Goodbye my adoring fans and not so adoring flamers.

This is going to be my last chapter; I hope you've enjoyed this fic. Or enjoyed flaming it. As long as my readers are happy, I am- to a degree.

This was, yet again, unbelievably difficult. And co-authored by cherry chocolate pie! He's still awesome.

10 Ways To Annoy Juliet Butler

1, Tell her wrestling has been made illegal.

2, Mock her wrestling name.

3, Tell her that wrestling is not a sport, it's a soap opera (I, for one, agree with this).

4, Make sure to add in that that makes her an actress, not an athlete.

5, Ask to see her blue diamond tattoo (or lack of).

6, Lock her in a room with Mulch.

7, Make her read the bit of 'Artemis Fowl' where she's mesmerized.

8, Ask why her brother's in all of the books and she's in hardly any.

9, Show her the tapes of her being almost-eaten by the troll.

10, Tell her that makes her the damsel in distress, and Butler the knight in shining Armor!!!

That's it, my fanfic is complete! I have written 10 chapters, of ten ways to annoy whichever character, and have 49 reviews at the moment!!! I'm now going to reward myself with a cookie! Or maybe 10, I can't get much fatter. Okay, I can, but I really don't care; much.
