I have one word for you. Glee. Holy. Shit. From whose ass did they whip this awesome show from??? I'm mainly in love with the characters and the music. Oh, the characters! Emma is amazing. And her unrequited love for Will… such good FF material!!! So, may I just point out how extremely DISSAPOINTED I was when I browsed and found ZERO Will/Emma couple fics with a rating over K+??? There was ONE, yes, ONE T fic. Because I am frustrated and annoyed, I'm taking care of this problem myself.


I usually keep to myself. Boys were important in high school, of course {for what girl are they not?}, but after I finished college, boys trickled out of my life. Ned and I fell apart because he apparently couldn't stand me anymore, which was a bit of a blow to my confidence, and after a few weeks with Tommy I was simply sick of men and anything having to do with them.

Yes, sex is included in that. Sure, it was pleasant a few times… but overall, it was exhausting and definitely not worth the time. There were no fireworks or happy stars or a great sigh of release when it was over with, only pain the first time and occasional fleeting pleasure in the rest. And it was messy. The first time I slept with a boy {Jerry, in senior year; I broke up with him and met Ned shortly after} I washed my sheets at least three times to remove all traces of the sticky white stuff he left.

Because I don't really like guys for sex, I suppose you could say that I could always use companionship. But, really, men have never really been good companions for me. I'm not gay, of course; I just haven't met a guy yet who accepts my… difficulties. All they do is give me strange looks and teases. I could bear it for the sake of a relationship, but after awhile it erodes companionship into bitter feelings.

So, really, I'm better off alone, I thought, sticking my chin up as I stepped into McKinley High to my first day as a guidance counselor. I had been working part time in various private schools around the state; this was my first official job since I left college. From what I'd seen in the yearbook there weren't any seriously distracting men teaching here; nothing to keep me from my work. Yes, I would meet some lovely female co-workers, maybe bump it up to a 'girlfriends' status and have nice brunches together, and stay single all year so absolutely nothing could keep me from my hard working. I opened the door to my new room with a smile on my face; this was going to be a fabulous, distraction-free year.

And I smacked right into someone with similar door-usage ideas.

Somewhere in my brain I registered it was a man; taller than me, smelling faintly of cologne. He was warm upon impact, and for a few minutes I felt lost in a sea of male limbs and Brooke's Brother's knitwear. I untangled myself, apologizing profusely.

"Oh, jeez, I am so sorry… oh dear… I didn't mean to bump into you like that!" Flustered, I peeled myself away to look up at the man I had unintentionally assaulted. And, almost immediately, my anxiety zipped up to about a thousand.

He was gorgeous. I blushed heavily, my apologies stuttering to halt. He smiled gently at me.

"Hey, it's no problem…" He glanced down at my school ID {and my breasts… omgsh} "… Emma. Or, do you prefer Mrs. Pillsbury?" I gave a sort of nervous laugh.

"Oh, no, I'm not a Mrs, not married, you see, never really met… but um, Emma is just, just fine." I smiled. After getting over the initial shock of crashing into a level one hottie, my adrenaline level was going down, resulting in coherency. He grinned back and offered a hand.

"I'm Will. Schuester. I'm the Spanish teacher. You're new to McKinley? A volunteer, or…?" I shook my head.

"No, I'm the new guidance counselor."

"Ohhhhh, right! Yeah, some of the other staff were talking about you." I felt elated.

"Yes, well, I seem to have come to a problem… I have no idea where my office is." He laughed, and I smiled and blushed.

"Well, I can help you with that." He gestured down the hallway. "Straight, then take a right, go down the stairs, through the open walkway, take a sharp left at the end of the hallway and then second door on your right. Number one eighteen." I felt like an idiot. That was across from the back entrance; right back where I had come from.

"Thanks, Will. And… nice meeting you." I smiled shyly. He patted my shoulder in an amicable way.

"Sure thing, Emma. See you around." My heart fluttered frantically as he turned and walked down the hallway.

As I dazedly watched his retreating back, I realized something; I had a crush. On the McKinley High Spanish teacher.
