(guys just to tell you I have not forgotten about Roslyn's boyfriend Brandon! He will make an appearance in this chapter! Don't worry!)
Bella's POV-
It had been a week since our first day of school. Roslyn has successfully kicked Edward's ass, by making a full out of him- how she did that exactly is a long story that I will not bother telling. But anyways today was the day of the concert and it was 15 minutes before it starter- before everyone arrived. We were organising the finishing pieces. And we had found a charity that was helping the few remaining tribes in America that were disappearing quickly. We had sold a lot of tickets- 1000 to be exact and had made £5,000, for which the charity was very thankful for and we'd be selling goods so that would earn us more money. Roslyn's band had also joined us for this occasion- they would be starting us off.
I was dressed in a grey dress with pink sleeves, a cacky coloured coat, grey ankle socks and swayed ankle boots. Roslyn was dressed in a yellow an beige frilly crop top, greeny grey shorts, RayBan sun glasses and yellow pumps with a flower on top.
"Okay Bells everything is ready. People are starting to arrive and we're on in five." Roslyn notified me while applying on her lip gloss in front of the mirror in our little dressing room.
I had to admit I was pretty nervous- I mean I wasn't usually nervous playing on stage. But this was revealing who I was to the people who used to bully me! So I think you can see why I'm a little bit nervous here. "Okay. I'm just ready all I need to do is apply some lip gloss."
So I applied my lip gloss and we were ready to go on stage. It was the moment of truth- they'd either hate me now or forever try to apologise.
I was breathing deeply, in and out. In and out when the charity man walked on stage to introduce us.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen. We are very glad that you could make it here and I assure you that it is for a good cause. And at the end we will gladly reveal who Marie Dwyer really is. But to open up tonight's event we bring you the amazing and well loved black eyed peas with "I gotta feeling"!"
With that Roslyn and her band got up on stage and rocked it. I mean they were amazing performers- they really knew how to entertain the audience and get them excited. They would give you surprises and all that sort of stuff. They had more party beats to their music where my songs had more of a meaning to it.
I could hear the audience cheering them on- singing, clapping and screaming. That's the thing about the Black Eyed peas, they were hard not to like. Their music was infectious and the people themselves were very likable.
It was basically the same for me. Everybody loved me. But in a different way. They loved the black eyed peas because of their uniqueness and their party beets and their likability. People liked me because of my soul giving performances and how I could touch so many people. People would come across me as a kind of person with a warm heart with music they could feel a connection too.
Anyways back to the present. The black eyed peas sang their round of songs before it was my turn. Jasper quickly sprinted over to me and handed me the microphone.
"Good luck! My family have the front row by the way." He said patting me on the back, while the band jumped down the stairs and into their changing booths. Roslyn sent me a "good luck look" before I stood at the stairs waiting.
"And now to welcome you all to the country's best country singer, Marie Dwyer!" With that the audience erupted into a round of applauds while I walked on stage with my acoustic guitar and the small band waiting behind me on the drums and guitars. I smiled at them all and waited them to be silent before I sat down and started strumming a tune on my guitar.
"Hey guys! This is a song called "love story" And I hope you like it as much as I do!" I said into the microphone before singing along to it.
we were both young when i first saw you
i close my eyes
and the flashback starts
im standing there
on a balcony of summer air
By the end of the first verse the audience were swaying their hands to the music and singing along
see the lights,
see the party the ball gowns
i see you make your way through the crowd
you say hello
little did i know
that you were romeo you were throwing pebbles
and my daddy said stay away from juliet
and i was crying on the staircase
begging you please don't go, and i said
Already I was pouring my heart into the words, making them seem like I knew how this person felt.
romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
i'll be waiting all theres left to do is run
you'll be the prince and i'll be the princess
its a love story baby just say yes
so i sneak out to the garden to see you
we keep quiet because we're dead if they know
so close your eyes
lets keep this down for a little while
cause you were romeo i was a scarlet letter
and my daddy said stay away from juliet
but you were everything to me
and i was begging you please don't go and i said
"Okay sing with me!" I shouted into the microphone, before continuing with everyone joining in-
romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
i'll be waiting all theres left to do is run
you be the prince and i'll be the princess
its a love story baby just say yes
romeo save me, don't try to tell me how it feels
this love is difficult, but its so real
don't be afraid we'll make it out of this mess
its a love story baby just say yes,
Oh, oh
I got tired of waiting
wondering if you were ever coming around
my faith in you was fading
when i met you on the outskirts of town, and I said
romeo save me i've been feeling so alone
i keep waiting for you but you never come
is this in my head, i don't know what to think
he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
marry me juliet you'll never have to be alone
i love you and thats all I really know
i talked to your dad you'll pick out the white dress
its a love story baby just say yes
oh, oh, yes
we were still young when i first saw you
By the end of this song I had taken in quite a lot- I had seen that the bitch group had actually enjoyed it and actually felt real feelings towards it- wow. Was all I could say to that. I had also seen that Jacob had enjoyed it too and was beaming up at me- he already knew my secret. I had quickly snuck a look in Jasper's direction and he looked completely awe struck! It was sort of cute actually.
I continued to song to a few more songs before the big moment finally arrived.
"Okay guys that all the songs finished with. Did you like them all?" I shouted into the microphone and I heard a chorus of yes's.
"I'm glad. Right guys, before I reveal who I am I would like to invite the Black eyed peas back on stage!" I shouted again and as I said that they appeared. Roslyn on one side of me and Will. on the other, and .Ap besides Roslyn and Taboo beside Will..
"I would like you all to say a big thank you to the Black Eyed Peas!"
The audience did as I said and erupted into another sound of screaming and clapping. I gave it a couple of minutes before they settled back into their seats and Will. spoke aloud.
"And we should also say a big thank you to Our Marie Dwyer who really is the magnificent-" He handed it over to me to say my real name.
I looked down, taking a deep breath, and spoke into the microphone slowly, "Bella Swan."
There were audible gasps from people in the audience and from my eyesight I could see the bitch crew. Alice sat with her eyes wide and muttering to herself. Emmett was grinning widely, like he had known all along. Rosalie's face was a picture of disgust and jealousy while Edward lay with his mouth hung open and his eyes popping out of his sockets.
I smirked to myself, glad that I had got the reaction I had wanted. I looked at Will., urging him to continue.
"Yes I would like you all to say a big thank You to the amazing Bella Swan and Roslyn Campbell, who you may know as our fellow band member Rhea Campbell, for putting this event together. And we do hope you buy some of our items to help a good cause!"
With that the audience clapped and screamed again earning a grin from all of us. We waved our goodbyes and headed off back stage to get ready for the after party- to where anybody who had bought tickets was welcome to come.
As we got we got our belongings together, with Jasper's help, who was coming with us as well, we could hear the charity spokes man telling them the information about the after party. I opened the door into the cold night only to see Jacob running towards me.
"Hey Jacob!" I called waving at him to come over. Roslyn had appeared behind me, not in his view yet.
She whispered into my ear, "Is that the LaPush dude? He's hot!"
I nodded my head.
"Hey Bells. Good concert! You rocked it!" he called before he stopped in front of me.
That was when Roslyn decided to make herself noticed. "Hello. You must be Jacob! Bella has told me about you!"
Jacob swiftly glanced over and was quickly dazzled. Roslyn had that effect on boys- she could dazzle them with her beauty. "Y-yes. And you're Roslyn... right?"
Roslyn giggled and batted her eyelashes- oh god! The guy was a goner. I rolled my eyes and quickly made my way back inside to find Jasper, before we both walked in the direction of the after party- god knows how long they would be.
Roslyn's POV-
"Yes, I am Roslyn." I smiled at him flintily. Boy was this boy hot! And I mean hot. He had muscles the size of footballs and he had a russet tan. His hair was black, short and slightly ruffled up. His eyes were a deep brown. And man! Was he tall! Brandon was temporarily pushed out my mind.
"Nice to meet you Roslyn."
"Nice to meet you too... come in! You must be cold standing out there!" I moved out the way, allowing him to come in. He gratefully bustled past me and into the warm dressing room.
"So is this where you get ready?" He asked, looking around.
"Yep. It's not much but it will do." I smiled. "Are you going to the after party?"
He nodded and grinned. "Yeah I am and I'm guessing you will be too."
