Hey guys. I am so happy. At the rate I'm working at I'll have the next chapie of Welcome to Akatsuki, witch I've already started on, up by next week =3.


"Talking - Human Language"

"Talking - Demons Language"


Itachi walked down the windowed halls of the royal palace, gazing out at the passing gardens, towards his fathers office. Itachi Uchiha was the first son of king Fugika and next in line to become the king of the fire nation. The Fire Nation was the largest and most powerful nation in the world. Konohagature, or Konoha for short, was the capital city of the Fire Nation and the location of the royal palace. Dew to wars and redistribution of lands, and the destruction of the Fire Nation's first capital, Konoha had ended up on the eastern border of the Fire Nation. None of the other countries wanted to get into a war with the Fire Nation so every thing in the Fire Nation had been relatively peaceful. Recently however the Fire Nation, namely Konoha, has been having trouble with a group of cat demons. Usually demons would keep to themselves unless you got to close to their young or they felt threatened. But now more and more often these brown haired demons have been stealing from merchants, raiding camps and killing most of the humans that entered the Demon's Forest that bordered Konoha, even going as far as to leave the forest to raid the homes of the villagers. The Demon's Forest was a great forest with trees as tall as the palace towers, and took about a week to pass threw if you were traveling at a medium speed and only stoping to sleep or eat. The Demon's Forest separated the lush Fire Nation from the arid Wind Nation(1). The Demon's Forest is named as it is because it is the demons territory, with dozens of demon clans residing within it. The only reason anyone went into the Demon's Forest was because cutting threw the forest was the fastest way to get the Fire Nation to the Wind Nation or vice versa. If you decided to travel around the northern tip of the forest, the thinner tip of the forest but not as thin as the direct center, it would take you about a month depending on how close to the tip your starting location and destination were. Itachi shook himself out of his thoughts as he approached his fathers office. Itachi opened the door and walked in "You wanted to see me father?" "Yes, sit down Itachi." Fugika Uchiha said resting his chin on his interwoven fingers in the typical Uchiha fashion. Itachi took a seat in a chair in front of his fathers desk. "Itachi as I'm sure you are aware we are in a conflict with a group of demons." at this Itachi nodded to his father to proceed. "Well i have realized that we can't fight these demons on our own." "So what do you propose we do father?" "We are going to ally our selves with a different group of demons that would be willing to help us." "Father how are we to know which groups will be willing to ally themselves with us?" "I am sending you and ten of my soldiers into the forest to find a strong group of demons that is willing to help us. Now go, in ten minuets the group of soldiers should be out in front of the palace, ready and waiting for you to lead them on this mission." "Yes father." At this Itachi got up and bowed to his father before leaving to go get ready.

'So we will be joining with the demons. I wonder how this will bode with the villagers.' Itachi thought as he headed out to see which soldiers he would be traveling with. In front of the palace stood the ten soldiers dressed in armor and carrying bags. The soldiers were standing in a line. First in line was Neji Hyuuga, a seventeen year old commander and a member of the branch family of the Hyuuga clan. He was of average height with waist length brown hair ending in a loose ponytail, and the natural milky Hyuuga eyes and skin. Neji was calm and collected, he was the Hyuuga prodigy and smarter than many of his elders. Next was Lee Rock, at the same age as Neji he was a master of hand to hand combat and the fastest runner in Konoha's army. Lee had Shiny black hair, shaped into a bowl cut, large round eyes, and huge eyebrows. He was an over exuberant optimist who enjoyed ranting about 'youth'. The third in line was one of Konoha's few female soldiers and another of Neji's former classmates. Her name was Tenten Tamura, the weapons master (2). Tenten was a slightly violent ball of energy with her brown hair tied into two buns that resembled the ears of a bear. Then there was Chogi Akamichi and Shikamaru Nara. Chogi and Shikamaru were sixteen years old and best friends. Chogi was a large boy of average height and had red swirl tattoos on his cheeks. Shikamaru was a lazy genius. He could solve any problem but would most likely sleep threw the question. he had brown eyes and brown hair that was tied into a high ponytail that made his head resemble a pineapple. There was also Itachi's best friend Kisame Hoshigaki, he was twenty one the same age as Itachi. Kisame was a tall and muscular man who greatly resembled a shark. He was a typical jock stereotype, as in a little on the stupid side. The last four were Itachi's former classmates Sasori Akasuna, Hidan Terasoma(2), Kakuzu Hashi(2) and a soldier Itachi wasn't familiar with. Sasori was a smart and usually stoic red head who was short for his age. Sasori could have a fierce temper and was sensitive about his height.' Hidan liked to joke that he was feisty like a chihuahua. Hidan was crude, rude and loud. He was an albino with magenta eyes and slicked back silver hair. Hidan was also an overly religious, not Shinto but Jashinism, and a sadomasochist. Kakuzu, Hidan's longtime boyfriend or 'boy-toy' if you ask Hidan, was tall, a bit more muscular than Kisame, and covered in stitches. Kakuzu was a sadist, extremely greedy, and had a very short temper. The soldier Itachi didn't recognize was of average height with black hair and green eyes. "Men it's time to head out." Itachi said once he was done looking over his men "Yes prince Itachi" they replied. They then turned and followed Itachi into the forest.


(1) i searched up the nations after righting this because I'm making Garra a demon so i wanted to change it but then i learned that the land of wind really dose trade allot with the land of fire so I'm keeping it like this. cool huh?

(2) these are the family names of the Japanese voice actors