I Do Not own Pokemon all rights go to Nintendo

I Do Not own Harry Potter all rights go to JK Rowling/Warner Bros


Ron, Harry, and to Ron`s objections Hermione were waiting in the hallway outside of the charms classroom. Aipom sat on Harry`s shoulder, Aipom still didn`t go into his Pokeball.

"Harry why don`t you put Aipom in its Pokeball class is about to start?" Hermione told Harry.

"Ok hold on Return" Harry ordered but Aipom just hit the ball back into his hand. Harry threw it again only for it to bounce back into his hand. Aipom stuck his tongue out at Harry people began to watch the two argue.

"Get in the Pokeball Aipom" Harry yelled.

"Pom pom aip" he answered shaking his head. Harry jumped on Aipom trying to force the pokemon into his ball.

"Enough" A voice roared. All the students head turned harry still on top of Aipom his tail in his face. A short teacher with a beard likes Dumbledore's and nearly bald was watching the two.

"What is the disturbance for?" He questioned Harry.

"I was trying to put Aipom in his Pokeball and he refused to listen to me" Harry answered frightened.

"Did you ever think maybe Aipom doesn`t like being in a Pokeball?" He asked seriously.

"No but I thought all pokemon like pokeball`s?" Harry stated but it was more of question.

"No not all pokemon like pokeball's" Flitwick told Harry. Harry looked at Aipom shocked before hugging him.

"I`m sorry I never knew you didn`t like it in there" Harry told Aipom.

"Well let's get to class" Harry walked into the charms room.

Followed by Flitwick He started his lecture "Ok class today well learn about the coloring charm" He pulled his wand and turned his desk a bright purple. He gave the class instructions and a quill to change, Harry, and Ron began to try but failed miserably by the end of class almost all the Ravenclaw`s and Hermione had been able to change their quill.

The rest of the day went great in Harry's opinion he got along with all his professors enjoyed most of his classes. But his good streak ended on Wednesday when he had his first potions class.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class, as such I do not expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. But for those of you who possess the predisposition, I can teach you who to bewitch the mind ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to brew fame and bottle glory, and even put a stopper on death" Snape told them slowly as if they were all dumb.

Harry had written down Snapes monologue when Snape said venomously "Ah Mr Potter our new celebrity"

"Tell me what do you get when you mix powdered root of asphodel with an infusion of wormwood?" Snape asked Hermione's hand shot up.

"I`m not sure sir" Harry answered.

"It is called the drought of living dead a sleeping potion of hi potency" Snape told the rest of the class.

"Well write it down" He roared everybody got their quills out. Harry was the first one out of the classroom. They walked up to the Great Hall for lunch, Harry sat down beside Ron.

"I just don`t get why he hate me so much?" Harry groaned.

"It`s just who he is Harry" Ron said with a mouthful of food. Harry shook his head his anger was still there but it subsided a little.

"Hey Harry do you want to go and capture some more pokemon?" Hermione asked as she walked up.

"Ya I guess" Harry answered.

"Ok we`ll meet on Saturday" She told him.

"I`m coming to" Ron stated with another mouthful of food. The rest of the week ended quickly Harry smiled Hermione was waiting for him to finish breakfast irritated, only beaten by Ron who was pacing in front of the door.

"Come on Harry" Ron ordered.

"Hold on" Harry said trying to eat as fast as he could.

"Fine I`m going" Ron said leaving announced.

"Hold on I`m coming" Hermione hollered catching up to Ron.

Harry shook his head before petting Aipom "Look like it's just you and me"

The two walked towards Hagrid`s when a blue Dragon landed on top of him and began to lick his face.

"Sally get off im" A booming voice ordered. Hagrid ran forward and began to pull the dragon off him.

"Like err Arry?" Hagrid questioned misty eyed.

"What is that Harry?" Harry exclaimed jumping away from the two.

"Oh sorry din`t introduce yay this is my Salamence Sally" Hagrid introduced the two.

"Bye Hagrid Ill come visit tomorrow" He promised the giant ground keeper.

"Bye Harry maybe you can find a Salamance" Hagrid waved at the boy. Harry smiled typical Hagrid. Aipom jumped into the air and began to swing from tree to tree. Harry was deep in the forest and he still hadn`t found his second pokemon.

Harry was getting sick of walking when a steel bird came flying by knocking him down. Harry managed to feet to his pokedex but he was to late the bird was gone. He was about to get up when a roar echoed through the forest. A giant orange dragon with a cream belly and a giant flame on its tail came into view.

Harry pointed the pokedex at it fearfully.


The Great Dragon Pokemon

When expelling a blast of super hot fire, the red flame at the tip of its tail burns more intensely.

Aipom landed beside Harry its fist began to glow white. Charizard looked at the two and then roared into their face. Harry noticed it was crying.

"What`s wrong?" Harry asked sympathetically. Charizard looked at the two then turned and walked back in the direction it came. Harry followed it Aipom still in fight stance in front of Harry. Charizard pointed towards a bunch of twigs Harry walked forward slowly. He noticed two eggs. Everything made sense to Harry.

"That silver bird took your egg?" Harry questioned Charizard nodded.

"And you can't leave the nest in case more predators come?" Harry questioned. She nodded again, Harry looked determined for a second before exclaiming "I`ll get it back for you" Charizard and Aipom looked shocked.

"Do you know where the birds nest is?" Harry stated firmly. Charizard pointed at a mountain in the distance.

"Ok` I`ll bring your egg back I promise "Harry vowed. The two began to walk towards the mountain the sun was about three quarters gone before Harry got to the mountain. Harry noticed a giant nest about half way up.