I smiled at him and looked up through my lashes, he could really not say no to this- no boys could. "Would you like a lift?"
Jacob, after standing there, momentarily dazed, nodded his head and smiled. "Sure. Thanks."
Just then William (which is his real name) walked round the corner carrying a bottle of water, which he pointed at Jacob. "Roslyn you know you aren't supposed to bring fans in back stage? Mr what's his face will kill you."
I laughed at him. "It's Mr Allan, dimwit. And Jacob is Bella's friend so it's perfectly okay."
"Oh right. Well, um, hey." William smiled over at Jacob and held out his hand. "I'm William... one of Roslyn's banned mates."
"I'm Jacob, "Bella's friend"" Jacob grabbed his hand and shook it.
"Jacob will be coming in the car with us... if that's alright?" I asked, biting my lip. William never really like anybody he didn't know to well enter his car.
"Yes that should be fine. Just don't mess it up!" He warned, putting a serious face on.
I chuckled and shook my head. "Don't worry he usually doesn't even let strangers go near his "precious" Car. In fear they might damage it!"
"Oh right." Jacob laughed along.
"I'm being serious, that car cost a damn fortune and last time it got damaged I had to pay nearly twice as much!" He whined, which caused me to go into another round of laughter.
Jacob smiled though. "Well if it's ever damaged again, bring it round to me. I can see what I can do – I build and fix cars sometimes. It's sort of a hobby. I could do it for free!"
William stared at him and the grin on his face was almost like a five year olds. "Really? Dude that would be awesome! Thanks! I'd be willing to pay though!"
Jacob thought about it. "Well maybe a bit of money wouldn't go wrong."
I sighed, I really didn't want to talk about cars. "Uh guys, there is a lady present! Ladies do not want to talk about cars."
"You're right. Any where did Bella go?" William said, changing the subject.
I looked around for her, but I couldn't find her anywhere. She was standing beside me... and she had disappeared. "I don't know... she was here a minute ago..."
Jacob was about to speak up when my phone buzzed- signalling that I had a call. I held up my hand to say 1 minute and walked out into the cold air to take the call.
"Hello?" I spoke clearly into the phone- sometimes this place had really dodgy signal.
"Roslyn. Hey. It's me. Brandon." Oh. Brandon the boy I went out with and totally forgot about up until now. Shit. Bad girlfriend I am.
"Hey Bee. What's up?" I asked.
"I was thinking... would it be okay if I came up a week before? I mean then I get to stay longer and see more of you." Oh great... now I couldn't dream over Jacob...
"Oh... um... I'm busy that week actually so you wouldn't see much of me... we could always add an extra week on?" Okay the lie was pretty good... if I could keep my voice straight... stupid Roslyn!
"Why? What are you doing?" His voice sounded suspicious- proving how bad a liar I was.
"Um me and Bella are... we're... going to a couple of parties and well we have a few concerts..." Please believe it?
"Oh right okay. So I'll see you in three weeks babe?" He asked.
"Yeah. I can't wait. See you." I said in a chirpy voice and hung up, walking back in to the place.
"Who was that?" William ask, raising an eyebrow.
"Brandon." I stated, knowing fine well William hated Brandon... and Brandon hated William.
"When are you going to understand the dude only dates you for your looks, money and fame? He's a cocky bastard that just wants all that!" William muttered shaking a head.
I bit my lip, in a way he was right. Brandon did like me because of my looks. And maybe because of my fame and money... but he did have his moments... and she was pretty sure he liked her for her. There were a few occasions where he could be sweet. That was why she had fallen for him in the first place... when they met he was totally sweet to her, being a real gentleman. Of course there wasn't much of that now. But still.
"He's sweet too, Will. You just haven't seen that side of him." I shrugged, trying to not show that his words had affected me.
In the midst of our little conversation, Jacob spoke up, confused. "Who's Brandon?"
"Roslyn's "Boyfriend"... a cocky dickhead that's just using her. We better go though... we don't want to be late..." Will said searching for his keys.
"Um what about Bella?" I asked, raising an eyebrow just as I got a text. I looked at it. It was from Bella.
