Hiya! This is my first Janto fic set as Ianto lays in Jack's arms at the end of that scene in Day 4. Be gentle with me! Thanks to dogsunderfoot and frauleinslash for your reassurance and Beta.

SPOILERS for 'Children of Earth'.

Disclaimer: The Torchwood universe belongs to RTD and the BBC and affiliates. I do not make any money from this work of fan fiction and mean no offense.



Why, Jack?

Because you don't love me and didn't want to lie to me as I exhaled my last breath? Or because you can't love me? Because after all these years of loving and losing, you truly have no more love to give? Has your heart has been broken so many times that the fragile remnants are impenetrable?


Was it because you don't believe you deserve to love or be loved? Because you think you are dangerous and that no one you care about stays whole? Because you can't live until the end of time with the guilt of having bought death and destruction upon those you love, and who love you, simply by being who you are?


Did you think I didn't know my own heart? God, Jack. We wasted so much time denying that this thing was more than sex, that we were more to each other than just a convenient body to lose ourselves in, but I knew all along this is how it would end – me head over heels for you. I always knew I was going to get caught up in the whirlwind that was Captain Jack Harkness and I let myself get swept away.


Perhaps you didn't want to admit that I – a perfectly ordinary boy from Cardiff - had gotten under your skin. Captain Jack Harkness – Big Damn Hero - had allowed himself to do the unthinkable... he'd fallen in love. You didn't want to admit that you have all too human weaknesses? That you secretly wanted the 21st Century tags and labels you so often mocked?


Or was it because the first time was also the last time?


Whatever the reason, I know you love me, Jack. I know it and even though by the time your lives run out, I really will be that blip in time I feared I would become, I'll always know that for just a little while, I held your heart.

For that, I will always be grateful.


I would appreciate the hell out of your comments. :)