Author's note: Well, I now present to you all the story of Kopa. This is my first ever fanfiction, so I hope you like it well enough. Please review, I don't care how critical you are. Alas, I do make many mistakes, so correct me on anything! Thank you all for reading my sad fanfic attempt, please enjoy.
The morning sun rose drearily over the African savannah, casting a bright glow over the pridelands. The lions of Pride Rock slept soundly inside, their deep chests heaving with rolling snores and deep breathing.
Well, at least most of them. A single lion cub, a young male barely old enough to leave the den, could be seen in the open savannah just beyond Pride Rock. His fur shown with gold, the beam of sunlight increasing its luminosity and casting a gleam from his bright, innocent mahogany eyes, which stalked the path of an oblivious moth perched atop a flower. A tuft of fur, identical to his eyes in color, stuck out from between his ears, the beginnings of what would eventually grow to become a full, thick mane. He crouched low, his ears back, ready to pounce on his unsuspecting target.
Or, at least, until a sandy-hued ball of fluff knocked him over, pinning him to the ground with a paw, claws sheathed, to his throat. The moth, alarmed at the sudden motion from the grass, spread its great beige wings and fled.
"Hey, Kopa!" the sandy lion greeted, head to the side slightly with an unexplainable expression glued to her face; somewhere between a childlike smile and a devilish smirk. She allowed him up, pride and superiority emitting from within her body.
"Vitani!" Kopa whined, sitting upright. "I was about to strike down a-"
"A moth?" She flashed him that grin of hers again, narrowing her eyes. "Breeding season for the moths began less than a moon ago. I should think you'll get your chance." Noticing Kopa's head drop in humiliation, she softened a bit. After all, she had already begun catching small rodents and birds, and it was clear that she would grow into a feared huntress. "Keep your chin up. I may be a natural hunter, but I'm envious of you for something that I could never become anyway."
Kopa sat there, his head to the side in confusion. "What could you possibly envy me for?"
Vitani rolled her sapphire eyes. "I should think it would be obvious. You are the future king. Most lions, young and old, can never become that, and would give up anything for such a role."
A new gleam appeared in Kopa's eyes. "Thanks Vitani. You're right. One day, I'll become the best hunter and fighter in the pride! Greater than the lionesses… even greater than a prodigy like you!" Though they both knew that the duty of hunting belonged solely to the lionesses, it was normal that a male lion be taught basic training, in case they would ever be own their own to fend for themselves.
Vitani crouched lower. "Oh, I wouldn't say that."
They continued to play-fight, as most lion cubs would. Kopa felt a new sense of awe towards himself. He was future king, and this was a duty placed upon his shoulders by the great kings of the past. He was the one born to Simba and Nala. Vitani was right; most would kill for a life like his.
Unfortunately, neither of them knew just how dead on they truly were.
Meanwhile, inside the den, a young lioness, the mother of young Vitani, gave birth to two more cubs; one of which did not survive birth, though the other was healthy and strong as he snuggled to his mother's belly. His fur was a mocha brown ball of fluff, but she knew he would grow into his pelt eventually. Simba approached her, gazing down at the two cubs. "I'm sorry for your loss, Zira, but be thankful that you have at least one." He smiled, as all lions and lionesses seem to do after the birth of cubs. "Have you chosen a name yet?"
Zira nodded. "He shall be known as Kovu."
Simba nodded, turning to leave.
"Wait, Simba?" Zira called as Simba turned back to her. "I'd… actually like to speak with you about something."
"Yes, what is it?"
A wild look took over Zira's features. "Please Simba… I know that your bloodline has run the pridelands for years, and no one has ever attempted to change that, er, except for Scar." At the mention of the deceased lion that she had secretly fallen for, her gaze directed itself towards the ground, but soon gazed back up into the eyes of Simba. "But why not... make Kovu the future king? Even just after his birth, he already has more natural strength than your son, and he-"
"No, Zira. I can't do that. You are not of the royal bloodline and, while your son may exceed in strength, it takes more than mere brawn to rule over the pridelands."
"But, Simba!" Zira's eyes now expressed utter obsession, a crazed look with desperation to avenge the death of her love. "Kovu is a true-"
"Enough of this, Zira!" Simba snarled, then added calmly. "Kopa is more than capable of becoming a great king. I am sorry, but Kovu will never rule these lands. You of all lions should know about stealing the throne."