Me and Jasper are walking down, just get a lift from will. X
I quickly text back before sliding my phone back in my pocket and smiled up at them. "She's walking down with Jasper."
"Okay. So let's go, I'm in a party mode." William said heading out the door, before I called after him.
" What about Jaime and Allan? Their still getting ready." (a/n Allanand Jamie are NOT random dudes there Taboo- Jamie- and .Aps – Allan- real names!:)) I asked looking back to the dressing room, where they were getting changed.
"Oh. Yeah. I forgot." He chuckled, leaning against the door frame waiting. I decided to take this moment to talk to Jacob.
"Do you work out or something? Because you have pretty big muscles.." I asked biting my lip. I wasn't meaning to be flirty, I was just honestly curious. I looked up into his eyes... whoa! Big mistake there! I got lost in them... and I couldn't seem to stop looking into them...
He chuckled and shrugged. "Yeah, I go to the gym on a regular bases."
"Awesome. Well uh, I usually have a date to an after party... it would seem odd if I didn't, and Brandon's usually my date... but.." I tried to form my wards into a question, but for some reason I couldn't manage it.
"But...?" Jacob pressed me, raising an eyebrow amused.
"She's trying to ask if you would like to be her date for tonight." William said casually. I looked over at him, narrowing my eyes. I thought he hadn't been listening, but here he is asking my questions for him. Like I wasn't able to do that myself. I was perfectly capable... Okay maybe he had dazzled me a bit... but I'm sure I would be able to ask him.
"Ah. Well then of course I would like to." Jacob smiled at me, amusement deep in his eyes and some other emotion I couldn't figure out.
I blushed, looking down. That was a very rare thing for me to do, and I didn't want anyone to see that. "Okay...good."
Before the awkwardness had time to settle in Jamie and Allan walked through to the room where we were standing. "Who's this?"
Allan was pointing over to Jacob, and I smiled. "This is Jacob, my date for tonight."
Jamie furrowed his brow in confusion. "But you go out with Brandon?"
I rolled my eyes and hit him over the head- he can be stupid sometimes. "yes. But he isn't here is he? And I always have a date to the after party. Now come on let's go."
They both looked at each other before walking outside and hopping into William's Mercedes. I smiled at Jacob, "That was Jamie and Allan... their very annoying sometimes."
"I gathered." Jacob smiled at me before looking over to the door.
"Yeah we should go." I sighed, before me and Jacob followed William into the car. The only two seats left were in the back. I slipped into the middle and Jacob stepped in beside me.
"Did you come with friends?" I asked him, while belting myself in.
"Yeah, but they left to go home." Jacob smiled and sat back in his seat and looking out the window.
I took this time to look him over- again. And man. He was hot. Like super hot. But there was something else that made me have butterflies in my belly- not just his looks... his... personality and.. well just him. I noticed how close our bodies were... in fact we were mushed against each other, in the cramped car.
Jacob turned to see me, a cheeky smirk playing on his face. "Were you just looking at me?"
I blushed and looked away, biting my lip and nodding my head shamefully. Damn. What was this boy doing to me? He made me blush for frick sake.
Was it that I might have a possible tiny totsy thing for him?
(Okay guys! How did you like it? I thought I would give you a longer chapter since I haven't updated in so long! Next chapter will be the after party. Before I go I do have some questions to ask, and please send a review of you answers and what you think:-)
1. Should Bella and Roslyn have a massive argument? Like you, they don't speak for ages all that shit... I think that would seem sort of reasonable... but I'm asking for your opinion:)
2. Bella and Jasper WILL date... but who will ask who out?
3. Do you think Jasper and Bella should date later on in the story or sooner rather than later?
4. Well as you know there is a thing between Jacob and Roslyn... but like I said with Jasper and Bella should they date later on or sooner? Their will be a sequel to this story so should I put that in the start of that?
5. When Bella and Roslyn have a fall out should Roslyn tell Jasper lies about Bella to put him off of her... and to do the same should Bella tell Jacob lies about Roslyn?
6. Should Roslyn dump Brandon before he comes?
7. Should Bella befriend Edward and Rosalie? I mean she's definitely going to befriend Emmett and Alice... but what about Edward and Rosalie?
Okay that was more than a few questions but I want your opinions :)