Hey guys well DISCLAIMER!!! I do not own Sonny With A Chance, really wish that I did!

Chapter 1

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Sonny had said she had something important to say to him. He rushed down the hall, almost tripping over a camera cord along the way. He was headed to where she had said to meet him, behind the studio at exactly 12:30. It was her only time she could escape the rehearsals, friends, and her worried director who happened to have stomach problems---Nashville was his name I think or was it…

I was so stunned. I couldn't believe what I saw. Nothing! Exactly the opposite of what I was expecting. I had so willingly let myself assume that I would see Sonny with a huge toothy grin slapped on her face and a hug awaiting me. Then she would say something like, "Oh Chad, you're the greatest, hottest, smartest actor of our generation!" Okay so she would probably never say anything like that at all, but still! Sonny wouldn't be late, not when she made it seem so important!

That was when it finally caught my eye. A piece of scrap paper was folded in a, well, a sloppy and unprofessional manner. People should just try a little harder at… then I noticed Sonny's full name scribbled on the paper in a purple high lighter. Allison Monroe. It was simple but still managed to look neat and like she took the time to write it. So very clashing and confusing.

That's one thing of many that I love about my sunshine, she can make anything look good. Whether she happens to be wearing this something or writing it, it still looked—well hot.

I was once again torn out of my thoughts once I had involuntarily picked up the note and read… this just broke my heart. I could feel it being ripped out of my chest and stomped on just as it pulsed. Very painful experience.



It was for the best. You would just be pulling him down. You did it for him, you didn't- excuse me don't want to see him fall if you know you can stop it.

Yeah okay, you just keep telling yourself that.

Well, I will!

He has the right to know at the least, I mean he is-

NO! It's better like this! (Isn't it so weird when people interrupt themselves ;P)

I can't believe I'm fighting with myself. But I did the right thing, there's no turning back now…

"So Sonny are you sure you want to leave, I mean there is sick absences." Marshall asked me directly through my thoughts of my boy-- I mean ex-boyfriend, Chad.

"Well Marshall, I- uh-" What was I gonna say, "Oh Marshall, I forgot to tell you that I'm around a month pregnant and I should be expecting to get--bigger!" I grimaced at the thought of 8 months of mood swings, cravings from mars, and swollen feet that put me in agonizing pain. Morning sickness wasn't at the top of my fungenda either. I still remember the day I started suspecting and the time I found out for sure.

*:~ flashback ~:*

I awoke to a nauseas feeling in the pit of my stomach. I could feel it start to travel up my throat. I threw myself out of bed, and almost fell but caught myself and kept running. I squirmed into the bathroom and over to the toilet. I had to let it flow. I didn't feel sick just hungry. My cheery yellow bathroom had deep blue and purple beads flowing on long strings over the yellow curtains for my window. The floor was tiled a pure white with an occasional baby blue tile. The curtain on the shower was baby blue with white waves running over it.

I quickly brushed my teeth and called my best friend, Tawni Hart. "Hmmm?" she asked obviously annoyed. "Hey Tawn! Um I have a slight problem…" but was interupted.

"Sonny it's like 3 in the mor…" she moaned on and I heard a light snoring. This was too important, I wasn't one to jump to conclusions but this was big and I had to get it off my chest. "Um, well I guess you should know that I think I'm…"

Two weeks later

I rushed through the drug store and pulled my hoodie even tighter and hugged it to my body. I hoped no one recognized me. I quietly shuffled to the pregnancy test. I paid quickly with cash. The cashier gave me a weird look, "Hey if your gonna rob the store, go right ahead, there's nothing valuable any way." She finished and continued looking at the screen. I shook my head rapidly in big motions. I quickly left and sped home. I hopped out of the car and quickly swung the door open, forgetting to close it. I rushed up the stairs and rounded the corner into my bathroom.

My mom looked around the corner with concern. "Sonny?"

I did what I needed to after staring at the stick with a blank expression. I cried.

*:~ End Flashback ~:*

"Sonny?" Marshall looked concerned so I quickly answered him.

"Yeah sorry, I was thinking." I gave him a sheepish look.

Just then the door swung open. It was Tawni. "Run!" she said in a voice that I have only heard the old hags in princess movies sound like.

"What? Why?" I was lost. She looked out of breathe. Her breathing was heavy, almost ragged. But her one word that she did manage out, had said it all.

"Ch—" she took a breath and continued, "-ad!"

"well it was nice seeing you Marshall," I shook his hand quickly and added, " I would like the sick leave" I flashed him a smile and left.