[Note: This story is not entirely my idea it was my little brothers, and the main chara is a mixture of mine and my little brothers, no a self-insert. But because he can't sit down and write a story like this, just tell me by word of mouth, I did so. He's 16 but can't sit still to save his life, so he tells me the stories and I write them for him. Although, the family situation is loosely based on ours, with all names changed.]
So please enjoy, I have tried to work my magic as best I can...
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see and seem
Is but a dream within a Dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of Golden sand-
How few! Yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! Can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! Can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
Life was good! She had been ill but now she was better and she had been let out of the hospital at last! Life was good again! She thought with a laugh as she and her friends moved threw the warm evening streets, they had been drinking, not her, but they had and she was carried away with the atmosphere. The tarmac was warm under her bare feet, the air held a soft breeze that carried the faint scent of the sea close by. The sounds of carnival and laughter were being carried on that same breeze, but as they turned a corner to head down the main street, it finally came into view.
A crazy mass of lights and people. There were stalls and rides all jumbled together, with strings of lights hanging off of everything! Even some of the dancers that were moving threw the crowds or performing on the stages had lights on them.
With a laugh and a drunk wobble her friends started to move towards the crowd, laughing hard at what one of them had said but she paused for a minuet and looked around her. There! There was a discordant note in the music, it seemed to scream out to her but no one else noticed it in the noise and happy confusion that was everywhere. It was like a finger round the rim of a wine glass and it snapped her back to her senses, the happy glow fading.
She looked around her, anxiously trying to figure out what was wrong, what was is that could be doing this? No one else was noticing it as the music grew, as things became too loud, the laughter too shrill! Then she saw it! A pair of dark purple eyes, in the face of a girl who was licking a lolly-pop quiet slowly and calmly. She just stood there as the press of the crowd moved around her without seeming to see her, avoiding her without realising, an island of calm.
Without knowing why her eyes shot up to look at the darkening sky above her, the sun had set and its last rays of light were just fading, but that was not what sent the fear shooting threw her.
The moon was black.
Her heart began to race, her breathing became accelerated, and she tried to look for her friends, for her family, for someone of comfort! The colours were all blurring together, mashing up and blending, the sounds nothing but shrill painful noise in her ears but still, standing in the middle of all this, calmly licking her lolly-pop, stood the purple haired girl. Her dark eyes bored into her own.
She blinked and it was all gone!
She was kneeling before the purple haired girl and looking up at her as the wind blew over a dark and desolate landscape around them. There seemed to be no colour except in the figure of the girl before her. Her body screamed with pain, she could feel the blood oozing down her skin from the many wounds she had. There was something in her hands, both of them and she longed to look down and see what it was, but she could not move from the purple eyes as they shifted to gold, the pale skin turning grey as large crosses appeared on the girls forehead. Familiar, so familiar…
The girl leaned down, bringing her face closer, "did you enjoy your time in that other world?" She asked, seeming concerned before a large sadistic grin appeared on her face again. "You nearly died over there. But that would have been no fun for me," she said with a whining tone in her young voice. All she could do was sit there, watching, following the girl with her eyes as her body refused to move, her fists holding the two objects tightly.
Move! She screamed with her numb mind.
"So after going to all that trouble of wiping your mind, I guess I'll just have to kill you anyway." She the girl with a giggle as she straightened up and held up a hand, a sharpened candle appearing there, its end even lit with a happily dancing little flame.
Kill? Die? No! Never! MOVE!
With a grunt, she managed to make her body fall to the side as the girl lunged down, making the killing strike miss her chest and bury itself in the flesh of her leg, but the girl pulled it out again quickly as she darted back, angry.
She didn't scream, even as the pain shot threw her tired limbs, hitting her exhausted brain like a sledge hammer. It woke her up, gave her renewed strength enough to push herself back up, pull herself painfully to her feet, it was difficult on the uneven mud.
The purple haired girl was laughing, "you can still move?!" She exclaimed happily and brought her candle up again, making to move forwards when a voice shouted threw the chaos, "Clown Belt!" White strips encircled the girl and pulled her away suddenly, throwing her clear of her line of vision.
But she did not notice, she was looking down at the muddy soil that was under her bare feet, around at the ruined and destroyed remains of a sea side city, smoke filled the night sky but as she looked up, she saw the moon again. It was white.
A small smile graced her lips, she didn't even seem to hear the voice again as it drew nearer, calling to her, trying to talk to her. Her vision tunnelled and she fell to her knees, brining up her hands to her chest, still grasping whatever it was tightly as she fell on her side.