"I best go check on Ed and Liz." I muttered to myself

"Goodnight Space Case" I bent down and whispered into her ear "Sweet dreams"

Derek's POV

I went to room '107' to check on Ed, I knocked on the door… "Come in" a familiar voice came though the door I pushed on the silver handle to open the crack of the door I poked my head though and asked

"Hey Ed…emm how are you doin??" He looked better than Casey just a few cuts and bruises a bit pale but nothing too serious

"Hey bro yer am fine, just a few cuts and bruises, the Doc said that I could come out today, and do you now how Liz, Casey, Marti, Nora and Dad are?"

Ohh no he doesn't know about them what the hell do I tell him 'ohh Marti, Nora and Dad are dead while Casey is a wreak and I don't know about Liz yet!' yer I can see how that would go down… no I have think of a better way I have to do this gently,

"Emm… Ed Marti, Nora and Dad… well…there… there…"

"Common D… spit it out…it can't be that bad…can it?" he asked me nervously

"Dead!" I croaked out

"What… you're lying to me get out!"

"Ed I'm sorr-"

"GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT NOW!!!!!" He roared at me when I didn't respond straight away he started to throw random things at me I ran out the door when he started to throw glass at me

"Phew" I breathed when I closed the door behind me, I'll talk to him later when he's calmed down.

"Off to see Liz" and I headed to the room '111' where Lizzie would be lying in a bed.

I knocked on the door of room '111' I hesitated when I heard crying "She must have found out, but how? Who???" I whispered to myself, I gently opened the door "Casey, what are you doing here? Liz are you okay??"

"Yer I'll be okay…it's just a shock that's all, Casey came and told me earlier"

"Yer" Casey replied before I could speak "I figured since you told Ed, I would tell Liz, how did Ed take the…news?"

"Not so well, I'll try again later"

"Will come to" Liz spoke up "I want to see him anyway."

A/N - Sorry this took soooo long... I had a LOT of work to do in school... soo once again sorry :( remember to R&R if I get 3 reviews I'll put up the next chapter sooner :)

Love Jessi x