Zira nodded slowly, her eyes narrowed. Once assuring herself that the King had left, she let out an echoing roar of sheer ferocity. How dare that fool deny her? Was there truly no way to heed the wishes of her deceased leader?
No… there was one way. Slowly, the gears in her head began to turn and unravel a plan greater than the great kings of the past themselves. If Simba couldn't give her what she desired, then she would just have to take matters into her own paws, wouldn't she? The rest of the day, she impatiently awaited nightfall.
Up atop Pride Rock, Simba sat with Zazu perched beside him, overlooking the pridelands and assuring himself that all would be well. The sun shone brightly, warming his pelt thouroughly. A gentle breeze blew his mane back, a pleasant sensation. All in all, a nice, relaxing day.
"Simba?" Nala's voice interrupted his enjoyment as she padded up to her mate, pressing her muzzle into his shoulder. "Zazu, could you give us some privacy for a moment?" The hornbill nodded, soaring across the open pridelands to search out any trouble.
Simba turned to his mate, smiling contently. He decided to keep his argument with Zira private for now.
Moments passed in silence, merely enjoying each other's presence. However, Nala's voice soon interrupted the peace. "Simba?"
She pressed her muzzle to her ear.
"I'm pregnant."
Simba did a double take, then nuzzled his mate lovingly. "That's great, Nala! We should probably wait until later to announce it, though. After all, it shouldn't be coming for a while yet, right?"
Nala nodded, letting out the soft sigh of a newly expectant mother.
"Hey, Vitani?" Kopa asked, walking around the pridelands with his best friend.
"Do you think you could show me how to hunt?"
Vitani looked slightly surprised, but soon replaced it with her trademark grin. "Sure. You're main problem is staying quiet. You get so wound up that the prey can hear your breathing and feel the beat of your heart. Just relax, stay cool, and breathe evenly. Like this."
"Come, Vitani!" called the voice of her mother, Zira.
"I gotta go, Kopa. Watch your back, I may come back at anytime and knock you down again!"
Kopa nodded, watching his friend leave. However, the young cub failed to notice the pure hatred that gleamed in the eyes of Vitani's mother.
"Vitani!" Zira growled once Kopa was out of sight. "What do you think you were doing?!"
Vitani was taken aback by her mother's irritated tone. Had she done something wrong? "Nothing, mother. I was merely playing with-"
"With the scum that is that pathetic excuse of a prince? I thought so."
"But, mother! He's not a-"
"You are forbidden to ever play with him- no, forbidden to ever speak to him ever again. Understood?!"
"No, mother!" Vitani narrowed her eyes. "I refuse to just ignore him!"
Zira's face was inches away from her daughter's face. "You will do as I say whether or not it is your wish. Go back to the den, Vitani."
Vitani's eyes swelled with tears and utter disbelief. "I hate you!" And, presently, she ran off in the direction of the den. She knew the severe punishment that already awaited her for talking back, and did not wish to receive any more for not listening.
Zira smirked, gazing up at the sky. Dusk had arrived, night not far behind. Time to put phase one of her master plan into action.
That night, Zira, assuring herself that everyone was asleep, snuck into the King's section of the den, careful not to wake the others, who all slept soundly. Stepping around the bodies of her sleeping pride, she anxiously searched around for the prince. She smirked as Kopa's slumbering body came into view. Gazing down at him, she noticed his frail body, weak muscles not even revealing themselves from beneath his veiling pelt. This wretch was no match for her young Kovu. Why was it, she wondered, that Simba actually believed that this pathetic ball of fur could ever suffice as a king? Her eyes gleamed, and her face depicted that of a crazed lioness, desperate to have her way. After all, if her way was denied, then why have any way at all? A smirk graced her features as she stared at this wimpy cub, unveiling from behind her lips long, hooked daggers that could only be her teeth.
Her claws unsheathed.
Author's Note: Oh, the undeniable suspense! I tried to stay in character, though I'm not entirely sure how well my attempt was. I've always thought of Vitani as being older than Kovu, so I hope that's satisfactory. I honestly don't know which is older! Hope to update ASAP!