: Fine!

Chad: Good!

Sonny: Good!

Chad: so we're good?

Sonny: oh we're so good, especially if you click the green button.