The Café
Chapter 13
Notes: Kyouya/Renge will always hold a warm spot in my heart, but unfortunately, this is my last fanfic of theirs. Thanks for all your reads and reviews!
The New Year came and went before Kyouya's eyes. He had buried himself in work, finishing his semester with high marks, and assisted his brothers in the initial planning for a satellite clinic in Western Narita.
He tried to face everything day by day.
One thing he could not face, however, was his friends. He ignored their calls, refused to see them when they dropped by his house. Tamaki even showed up at his bedroom window at 11 o'clock at night, screaming and knocking to the glass. Good thing for soundproof glass; Kyouya simply closed his curtains. He didn't want to be victim to their sympathetic looks, their watching of their words, their forced kindness. Truth be told, he wanted to hear about Tamaki's visit to his mother. Ever since they became friends, Kyouya knew how much Tamaki missed his mother. He wanted to hear it went well, that they caught up just fine, that things went swimmingly… but Tamaki's mother was from France. She was from France. Even the smallest association with her was just painful. Maybe in a few months, the idea of French pastries and role-playing video games wouldn't hurt so much.
It didn't matter, he told himself. He just had to move on. He absolutely had to.
Kyouya sat at a table in the corner, novel in hand, Earl Grey tea sitting in front of him. It took him weeks to return to the café, seeing as it held too many memories of her. It was once a bitter subject to handle, but after a while, Kyouya realized something: it didn't have to be bitter.
He could still clearly remember what she was wearing that Friday afternoon when she joined him for tea the first time.
And he still remembered every conversation they shared every Friday that followed. He could remember her laugh. Her smile, the way she took her tea. How her eyes would widen, making her irises appear lighter. He even recalled their time outside of the café, at other restaurants and even at the theme park. And even that night, when he shared himself with her…
All the thoughts were still painful to him. Painful, but not bitter. After all, he was in love with her, so a grudge wouldn't last. He just had to come to terms with a few things.
That for a time, he was content with her, at least, his definition of happiness was being content.
That she wasn't with him now.
That he let her get away, because he never directly vocalized anything to her.
That was just a burden he had to live with for the rest of his life.
As he turned the page, he felt his heart skip a beat; his nose caught the familiar scent of Chanel perfume. Not one second later did the chair in front of him move back; a hand pulled the chair back and a flurry of pink and white fabric plopped down on it.
Kyouya looked up from his novel. And blinked.
"Crème brulee tea, please," his new companion ordered when the waitress approached the table. When the waitress left, she turned back to him.
Her eyes were just as bright as before. Same pert nose, same smile. She wore a fit and flare pink dress under the white coat that shielded her from the chill outside.
"Earl Grey tea?" she guessed.
"Aa…" Nevermind that… what was she doing here?
A long pause entered between them. She tapped her foot against the table leg before she continued. "We could do this either two ways, " she began. "I could constantly use my left hand, which would prove to be rather uncomfortable because I'm right-handed, but so long as you notice. Or I could just say it right now, 'Look, no ring'," and she revealed her left hand to him, showing her bare fingers, "and I can begin to explain why."
Kyouya felt as if a whirlwind just entered his space. Once she blatantly pointed it out, he couldn't stop staring at her ringless finger. His heart began to beat faster.
Renge waited for the waitress to serve her tea and leave before she continued. "I think it's best to explain that Gustav and I have known each other for years." She dropped her sugar in, stirred in semi-circles and then full circles. "He looks out for me, and lets me see the big picture when I myself don't see it.
"You see, I've always had my own perception of love. I thought if you really loved someone, then you'd fight until the end.
"But then," she smiled softly, "I soon realized that although the concept of love is universal, how to show it can often be subjective."
As she said this, Kyouya placed his hand down over his now closed book that sat on his table. He had many questions in his head. What was she here to say? Where is Gustav now? Where did the two of them stand in regards to each other?
"So, here's what I learned," she looked straight in his eyes, "A man can show a woman he loves her by riding in on a white horse, chasing her to the ends of the earth to proclaim his undying affection. And then there is the type of man who sits quietly and stands back so that the woman he loves may have a chance for happiness. Even if happiness is not with him, right?"
He could only nod in agreement.
Renge smiled, more of a smirk in his direction. "I'm going to ask you one more time: do you have anything to say?"
Kyouya swallowed the air in his throat. Moment of truth, being able to do the correct thing, it was always his forte. Still… "Only that I am a man who is incapable of proclaiming my direct thoughts and emotions. I'm sorry to disappoint you."
And she did seem disappointed, seeing the way her smirk turned upside down to a frown. She stared down at her tea for a few moments, contemplating his words.
For a while, Kyouya thought to have added 'Just because I don't share my feelings, doesn't mean they don't exist.' But that sounded too pathetic.
"Well, I suppose everyone has his or her own personality quirks," she said. "After all, you're emotionally handicapped-."
The corner of his lip twitched.
"—While I seem to act very French rather than my naturally born Japanese."
His brow rose.
"Gustav told me everything you said. Everything! Honestly, Kyouya, how could you say these lovely things and run off! I mean, I had to run all over Paris looking for you!"
The visual of Renge running across the base of the Eiffel Tower, train flowing behind her, passed through Kyouya's mind. The visual caused him to smirk.
"Alright, how about this. A yes or no question?" Renge proposed. "I'm sitting here with you at our café, fiancé-less, thinking of you and only you while you sit in front of me, Earl Grey and a good book within reach. At this moment in time, right now, do you feel happiness?"
Kyouya took a moment to consider if he should dance around the question. But he had always been a truthful man, and one thing was for sure, he couldn't deny the feeling that manifested the moment he noticed her bare ring finger.
Kyouya took a deep breath and poured his thoughts, all his feelings into one word. "Yes."
Renge picked up her teacup and held it to her lips. "I'm happy too. Here, with you."
As she took a sip, Kyouya reached for his own cup to take a drink, concealing the gentle smile forming on his own lips.