"Aipom look do you think that's where the egg is?" Harry indicated. Aipom nodded its head slowly, Harry began to climb. It was almost dark before Harry got to the where he could see what was in the nest. A giant bird that looked like it was made of metal laid in the nest. Harry pointed his Pokedex at the bird.


The Steel Bird Pokemon Its sturdy wings look heavy, but they are actually hollow and light, allowing it to fly freely in the sky

Skarmory eyes flashed, it looked at Harry then in a blur flew to him nearly knocking him off the cliff he was on. Aipom jumped in front of him and took the second blow. The Skarmory flew back and forth hit Aipom and Harry.

"Aipom fire punch" Harry roared Aipom's fist became engulfed in fire. He then jumped off the cliff and swung his fist hard. Skarmory screeched in pain as the fire punch hit him square in the chest. Skarmory did a death down the mountain side.

Harry climb to the nest and pulled the bright orange egg out of the nest Harry was about to start climbing down when Skarmory flew straight up and knocked Harry back into the nest. Aipom began to try to keep it away but was unable. Harry jumped on top of the egg as Skarmory slammed its talons it into his back.

"Aipom fire punch again" Harry cried out" Aipom jumped into the air and slammed his fist into Skarmory knocking him away. Skarmory tried again this time Harry knew exactly what to do...

"Aipom use double hit on the ground" Aipom looked at him shocked and seen the plan in his eyes. Skarmory flew at them but just before he got to them though the ground shattered. Harry grabbed Aipom and held him as close to his body as possible as they tumbled down the mountain. They hit the ground Harry gasped in pain before grabbing Aipom and running into the forest.

Skarmory flew above the horrified trainer and Pokemon. The two snuck into the night Harry held the egg as close to his body. The two got about halfway to Charizard before exhaustion took them, Harry hit the ground the egg he was holding seemed to give off strange warmth.

The two got up to a screech, Harry looked up to the sky and froze up Skarmory landed in front of them.

"Aipom were ending this use focus punch" His fist glowed He ran at the bigger bird Skarmory took to the air just before Aipom got within range. He then flew so close to the ground the dirt got kick up his wings glowed before he slammed into Aipom knocking him against the tree.

It then pecked at the helpless Aipom, "Double hit" Harry cried out. Aipom swung his fist quickly knocking the shocked Skarmory back.

"Now use fire punch to end this" Aipom`s fist went from white with too orange just before he slammed his fist into Skarmory knocking it out. Harry took off into the forest followed by Aipom, Harry kept running until he was out of breath. The two made it back to Charizard later in the afternoon, Charizard roared happily at the sight of Harry, Harry smiled at the giant dragon.

Charizard roared and picked up Harry and Aipom and began to swing the two around. Harry handed the egg to Charizard who shook her head and gave it back to Harry. Harry tried to give back only to receive a jet of flame and being chased away from the nest.

"Ok Aipom I guess we got a pokemon egg to take care of" Harry stated. Aipom began to chase Harry angrily. The two made it back to Hogwarts later in the afternoon, still arguing about the egg.

"Arry were where you at" Hagrid cried out pulling Harry it a bone crushing hug. Harry gasped in pain before he screamed causing Hagrid to release him.

"Hagrid you got to be careful I`m not as big as you" Harry stated rubbing his ribs.

"Sorry Arry Didnt mean to urt you" Hagrid cried out tears coming down his face.
"It`s ok Hagrid I know you didn`t mean to hurt me" Harry told Hagrid soothingly rubbing his back. Harry walked back to the common room. McGonagall was waiting for him.

"Hullo Professor why are you here?" Harry questioned.

"Were, where you last night Mr. Potter?

"It depends what part of the night?" Harry stated jokingly.

"This is not a joking matter we set curfews for a reason" McGonagall Scolded the boy.

"Ok well my day started out by trying to catch a new pokemon..." Harry told McGonagall the whole story.

By the end she was shaking her head by the end "So let me get this straight you scaled a mountain, Battled and nearly got killed by a deadly pokemon, rolled down said mountain. All to return a pokemon egg to its mother only for her to give it to you. Have I gotten everything?" She questioned.

"You forgot the part where we almost got burnt to a crisp" Harry answered fearfully.

"60 points to Gryffindor for extreme bravery 40 points from Gryffindor for extreme stupidity along with month's detention. Don`t ever let me catch you doing some so stupid ever again" McGonagall ordered. Harry put his head down.

"Oh Harry go see Madam Pomphry about those cuts scrapes and bruises" She told him with a.

"I`m fine" Harry exclaimed.

"Now Potter" Harry trudged his way to the hospital wing angry.

"Hullo Professor McGonagall sent me" Harry told Madam Pomphry. She looked over the boy concern on her face. A big pink pokemon with and egg in a pouch came running up as soon as she got to work the two began to slather a white cream over his body. He felt his skin tingle and warm up as they continued to work. After a couple of minutes the two stopped.

"Ok were done Mr. Potter put this cream on those cuts every night for two days and you should be all healed up" She told him handing him a green cream.

"Ok let's go Aipom" Harry answered her Aipom hopped on his head. Harry got back to the dorm room and dropped down fully clothed.

'That`s the last time I ever try to help a pokemon' Harry thought.

Harry woke up with a start somebody screamed Harry looked around and seen something blur out of the room. Harry jumped up and ran after it but he was to slow to catch.

Harry walked down to the Great Hall, Aipom was glaring at Harry`s bag which had the egg in it. Harry looked at his times table transfiguration first.

A start to another week