Usually I see them, other times I feel them, and rarely can I hear them. I guess you could call my abilities somewhere in the range of a Seer. I really don't know; I don't know what it is and I'm perfectly fine with that. The world spins round and so do we.

A person's heart, soul, aura, however you wish to define it is visible to me, at times I can feel it, rarely can I hear it, and never had those occurred simultaneously until the first day that Myka and Pete pulled up to my bed and breakfast.

For the first time in a very long while I was set off balance…

Myka and Pete drove up to my Inn and it felt as if I had been punched in the stomach.

I could see them, feel them, and hear them. They swirled around me and in me and I had to let the powers take their course. It took me a moment to collect myself and press it all back.

I waited in the driveway gauging and taking them in.

Pete's energy was…enticing.

His energy bled into the environment. It flowed and bent so fluidly.

His energy was an intense high that made me shiver with heat. He was warm and alluring.

I couldn't help the saucy sugariness that entered my voice when I spoke to him.

His color potential was gold

He was a deep yellow orange so close to gold. A soft glow that flared with excitement, there were a few dark sickly spots and a rather larger one that spoke of past tragedy.

Myka's energy was forceful

Her energy was wild and jagged so many severe corners.

Her energy was painful to feel and look at, striking but dissonant. She was so cold she burned.

I couldn't help wincing.

Her color potential was silver

She pulsed an angry grey that had at one time shined blinding silver. Now it was tarnished and hardened. Dark bruises eroded her "aura" everywhere; some were irritated and oozing slowly.

It made me sick to see.

His song was

Silly, playful, relaxed with an undercurrent of nervousness. He had little hiccups here and there.

Her song struck me

So heartbreaking and shadowy. Again a wild swinging from angry to sad devoid of happy but painstakingly beautiful.

He apologized for her behavior but there was no need. I knew why she was so brash and stand offish, so frustrated. She tried her hardest to control anything in her possession because she, herself, was so out of control.

When Myka had whizzed by and grabbed her ferret from Pete I saw a flash and my eyes automatically closed. A little girl stood before me staring at me solemnly, dressed with precision, and clutching dark brittle books to her chest. The girl slowly lowered the books and her eyes lured me into another scene.

A little girl ran wildly her long curly hair streaming behind her as she scrambled over rocks and darted through trees. Her hands and knees were scratched and filthy. The girl turned eyeing me a wild glint in her eyes; a mischievous grin transformed her face. Shimmering silver she freed me from her gaze and disappeared.

For now Myka needed clarity and control. She would learn, in time that those brittle old books no longer had control over her life, that facilitating bruises made them bleed and ooze, that the wild girl who secretly let loose was still there, hiding just like she use to, waiting to polish the gray to silver…

I returned to Pete standing before me looking nervous. I could feel the conflicting emotions that he let slid off his shoulders so easily. I told him he was lucky to be so in tune. He didn't scoff or deny my abilities instead he immediately accepted it as fact. His acceptance intrigued me.

Being forward is my nature so I hinted that I would be happy to do anything for him.

As I sashayed down the stairs I could hear their songs blend.

I heard discord but I could also hear the potential for harmony.


There it is, my interpretation of what Leena's abilities are and what she saw in Myka and Pete.