Major Peril

I don't own Alex Rider. Unless someone wants to buy him for me! : - ) Fine! : ' ( Rewrite.

Alex sat in the class staring aimlessly at the covered white board. Why was he getting forced to do this level of work? They had put him down several classes because of all his absences. It had been several weeks since his assignment in Australia and he just couldn't focus on his 'amazing' maths class with Mr Adams who was obviously a 'brilliant' teacher. He would never need that much maths in his work unless he used it to count down the time until he was assassinated.
"-ex, Alex, ALEX," Mr Adams yelled jolting Alex out his thoughts. Alex looked up and looked innocently at Mr Adams with serious eyes. Mr Adams looked faintly worried before he snarled, "Answer the question."
Alex quickly studied the board and calculated the answer while thinking that this maths was way too easy for someone who had been in the highest classes in his year.

3x+4y=52 and 6x+2y=44. If y=10 what is x?

The easiest way to do it was to relate it to a situation in real life, for him anyway. Let's try two different attacks. X is MI6 and Y is Scorpia. In the 1st attack there are a total of 52 people, 3 groups of MI6 and 4 groups of Scorpia. If you have 10 in each group of Scorpia and there are 4 groups then that is 40 Scorpia agents. That means that there are 12 MI6 agents. If you divide them into 3 groups then there are 4 people in each MI6 group. Now check if that fits into the other equation. 6 groups of 4 MI6 agents mean 24 MI6 agents which mean 20 Scorpia agents. If they are 2 groups of Scorpia then that means there are 10 in each group. Ok that fits. Wow MI6 is really outnumbered – 40 to 12 is definitely not effective.
"x=4 sir." Alex sighed. This is getting annoying next time he was doing something like graphs and he'll be thinking about where the SAS and the Mafia will meet.
Just then the bell went.
It was understandable that Jack was worried about him. Alex had slowly withdrawn into his self after his last mission. At first it was small things: not saying much, day dreaming, losing concentration, only small things but those things could get a spy killed. Alex couldn't help it questions just kept circling his mind – all those questions but no answers. Why had Ash been so nonchalant about trying to kill his own godson? Is his family so terrible, so horrific that even his father's best friend choose to murder them?
Alex came back to reality with a thud as a shoulder banged into his chest pushing him against the hall wall. Alex glared after the older boy who looked cowed as he walked away. He walked out the school after pushing off the wall.
The bike rack came into view.
"Hey Alex!" somebody yelled. Alex waved at them and started running again. Alex finally got to bike rack and began to unchain his bike. Suddenly he stiffened. Someone was watching him! Alex scanned the grounds. He saw three men walking towards him. Alex was getting concerned as he saw that they looked slightly familiar. One was a stereotypical thug but it was the other two he was more worried about. They weren't muscular but had a lean frame which came with a lot of training. Their build reminded him of Yassen except they lacked the inherent gracefulness that the assassin had. He was unable to pick out any obvious weaknesses in the three. They approached him and almost immediately Alex dropped into a defensive stance, legs apart and knees slightly bent. The three men reached him the muscular man and the eldest lashed out immediately. Alex quickly blocked them before aiming a punch at the eldest temple. The elder wasn't expecting it and only turned slightly. The blow hit him slightly to the left of his temple and he fell to the ground seeing stars. Alex then turned his attention to the other two. The youngest was knocked out when Alex did a jab to his neck. The only left was the muscular man who quickly hit Alex in the stomach as he was distracted. Alex bent over coughing. The eldest suddenly got up and grabbed Alex from behind covering his mouth with a damp cloth. Alex gagged as the smell hit him. The struggled against the muscular man, arms thrashing as he tried to get the other to loosen his grip so he could get the wet rag away from his nose and mouth. The chemical swept through his system and he felt himself slump against the man who threw him over his shoulder as Alex's vision faded to black.

A/N If anyone wondered what the man used it is a chemical called chloroform. A small dose of chloroform could knock someone out within a minute while a large dose could kill someone.

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