Bender: Yayz! New fanfic to replace Let the Games Begin!
Amu: What's it about?
Bender: Ikuto gets hit by a semi and then his face looks like yours and his hair grows out.
Ikuto: -_-
Amu: So basically he turns into a girl?
Bender: Nope! He still! New topic! I feel emo today -_-
Amu: Why?
Bender: I don't know! I just kinda wish I was closer to my Dad...
Amu: Aw...sad! Ikuto Disclaimer so I can help Bender!
Ikuto: *sigh* Fine. Even though she pretty much turns me into a girl! Bendercat doesn't own Shugo Chara!
"Ikuto, do you not understand what happens when you cross Easter?" My step-father asked, looming over me menacinglly.
"Nope." I popped the p. "What could you do to make my life any worse?" Take my violin? I'd like to see him try! Bring back his "Death Rebel" plan? I'd just die this time! He has nothing.
"Just realize that you've been warned before, and now you will be punished."
Punished for what, you might ask? Punished for loving the enemy, Amu Hinamori. Who could blame me? She's the only one at my high school that didn't treat me like a god.
"Do your worst." I smirked and walked out the building with my violin slung over my shoulder.
"Where to now? My house? ...No. Too boring... The park? ...Maybe..." I muttered with my head down to keep a low profile.
I crossed the street with my head still down. Next thing I hear are brakes screeching and people yelling. I look up to find a pair of headlights a mere foot away from me. Then I was out cold.
I blinked my eyes open to a white room. An very white room. Am I dead?
"Oh! You're awake!"
I looked at where the voice was coming from to find an odd looking man staring at me.
"Where am I?" My voice cracked. I need water...
"You're at my clinic."
"" My last moments flooded into my brain. "Holy shit! I got hit by a semi!" I yelled and jumped up.
The doctor blushed and looked away. "U-uh...p-please put this around yourself." He said and threw a blanket at me.
"Why...?" I looked down and screamed, "Why the hell am I naked!?"
"You're clothes needed washing after the first week! And since you still weren't coming to I just put a blanket over you!"
"The...first...week!? How long have I been out!?"
"About a year."
I was still in shock and had just noticed that I could see my hair past my shoulders. I walked over to the mirror to see if anything else had changed.
"Do you like it?" The doctor grinned a goofy grin.
"WHY DO I LOOK LIKE AMU!?!?!?!?!?!?" I yelled at the top of my lungs.
"Well you were-"
I grabbed the guy by his shirt. "Change. Me. Back!" I growled.
"But I don't know what you looked like!"
"What happened to me in that accident?" I released him and asked myself.
"Your face was burned beyond recognition. That semi that hit you was carrying oil."
"Then why'd you make me look like this?!"
"I found the picture in your wallet. I thought it was a picture of you!"
I could feel a little anger mark appear on my cheek. "Who carries a picture of themself in their wallet!" Besides their I.D.! "Plus, I'm a guy!!!"
The doctor smirked. "So who was that a picture of? Your girlfriend?"
I could feel the tiniest bit of a blush on my cheeks. "No! ...Yes! ...No! And now I'm her freakin twin!!! Change me back!"
"I can't! Not unless you can get me a picture!"
"Fine!" I huffed and stomped over to the door.
"You know you're naked right!" The doctor called.
"Well what do you expect me to do!?"
"When you were sleeping I found out this looked really good on you!" He held up a black sundress and a black kitty hair clip.
I could feel the little anger mark coming back. "You used me to play dress up?" I growled. I grabbed the dress from him and went to the bathroom to change.
"I would suggest a padded bra! Otherwise you won't look like a teenage girl!"
"Fine!" I huffed and looked all around the bathroom. I found one in the medicine cabinet...I don't wanna know...
I walked out in the dress with my hair like Amu usually does it...Only dark blue...
"Um...mind telling me why you have a padded bra in your bathroom...?"
"I used you to "play dressup" remember?" He asked and actually did the finger quote thing.
"You're one seriously screwed up man, you know that?" I muttered and left the building.
Okay! I just gotta get someone in my family to give me a picture of me!
I walked up to my house and rang the doorbell.
...No answer.
I ring it again.
...Still no answer.
"Hey Miss!" I turned around to see our neighbor. "If you're looking for the Tsukiyomi's they moved."
I ran down to our neighbor Mr...Tamamota I think...
"M-moved!? What do you mean moved!?"
"I mean, ever since their son was announced dead they moved. They wanted to forget about him so the pain would stop."
"But I'm not-I mean he's not dead!"
The old man shrugged and walked back to his house.
I swore under my breath and glared at my old house. I can't believe they left me! I can believe my bastard stepdad would but not Utau! As much as I tell her to she never leaves!
Well...might as well check at the school. They might still have me on record.
I ran to the school-with people staring at me and mumbling things like "It's another cool and spicy!" ...What the fuck...
I reached the school and burst into the main office.
"Miss, why are you out of uniform?"
I completelly ignored the secretary. "I need a picture!"
If I just say Tsukiyomi Ikuto she'll think I'm one of his-my! I meant my!-fangirls! "My cousin Ikuto Tsukiyomi!"
"I'm sorry, may I ask why?"
"His parents moved and we can't find them anywhere! I just want a picture to remember him by!" Man I'm good at making stuff up...
"...I'll check."
"I'm sorry, your name please?"
"Hoshina...Tsuta." That makes sense...kinda. *Tsuta=Ivy...yeah unimportant A/N XD*
"Alright Miss Tsuta, go through those doors and ask the principle for any copies she might have."
"Thanks." I mumbled and ran through the doors.
"Hello. And you are?"
"Tsukiyomi Ikuto's cousin. Do you have any pictures of him?"
"I'm sorry, I don't believe I do. He skipped every picture day we've ever had."
I could feel doom overtake me. I'm gonna be a girl forever...
"Thanks anyway..." I muttered and walked out. Might as well go back to the clinic...I just hope I don't bump into Amu...
I was walking past the lockers, looking for my old one. I might have a picture of me in there...Don't ask...
"Uh, excuse me. You're in my way."
I turned around in utter terror. Please don't be her!
"Amu...?" I murmered.
Amu was staring at me in shock.
I'm screwed...
Bender: OMG! Cliffie! XD
Ikuto: You're just too lazy to finish
Bender: *ignores* Guess what!
Amu: What...?
Bender: I finally uploaded the final episode of my chat and someone said they want a season 2!
Ikuto: Sucks to be you XD
Amu: *ignores* So what are you going to do?
Bender: I don't know!
Ikuto: Am I seriously being ignored!?!?!?!?!?
Bender: Oh! And by the way! I was just joking about the Dad thing! *Rubs back of head nervously* Sorry
Amu: Oh well. R & R!
Ikuto: And tell them to stop ignoring me!