Super A/N: I've had this written for about a month now, but this website's been weird and wasn't letting me upload it. But alas, it works now! So enjoy, and happy Easter!

A/N: What is this? Two installments without months in between them? I know, it's strange. But so are snow days during the end of March :D

Now, fair warning: this installment contains minor spoilers for Unwound Future, and this note will contain massive ones. Everyone gone who hasn't read it? Good. Now, I loved Unwound Future! It was easily my favorite in the series. Claire and Layton's backstory was too adorable for words, and their eventual parting was tragic. It has to be one of the most emotional separations I have ever witnessed. And then Future Luke? Who cares if he really turned out to be Clive, he was freaking awesome. His side-eyed, half-lidded stare made all his dialogue seem condescending, and it was hilarious. He might just be my favorite character in the series. Also, I loved how Luke struggled between acting like an adult and a child (especially with the toy car); poor Luke, always expected to be a gentleman. And he moved! So sad. Now was it just me, or did Flora seem super-whiny this time? All she does is create trouble. Layton and Luke should leave her behind more often.

Thanks for checking, but I still own neither Layton nor Twilight.

Layton, Luke, and Bella walked into the airport clutching their luggage. Layton scanned the atrium, looking for his airline's check-in counter. "We are looking for Molentary Airlines," he told Luke and Bella.

"There it is, Professor!" exclaimed Luke, pointing to a row of counters a few hundred feet to their left.

"Excellent work, Luke. Please, follow me." Layton stepped forward and walked toward his check-in. He had hardly walked three yards before he heard a decidedly feminine shout.

"Professor! You're not leaving without me again!"

Layton whirled around, trying to identify the speaker. Then he found her.


"Who is this woman?" growled Bella.

"You keep trying to leave me behind!" complained Flora. "Why can't you take me along?"

"Bella, this is our good friend Flora. Flora, this is Bella."

"You're not getting out of this one, Layton. Now why didn't you invite me?"

"Flora," Luke chose his words carefully. "You have an unfortunate habit of getting… captured."

"What? No I don't!"

"Luke has a point. What happened in St. Mystere?" Layton asked

"Don Paolo kidnapped me."

"And what happened in Dropstone?"

"Don Paolo kidnapped me… again." said Flora sadly

"And then he dressed up as you! I don't know how you didn't see through that one, Professor," Luke admitted.

"And then what happened in the future London that just turned out to be an elaborate underground set-up?"

"I… was captured."

"And didn't you specifically tell us you would avoid being kidnapped?"


"Well, that's why we don't invite you along anywhere, Flora!" Luke explained. "We don't have time to go around rescuing you all the time!"

"No I promise! Who's going to kidnap me at the airport? Please let me come!" Flora begged.

"No, don't let her!" pleaded Luke.

"For once, I have to agree with the brat here," added Bella.

"Bella, a true gentleman never leaves a lady behind. I would think you knew that, Luke," Layton explained.

"So I can come?"

"I suppose so," Layton conceded. Flora cheered and Luke and Bella groaned. "That being said," Layton added, "I am unusually hungry. I could really use some… tea and cucumber sandwiches."

"I can make some! Let me go get them," beamed Flora, and she ran off.

"That trick never fails," Layton grinned at Flora and Luke. "Now, quickly, we must get through security before she returns. A true gentleman never leads a lady into danger." Layton winked slyly.

Layton purchased the tickets for himself, Luke, and Bella without incident and the group began to walk toward the security lines.

"Layton," asked Bella, "could we stop for a minute?"


"What is it?" asked Luke. Despite his newfound uneasiness toward Bella, he could not help but to feel concerned for her.

"Can I see our tickets?" Bella asked.

"I don't see why not," said Layton as he handed them over.

Bella laughed evilly as she clutched the tickets in her hand. "You're coming with me now!"

"I thought we were coming with you in the first place," said Luke, confused.

"No…" Bella paused for dramatic effect, and whipped off her mask. "You're coming with me!"

"Don Paolo!" exclaimed Layton.

"The one and only. I was amazed you fell for that simple costume for as long as you did."

"I knew something was wrong!" shouted Luke.

"Yes, you have fooled me," admitted Layton, puzzled. "But what are you going to do with our tickets?"

"Fly you to Italy with me!" Don Paolo declared

"Why do you want to go to Italy with us so badly?" interrogated Luke, jabbing a finger into Don Paolo's chest.

"Because…" Don Paolo leaned against the wall sadly with his head in his hands. "I'm... lonely."

"Lonely?" asked Layton gently.

"Yes… No one wants to be friends with an evil genius. Luke, Flora, Claire – everyone chooses to be around you."

"That is true. A gentleman does attract his followers," reflected Layton. "Yet I must admit this situation has worked itself out quite fortuitously."

"What do you mean?" Don Paolo asked, looking up.

"Bella was really annoying!" Luke said. "I didn't want to go to Italy with her!"

"I invited her merely for the sake of politeness," explained Layton. "I would far rather vacation with you than her."

"Really?" Don Paolo's eyes began to fill with tears.

"I bet my hat on it."

"Aw, thank you!" Don Paolo managed to choke out, and pulled Layton and Luke into a massive bear hug. Then he grabbed both their arms happily, and marched proudly to security.

A/N: Aww, how cute. Didn't this fanfic wrap up nicely. Wait, what about Edward? And Jacob? And Bella? And Flora? Well, I guess there might just be one last chapter in which we find out :P But in the meantime, keep on reading/sharing/favorite-ing/reviewing!