I don't own TOA...

Luke stood on his hands and knees, and used his sword to suppord himself. He looked at the six figures in front of him. Rain was coming down in sheets, washing away the blood. He smiled laughed, and dropped the blade. "You have...no idea...what you've done..." he said, then collapsed.

"Master!" Mieu rushed forward.

Jade held the cheagle back. "Wait."

Seconds passed, then the group covered their eyes against a bright black and white flash.

The rain was subsiding as a voice echoed through the meadow. "You have no idea!"

Anise shivered at the laugh that was ringing in her ears as they made their way out of the forest, to the Angel Wing. She paused. Tear, Natalia, Mieu, and Guy carrying Luke passed her. Behind her, Jade had stopped to look back towards the meadow.

"Colonel, what is it?"

The colonel back, hands in his pockets.

"It's nothing."

Okay, don'y expect this to update all that often. I just had to write it so I don't forget it.